
Who Is The Greek Beast Cerberus The Protector Of Capitalism

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We live in a world controlled by an invisible yet very present force that shapes the way we live our daily lives. With industry as its host and technology as the blood being pumped into its heart, it is a force powerful enough to bend politics to fit its needs. Capitalism; a method of industry where production and distribution are privately or corporately owned, its operation grows through profits, exploitation of labor, and extinguishing competition. During the Industrial Revolution technology was on the global stage. Factories and machines are built in existing cities producing and distributing mass goods on a global scale. Over time this fast production of goods would replace the old agricultural economy to a modern urban economy. Today the revolution is praised for creating a global trade market while surging us into a world of technology. …show more content…

This is evident today in New York City, where gentrification is forcing homeowners and local businesses out of their spaces for incoming international buyers and corporations. Powerfully connected cities such as New York attract major industries because of their trade ports, financial services, etc. Dense cities seize this opportunity by using prime locations, newly renovated spaces, and increased rent to get the most bang for their buck. While invisible actors of major corporations continue to exploit labor and extinguish competition religiously for profit, technology embodies Cerberus; the protector of capitalism. The greek beast Cerberus is known for protecting the realm of Hades from intruders. In the similar sense technology is constantly being advanced and innovated to make production more efficient and cheap, protecting capitalist wealth from the middle/lower class. Democracy gives freedom and power to the people. But with eyes on every dollar bill and the power to bend political decisions, are we really

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