
Career Cluster Survey Report

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As we prepare to enter high school, students choose their classes in alignment with their dream jobs. The process can be tough, as many variables involved with careers will change by the time we are prepared to enter our fields, and college is a more complicated step in between. In order to best navigate the storm of career preparation, it is wisest to base our decisions on our skills and interests rather than the appeal of a “cool” job. Through the College Foundation of North Carolina, we can navigate through every step of the process based on scientific data through surveys. This report explores my personal recommendations as I go through the CFNC process.

Survey Results

To begin the project, CFNC offers a Career Cluster Survey, which takes basic skills and interests that you submit and suggests a few fields of the sixteen it offers that it deems you should be most successful in. In order to ensure accurate results, I also took a similar survey on paper. These surveys are important to plan a career because they narrow down possible options, allowing you to focus more on those instead of trying to compare all fields. Through both Career Cluster surveys, the Architecture and Construction Cluster ranks highest among my skills and interests. This …show more content…

According to their website, resident tuition is only $4,529 per semester, which is comfortable compared Wake Forest University, which also matched my requirements but costs $50,524 per semester. My parents have added to my college fund for years, so I could potentially graduate without debt if I am able to earn a scholarship. This will put less stress on my family and allow me to build on my degree sooner. My parents and I have also discussed going to college as part of our preparation, and they are fully supportive of me doing so. In fact, they had suggested NC State years before CFNC

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