
Captivating Animal Commercial Essay

Decent Essays

Captivating Animal Commercial Everyone who has a huge heart for animals will emotionally be attached to this heart felt and inspiring ad to promote the shelter. This ad really tugs on the heart and makes the viewer to show emotion towards the subject. This is an amazing ad shows us just how cruel and unjust the animal rights are—others who have harmfully put their hands on animals will get what is coming to them, but is it justified for a shelter to kill hundreds of animals a day. The SPCA “Rescue the Animals” commercial combines shocking statistics about how many animals are put down daily, and promotes the no kill shelter with huge puppy dogs eyes, quilt, sad music, and displays the clean facility.
In the “Rescue the Animals Commercial, the marketing team used a black and white video shots to make the images on the commercial seem more intense and persuasive to the audience. Flashing all these cute and lonely animals begging you to come an adopt them. The directors also use a selection of music that was not upbeat and rather …show more content…

The visual elements that are use with in this commercial are the distance from camera to the animals, sad music, heartfelt pictures, and the orientation of the image and camera angle. The distance from the camera to the animals is very important because it makes the animal seem as if they are in reaching distance. The sad music lets the viewer understand the serious and heat felt situation, and allows them to empathize with the animals. The heartfelt pictures allows us as the audience to understand and relate to these animals—when you can relate to something it forces you to be more open minded. Lastly, the origination of the image and the camera angle are extremely effective in this ad. The camera is on an even view plain with all the animals and is trying to portray that they are equal to use and deserve the same amount of

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