1. Vocational (career)
a. Identity Moratorium
i. I am very passionate about Social Work; however, I am not exactly sure what field I want to go into, so this is the portion that would be considered vaguely defined.
2. Political
a. Identity foreclosure
i. I am democratic, like my parents, but I have not attempted to learn information about the other parties to determine whether another is more compatible with my beliefs.
3. Religion
a. Identity diffusion
i. I do not have a commitment to any specific religion. I have my own personal religious beliefs, but I do not fit into specific category and do not feel like I need to decide on one.
4. Relationship
a. Identity achievement
i. I am currently in a four-year relationship and I am very committed to it. I have had other multiple serious relationships; however, they did not work out. This one is the most successful and is headed down a great path.
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a. Identity achievement
i. I have undergone a few distractions along the way, but I did not let it deter me and I am motivated to get my degree.
6. Sexual
a. Identity foreclosure
i. I have made a commitment about my sexuality, however I have not experienced a crisis either.
7. Gender
a. Identity foreclosure
i. I feel as if I am very comfortable in my body and committed to being a woman, but I also have never though about or tried to do anything other than that.
After reading Alan Keith-Lucas’s book, “So You Want to Be a Social Worker,” I felt like I had found a lot of timeless truths. I say that because whenever I read it, I pictured being in a black and white movie listening to an old man talk about societal behaviors that still hold true today. The first two chapters discussed a lot about our beliefs and what those are, along with the common ground we share with non-Christians. Then the book goes on to discuss how we can use our beliefs to understand the nature of human beings. One of my favorite things he says is, “He or she doesn’t see people as “naturally good” or “naturally bad,” but as fallible creatures, who by the grace of God, are able sometimes to transcend themselves” (Keith-Lucas, 1985, p. 11). Keith-Lucas also mentions that social work and the Bible can connect to an extent that is useful to us. One way he mentions the two connecting is when he talks about love being the answer. In the second portion of the book there are a lot more Christian views applied to the social work realm of things, which include the views of sin, suffering, and the difference between spiritual and material needs. When discussing sin, Keith-Lucas added a lot of context to how the church use to view sin in two categories of “hot-blooded” and “cold-blooded,” which I thought was really interesting. I never knew the church use to have real categories for sin. And the sections about suffering and witnessing to others
Social work is a career that finds and chooses you, rather than you selecting it. Social work has always been an immense portion of my life even when I had no recollection of what social work entailed. My life revolved around so many situations that had a social worker stepped in, my life would be totally different than it is today. Many individuals and agencies lack the compassion and empathy for oppressed people. Having been in many circumstances, has given me the experience and background that influenced me to go into social work, as well as the understanding of my role and responsibilities that I will assume as a professional social worker, and my reasons for selecting the program at ASU School of Social Work and thoughts on how the Mission Statement addresses my career goals.
There is a Historical list of reasons why I am a Democrat. The Democratic Party believes in a healthy administration, the elevation of the community and social responsibility. It is very same the party that took a stand for the jobs & economy, gay rights, civil rights, health care, Social Security, unions, and women's rights. The Democratic Party also home to the most iconic and influential presidents that would forever leave their mark on American history such as Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Day by day the Democratic Party fights in House and in U.S. Senate to push forward important reforms that are often in the face of Republican rejection. Through the years the American people have turned to Democrats to
I have a strong desire to achieve and make significant accomplishments in this life, and a stimulation and ambition that keep on pushing me to achieve. This causes me to endeavor to make something of my life so that it becomes worthwhile, and ensure that every day of it is used to the maximum. In short, I understand achievement to mean the drive to optimize and maximize my life so that when I die, I can look back and with a feeling of contentment that I have used my life to make a significant contribution. I obtained two Bachelor degrees in five years and I have been thinking about my master's degree ever since. Now that I am currently in the master's program at Maryville and working more that full-time hours, achievement drives me to maximize and
Personally I feel as though most of my political views align with the Democratic Party platform more so than the Republican Party platform. However I think that both sides have points that I very
I would consider myself neither a Democrat nor a Republican. When I first began to vote, I voted Republican. My father was a republican and had instilled his thoughts and beliefs in his children. As I have grown older I feel that the Republican Party has gotten away from who they used to be and has become a party more for the rich and ultra-religious. My first time voting democrat was for the 2008 presidential election of former president Barack Obama. I listened and watched as he campaigned about the changes that he would bring if he was elected. With parents and in-laws that were growing older I wanted his health care reform to bring more affordability to their medical care. Obama did try to pass health care reform, but failed to pass something
Discuss your identity as a professional social worker. How have you worked to recognize and manage your own personal biases and values to practice ethical social work in service of a client/client system’s interests?
There are certain guidelines, expectations and ethical codes to be adhered to in all disciplines in the healthcare system and social work is of no exception to this. The following piece shall explain how the social work discipline requires from its members, that they obtain a professional identity and assimilate this identity not only into their work life but also into an extensive amount of their private life as well. Clients and/or patients have to place an enormous quantity of trust, reliance and dependence into the integrity of the professionals in these fields of practise. The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) Code of Ethics, (2010). Informs: “The social work profession values honesty, transparency, reliability, empathy, reflective self-awareness, discernment, competence and commitment”. Also: “Members of the social work profession apply knowledge and skills in ways that prioritise the needs of others over their own personal gain”. (Australian Association of Social Workers, 2010). To be indicted of ‘unprofessional’ conduct is a formidable disgracing mechanism and being branded as ‘unprofessional’ would be probably the worst label that could be affixed to a social worker. This would also of the highest probability end in the practitioner being dismissed from duties, if found to be guilty of the offence of ‘professional misconduct’, and then eventually fully, disgracefully discharged. This would also be a
Starting from being a certified nursing assistant, to becoming a unit secretary for a hospital that specialize in wound care, I have always known that I wanted to help individuals in need. However, I noticed that I was not happy with helping individuals in medical need. It wasn’t until I decided to continue my education that I introduced to the world of social work. Going up with a single mother that suffered from drug abuse, my family depended on social services for a lot of assistance, from everything such as food stamps to family counseling. This life experience helped guide my thoughts on pursuing social work as a career. I know that I want to help individuals that are down on their luck, but I want to take it one step farther, by providing individual counseling to adults that may need more one on one time, than what is normally given from a social service agency. Counseling will also give me a chance to do what I love most and that is to talk and get to know the individuals that I am helping make like changing decisions. Working as a clinical social work has my interest because it does not put limits on what I can do or who I can help, and it will set me up for my future goal of becoming a licensed clinical social worker. Being my own boss and changing my community is my dream job, opportunity and goal. I am currently on my way with changing my community and living my dream, because I am currently working for a non-profit
I am interested in school social work. My biggest goal is to work and help neglected children. When volunteering at Bessemer Elementary I got to see a school social worker in action. Making sure the children weren’t being abused, making sure that a child had the necessary needs to grow, and be successful in, and outside of school. This field has always interesting to me because when I was younger I had a family social worker. She came to visit my brothers and I after my father passed when it became hard for my mother to take care of all five of us. Every time she came she had a big smile on her face, and she gave my mother hope that everything would be okay; which is what I want to help someone else with.
I chose social working as my career because many other people go through tough situations and have a difficult time talking to relatives or friends to help them through a tough situation. I thought of becoming a social worker so I can have the ability to change the lives of others. Social work is one of those careers you can truly make a difference in people’s lives. I want to become a social worker because life isn’t about just helping yourself it’s about helping others as well, which is what social workers do for a living. Child and family social workers protect children and families in need of assistance. Many families and children don’t feel comfortable talking to just anyone about obstacles they have faced in their lives which is why
My vision of the social work field is being able to help people in need and being the person that people can look back on and remember as a huge help in time of need. I think my core values and beliefs will help me be an effective social worker and help me succeed in this field. It is in my belief that a person should never be knocked down when they are going through hardships, and rather empowering them. I also believe that not everyone could be a social worker because it takes a certain kind of empathetic and self-aware person. I truly believe that my upbringing has humbled me to understand and not be judgmental of people’s issues since I’ve seen a lot in my short twenty-one years.
Social Work is a field of interest to me because of the positive effort it contributes to society. Within the social work profession individuals are striving to improve the welfare of those in need of assistance. Social Workers assist a variety of individuals; from children, young adolescents, older adults, mentally ill, substance abuse individuals, and many other minorities; as in LGBT members, veterans, homeless people, and low socioeconomic status individuals. The broad mix population fascinates me because within this field one will always be able to work in a flexible environment. Social Work is used in multiple settings as in hospitals, nursing skilled homes, mental health and substance abuse clinics, schools, correctional facilities, community centers, child welfare agencies, employee assistance programs, and private practices.
A social worker has a very important job. Social workers help children and families in need of food, homes, and health care. They help children have a brighter future. There are many different types of social work. There are mental health, child and family, elementary, and high school social workers.
The decision to pursue my education in social work at Dalhousie University was not an easy one. While I was growing up, my career choice changed all of them time, but I always knew that I wanted to do something fulfilling, in which I could “help” and support people. My mom was a nurse and always loved helping people; I always figured I would follow in her footsteps, however I learned at an early age that sciences do not come easy to me. Unfortunately, my mom lost her battle to breast cancer when I was eight years old, so I hope that by me helping people socially, rather than medically like she did, will continue her legacy.