
Career Essay: A Career As A Dental

Satisfactory Essays

Ever wonder why your teeth are bad or good? I do because i’m there a lot, because I have very little enamel on my teeth. Enamel is the thing that protects your teeth. It is not something I did or something I did not do, I was just born without it. 1 in 14,000 people in the U.S carry some form of tooth enamel I have been just the 1 out 14,000 who got it.

To become a Dental specialist, there are certain job tasks, special skills and talents as well as a higher education. For a dental specialist, you have to have some skills like: enjoy helping people, good hand-eye coordination, ability to follow spoken instructions and detailed procedures, standing for a long period of time, and an interest in chemistry and biology. Some of the duties are ordering supplies for the dentists, checking in on the patients, and helping assist the dentist. For this job you have to have 0-2 years of experience, and an associate degree from an accredited program. This job is also in the army, where you would need to take 10 weeks of combat training and 8 …show more content…

The income is about $27,00 to 40,000 a year to some people that is not that much, but to me that a lot more than my family gets. If you don’t want to become a dental specialist, there are jobs that are related to a dental specialist like: dental hygienists, dental laboratory technicians, and dental assistant. Some of the reasons I want to become a dental specialist is because I have no enamel on my teeth. Enamel is what protects your teeth from getting holes in your teeth. Since, i’m there all the time I know what a lot of the tools are and what they are used for. For my conclusion, I would like to say that this job is not for everyone, but if you like teeth or our like me that is there all the time then you should definitely look into this

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