
Cardboard And Cups Experiment Essay

Decent Essays

Have you ever wanted to stand on something that is very very light without crushing it? Something you can’t stand because it is impossible. Here's an idea though how about taking cardboard and cups? Now, what can you do with these items? I know. How about you try to do the paper cup walk. It would be amazing if you could stand on dixie cups and just two pieces of cardboard with all your weight. The goal to do with this project is to not crush one dixie cup. Also you should try cutting out the bottom of the cups and see if you can stand on them without crushing one cup. Everyone does this experiment different that is why it is fun. Pressure is a physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it. When you stand …show more content…

Tension is the state of being stretched tight. For example if you have a piece of paper and you try to stretch it won’t this is called tension. If you cut out the bottom of a cup the tension is gone. If you try to replace the bottom of the paper cups with something else for example, sand you can also see that the sand replaces the bottom of the cups. The sand replaces the base to make it even stronger than it was before. The sand’s replacing the tension which causes the cups to stretch back out again and make this experiment a lot more interesting. Compression is the last thing going on here in this experiment. Compression is thrust, load, stress, compressing, squeezing, crushing, weight, and heaviness. Take the paper again and after you’ve used tension with it let's use compression. If you crush the paper into a ball. This is compression. Now compression is similar to pressure in this project actually, pressure causes compression but they are a little bit different. Take another example an air compressor. The machine inside is compressing and compressing because it is trapped. When you cut out the bottoms of the cups you see that the cups fall and you do too this is compression in this experiment. You can compress almost anything in the

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