
Captains Of Industry

Decent Essays

The old saying you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet holds true for the captains of industry or the so-called robber barons. Although the captains of industry drove some people and businesses into the ground; ultimately the captains of industry made the United States and the rest of the world a better place. Granted, many of the captains of industry used questionable business practiced that drove their profits to unprecedented levels. In addition, these captains of industry had many government officials under their thumbs, which only increased their income further. However, these same men founded and donated to colleges and universities, one of these millionaires donated to black colleges, and others created libraries (Zinn 53). In …show more content…

According one a small oil refiner “if we did not sell out…we would be crushed out…there was only one buyer in the market and we had to sell at their terms”(Zinn 51). Businesses such as this one felt the misery brought about by the rise of large monopolies such as Standard Oil. While smaller companies fell, the monopolies grew into some of the most powerful companies on the planet (Gordon 60). Although the monopolies drove smaller companies out of business, they still helped the general public. Due to Standard Oil taking over the oil industry the prices of oil and petroleum based products declined over the last thirty years of the 19th century (Gordon 60). Falling prices on such an essential item meant that the standard of living would most likely increase the standard of living. This is supported by Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith’s book describes how everyone in the economy is working for himself or herself and this creates a push-pull effect that makes people better off in the long run (Wealth of Nations). Gordon pushed further to explain that these monopolies were trying to maximize their profits and one way to accomplish this was to lower prices. Lowering prices increased demand and increase output efficiency (Gordon 61). Therefore, while many small companies were pushed out of business, the captains of industry helped increase the general welfare of the American …show more content…

One such example is steel products. Before Andrew Carnegie helped bring the Bessemer process to the masses steel products were extremely expensive (Gordon 57). However, approximately thirty years after the Carnegie Steel Company started producing Bessemer steel in high volumes, Carnegie’s company steel output eclipsed the total output of Great Britain. This large supply of steel not only brought the prices of steel products down to a level where the general public could buy them, it also paved the way for several innovations that would benefit the American people (Gordon 57). As steel got cheaper, building skyscrapers became both physically possible and economically viable. Before the Carnegie Steel Company, steel was much too expensive to be used as a building material (Gordon 60). Skyscrapers with steel skeletons allowed buildings to be built higher than ever before, these taller buildings could increase the efficiency of cities by putting more people in the same plot of land. In addition to skyscrapers, steel also made its way onto railroads. Steel railroads were much stronger and more durable than wrought-iron rails, thus improving rail safety (Gordon 60). Large companies such as the Carnegie Steel Company helped bring formerly expensive goods to the masses. Their contributions improved cities and railroads; in addition, they brought the United States to a world power in

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