
Carbon Naotubes Essay

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Carbon Nano is the future of construction and agricultural purposes. The Nano tubing is strong, versatile and durable. More people in the construction business will use carbon Nano tubing in buildings plumbing and other things. Inorganic nanotubes have also been synthesized. Nanotubes have a diameter close to 1 nanometer giving their name nanotubes. Some nanotubes are woven with one-atom-thick layer of graphite called graphene to the seamless cylinder. History of carbon nanotubes Carbon nanotubes was discovered in 1991 and it opened up in the new era in materials. These nanotubes have different properties such as magnetic, mechanical and electronic. It is at least one-hundred times stronger than steel but it is one …show more content…

They can range from one having one on the outside and one on the inside to having 100 walls or more. Currently, the most popular use of carbon nanotubes is for structural purposes. The light weight and the high strength allows it to be rebar to concrete. Also since the nanofibers can absorb heat better than copper so work is being done to extract power from the sun using carbon fibers. This Nano fiber can be an effective price cut. Applications Research from the University of Delaware have demonstrated an increase in energy density for capacitors with the use of carbon Nano tubing. Also researchers from North Carolina University have demonstrated that silicon coated carbon Nano tubing in anodes for Li-ion batteries. They are predicting that the use of silicon can increases the capacity of Li-ion batteries by up to ten times. Making of carbon One of the ways carbon Nano tubing is made is what called Chemical vapor deposition is and it’s the dominant method of producing high-volume carbon Nano tubing. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) typically uses fluidized bed reactors that enable uniform gas diffusion and heat transfer metal catalyst nanoparticles. The second process is the use low-cost feed shocks, yield increase, and reduction of energy consumption and waste products but the use of this method can influence carbon nanotubes properties and often require costly thermal annealing and/or chemical treatment for removal. Different Coatings

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