As we prepare to enter high school, students choose their classes in alignment with their dream jobs. The process can be tough, as many variables involved with careers will change by the time we are prepared to enter our fields, and college is a more complicated step in between. In order to best navigate the storm of career preparation, it is wisest to base our decisions on our skills and interests rather than the appeal of a “cool” job. Through the College Foundation of North Carolina, we can navigate through every step of the process based on scientific data through surveys. This report explores my personal recommendations as I go through the CFNC process.
Survey Results
To begin the project, CFNC offers a Career Cluster Survey, which takes basic skills and interests that you submit and suggests a few fields of the sixteen it offers that it deems you should be most successful in. In order to ensure accurate results, I also took a similar survey on paper. These surveys are important to plan a career because they narrow down possible options, allowing you to focus more on those instead of trying to compare all fields. Through both Career Cluster surveys, the Architecture and Construction Cluster ranks highest among my skills and interests. This
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According to their website, resident tuition is only $4,529 per semester, which is comfortable compared Wake Forest University, which also matched my requirements but costs $50,524 per semester. My parents have added to my college fund for years, so I could potentially graduate without debt if I am able to earn a scholarship. This will put less stress on my family and allow me to build on my degree sooner. My parents and I have also discussed going to college as part of our preparation, and they are fully supportive of me doing so. In fact, they had suggested NC State years before CFNC
The Health Science Career Cluster consists of five pathways: Therapeutic Services, Supportive Services, Diagnostic Services, Information and Communication Services, and Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Services. The career that has been assigned to me is Dentists-General. While there are dozens of jobs available in this cluster, they all have a few similarities. When there is such a large variety of jobs in one category, you do not expect there to be similarities, but there is a big one, they make a direct impact one people's lives on a daily basis. From nursing aids to dental hygienists, these people save and improve the lives of those they treat and tend to.
In this report I hope to successfully talk about the results I received from surveys I have taken online and on paper. I would also like to talk about the career I believe is best fitted for me and what classes and activities I must complete in order to be able to do the career I’m doing this report on. I hope that I as well as anyone that reads this learns more about the career I chose and that they become as interested in it as I am.
A big concern in todays’ world for graduating college students is being able to find a job right out of school. More times than not, there are many problems that occur when a student chooses a specific career path. In the short exert “Why Focusing Too Narrowly In College Could Backfire”, written by Peter Cappelli, he discusses in his opinion, as well as many others, the right path students should be taking. The lead way students should be following to secure they get a job in a field they will enjoy. Many students have trouble picking a college to go to let alone what major they want to focus on. Students are told to pick a major and start taking the classes for it as soon as possible without realizing they might not even enjoy that field of work. There are many struggles in college with picking the correct classes and
My career clusters was performing arts and I chose the career named, Music Director/Composer. Directors lead orchestras, choirs, groups, and bands while composers make music or arrange other piece in a variety of music styles. Directors ensure that the musicians play with one concert sound, balancing the melody, tuning, rhythm, and dynamic. They give feedback to the musicians or section leaders so that they can achieve the sound and style they want in the music. The work environment for directors work in religious organizations, and schools with music programs. They also spend a lot of time traveling around to and places. Composers work in offices, recording studios, or their own home. Similar occupations of this career are actors, dancer and choreographers, high, middle, and elementary school teachers, musicians and singers, producers and directors, and writers and authors. The job outlook is growing by 3% which is
Based on my survey results I have learned that I want to have a career where I work with technology. The survey was important because it pointed out the direction that I am headed in. It also tells me that some of my strengths are working with technology involving math and science. It also points out to me some of my weaknesses that I need to work on like interpreting, reading, and following directions and figuring out what the directions are asking for. The top career that the survey picked for me was Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. In this career, I would be planning and managing scientific research. The second career choice that the survey picked for me was Information Technology. In this career, I would be designing and developing softwares and hardware. I agree with the results of the survey because even though I have several strengths I still have things I could get better at. I also agree with the survey because the top careers that the survey picked for me were the career clusters that I thought I would get in the beginning.
How I came to choose which career path better suites me is through figuring out which of the daily tasks and environments I would like to pursue as a career. Each job is particularly
In the article The Most Powerful Career Advice That Every College Student Needs To Know, Amber Stanley gives several quotes with advice for students during their college years. She quotes well known figures like Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill; while also giving new names and points of view. Stanley provides insight on what life in college might be from her own personal experience in college. She choose to write this article because she noticed that a lot of people go out of college and agree to the first job they are offered. Stanley noticed that people were forgetting their career goals and instead focusing on just surviving and getting money.
Little kids everywhere have imagined what they will become as they grow up; a doctor, a musician, a teacher. As an eighth grader, I’ve been given the opportunity to look in-depth at what careers I should consider. Through surveys I’ve learned about my more prominent skills, which has led me to the discovery of paths I should take as I draw closer to high school. As I continue to see my results and take a deeper look at my possible plan for the future, I hope to learn more about myself, discovering a career choice I haven’t considered before, and end up with a better understanding of who I want to be.
The Government and Public Administration Career Cluster consists of four Pathways: Planning, Revenue and Taxation, Governance, Regulation, National Security, and Foreign Service. The career that has been assigned to me is Municipal Clerk. While there are more than 50 different careers in this job cluster, they all have a few similarities. When there is such a spectrum of jobs available in this cluster, you would not expect there to be similarities, but there is one huge one, they impact society's lives by making our ways of life possible. Whether it be a city planner, or even a governor, government jobs help society prosper and function by meeting our challenges and problems.
Because of this circumstance, I have decided to utilize my college experience as an opportunity to learn more about myself and what I love. Many youth feel as if they need to plan their lives out ahead of time and that they should know what career to pursue by the time they graduate; being lost and confused about the future, however, is not only limited to our teens. For this reason, I wish to encourage my peers to treat their college experience the same way. Finding out what we are passionate about and pursuing it is important not only because it allows us to avoid ennui, but also because it is a powerful motivator that helps people grow and reach new
Tuition is the primary factor in community college expenses with an average cost of $1,824 per year in NC compared to the $8,898 required to attend UNC Chapel Hill(“Cost of Attendance”;”Craven Community College”). While attending the Community College I will continue to live with my parents; therefore, will not have to pay room and board fees. The room and board costs of $11,556 at UNC Chapel Hill is outrageous; especially when compared to $0 while attending the CC(“Cost of Attendance”;”Craven Community College”). Another great advantage of remaining at home will be my ability to continue working my job. This job affords me a flexible work schedule and pays well.
Career maps are centered around what a person needs to accomplish for their future career. Career maps provide specific goals and skills needed for a person’s major and future profession. The career map includes: goals for a person while in the Belk College of Business, courses required to graduate in a specific major, universal skills for needed for business, and universal skills needed for a person’s specific major.
Around the end of my sophomore year, I see myself narrowing down a career choice. After taking many different courses during previous years here at Bryant, I see that I finally figure out my purpose and I am confident with my specific decision. As this realization hits, I see myself getting into and working hard in graduate school in order to further my studies before entering the work force.
Finding a specific career path can not only be difficult, but it can also induce bouts of anxiety, anger, and sadness over a crucial part of an individual’s life. Settling on a career can be unnerving when thinking about the fact that this is the career that you spend thousands of dollars on in college, that this is the career you will work in until you retire. With this course, I’ve found that it has been easier to narrow down a goal towards finding a career. Through career assessments, different assignments and discussions, I have realized what my barriers and strengths are. Overcoming these and improving these skills or applying them to an actual career assisted me in narrowing my goal as well. I am now able to clearly see the advantages and disadvantages of my career goal and to think clearer about the next steps that I will take after this course.
In the website, there are multiple surveys you can take to get a better feel for what type of career you might like. During the Career Cluster Survey I honestly had a few difficult decisions. There are tons of questions so you know your results should be accurate. At the end of your survey you will be shown a poll with your results. Out of my results, my top three were Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Information Technology, and Business Management and Administration. The career I probably should not go for would consist of Transportation, Distribution and Logistics. With my results I plan to be a Computer Programmer.