
Career Objective Research Paper

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My career objective is to instill self-advocacy skills for youth in order for them recognize that although there are many difficulties in life, there are just as many solutions if you are willing to work for it. I want to continue working within a school as part of a team to encourage and support the development of all adolescents. My long standing life objective(s) is to slow down, help others, and let go of my need for perfection! I am a quick learner and I like to do things “right” so that the result is “perfect”. I am learning that my strengths and weakness are interchangeable. While it is good to be a quick learner, it may not be if I get frustrated with others who do not learn as fast as me. Every day I ask the God of my understanding …show more content…

I moved to Alaska for the position and the experience of teaching job skills to disadvantaged youth. We built and maintained hiking trails, and restored historic sites in small communities. From there I moved to Tucson to complete 1500 hours of National Service as an AmeriCorps member at what was then known as The Volunteer Center of Southern Arizona. I was once again able to work with disadvantaged youth teaching them job skills in the community. I have traveled numerous times in the last five years to Denver, Colorado to visit family and volunteer with them in the local food bank. The task was to prepare and serve food to the homeless population. I currently volunteer one weekend per month for the Red Cross of Southern Arizona Disaster Action Team (DAT), I am on DAT Team One. Our main duty is to respond to disaster scenes in Pima County to meet the needs of those affected by …show more content…

I knew within my first year of teaching that I needed/wanted to do more to help the students outside of the classroom. I am also a newlywed who became a mother through this marriage. I brought up the idea going back to school with my new family and my husband’s first question was “How are we going to pay for it?” I did not have an answer for that. I began to research how much money we would have to borrow and before long I became discouraged. My husband and I already struggle to pay bills. I decided it was too expensive to go back to school and I did not want to start our family life buried in more school debt. I explained to my family that I would just continue to teach and maybe one day we could afford for me to go back to school. One night, after grading papers, my husband said to me “Go back to school! I know it will make you happy in the long run. We don't have to buy a house or a new car or even go on big vacations. We can live in a shack, with an old car and take “staycations” (vacation in Arizona). As long as you are happy, we will figure it out”. I was filled with gratitude. At that moment my step-son said something that made me both extremely proud and sad at the same time. He said, “It’s okay if we can never go anywhere, as long as you are happy”. I never want my happiness to come from my family so we decided that I would go back to school part-time while still working full time. .

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