My career objective is to instill self-advocacy skills for youth in order for them recognize that although there are many difficulties in life, there are just as many solutions if you are willing to work for it. I want to continue working within a school as part of a team to encourage and support the development of all adolescents. My long standing life objective(s) is to slow down, help others, and let go of my need for perfection! I am a quick learner and I like to do things “right” so that the result is “perfect”. I am learning that my strengths and weakness are interchangeable. While it is good to be a quick learner, it may not be if I get frustrated with others who do not learn as fast as me. Every day I ask the God of my understanding …show more content…
I moved to Alaska for the position and the experience of teaching job skills to disadvantaged youth. We built and maintained hiking trails, and restored historic sites in small communities. From there I moved to Tucson to complete 1500 hours of National Service as an AmeriCorps member at what was then known as The Volunteer Center of Southern Arizona. I was once again able to work with disadvantaged youth teaching them job skills in the community. I have traveled numerous times in the last five years to Denver, Colorado to visit family and volunteer with them in the local food bank. The task was to prepare and serve food to the homeless population. I currently volunteer one weekend per month for the Red Cross of Southern Arizona Disaster Action Team (DAT), I am on DAT Team One. Our main duty is to respond to disaster scenes in Pima County to meet the needs of those affected by …show more content…
I knew within my first year of teaching that I needed/wanted to do more to help the students outside of the classroom. I am also a newlywed who became a mother through this marriage. I brought up the idea going back to school with my new family and my husband’s first question was “How are we going to pay for it?” I did not have an answer for that. I began to research how much money we would have to borrow and before long I became discouraged. My husband and I already struggle to pay bills. I decided it was too expensive to go back to school and I did not want to start our family life buried in more school debt. I explained to my family that I would just continue to teach and maybe one day we could afford for me to go back to school. One night, after grading papers, my husband said to me “Go back to school! I know it will make you happy in the long run. We don't have to buy a house or a new car or even go on big vacations. We can live in a shack, with an old car and take “staycations” (vacation in Arizona). As long as you are happy, we will figure it out”. I was filled with gratitude. At that moment my step-son said something that made me both extremely proud and sad at the same time. He said, “It’s okay if we can never go anywhere, as long as you are happy”. I never want my happiness to come from my family so we decided that I would go back to school part-time while still working full time. .
The career I chose to undertake as my profession is that of a mechanical engineer. Why do I want to become a mechanical engineer? Well, for starters, I would be able to design, build and possibly repair many various machines and other technologies that are complex. These technologies can range from being already in use on a global scale to new, futuristic designs that are highly technical. Also, this career includes being a sort of jack-of-all-trades, where I would possess knowledge in mathematics, physics, etc. Finally, this career offers me the chance to expand outside my immediate area since mechanical engineers are well desired around the globe as well.
Do you remember a time when you were young, maybe around first grade? The teacher asked everyone what they wanted to be when they grow up. Some children said they wanted to be doctors or firefighters or even an astronaut. I said I wanted to help others learn; I wanted to be a teacher. Going into my journey of senior year, my life has changed; however, my career path has not. I want to help children learn, to become the best they can be. Children, in my opinion, are the greatest assets that are in this world. In the teaching/education class offered by Four Rivers Career Options, I will understand more to be prepared with what will be expected in this career choice. After completing the experience of Four Rivers I will attend college and be ready to teach elementary kids. This will be the start of my career path.
While going through the process of the P.A.C.E. brainstorm I have learned more about what my strong suits are as well as what I need to work more on. The brainstorm process did not really guide me to any specific field because I already had a pretty good clue about what I wanted to do, but it did help confirm that I would fit in the field I want to go into. The field that I am interested in is engineering because I am a good problem solver and I enjoy finding out how things work. My ideal career goal is to become a mechanical engineer but if I end up switching to a different kind of engineering I would not be too surprised. Mechanical engineering interests me because I am good with numbers, good at solving problems, and enjoy learning how things work. One experience that I have had that has had a major influence on my career choice is a summer camp that I went to two summers ago where I went to KU for an engineering camp and I chose mechanical engineering to learn about. That experience has impacted me in a huge way and is
Within society, there are many occupations to explore and chose. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) results showed that my personal career strengths fall under the area of teaching and counseling. Currently, as a school counselor for a high school in Duncanville, Texas, a suburb outside of Dallas, I find the results of the assessment to be very accurate. Making the decision to become a counselor is a rewarding and exciting career choice. In the world of counsling, there are many individuals who place emphasis on not just basic implications, but also on theoretical studies that usually are a part of
The right career path begins with the right college, and the right college should take me to the right path. I always wondered what I was going to do with my life ever since I was 12 years old. When I turned 14 I wanted to become a video game designer but then I looked into it and learned how much I hated it, how much it wasn’t like playing video games. So as I always told myself “if it isn’t right for you then go with the next thing in life you enjoy.”. So that’s when I started my journey of life mentally, looking to the right career for success. It is important to understand the education or training requirements, skills or talents needed, salary and benefits offered, and the duties for a particular career when making the decision.
Choosing to go back to school? If so it may help you to better understand the resources that you have at your disposal before you start your college career, or even resuming your college career. There are many resources that are available to you through your school and your community. You just have to know where to look, this paper will cover some of the many resources that your school and financial can offer. I hope it is of some help.
In my career research report, I am going to be trying to accomplish some of my goals. I feel like it’s time to start planning for my future and what I want to do with it, so a main goal is to find a suitable career for me. I have already seen some amazing career opportunities for me to think about. Though I really hope I can get at least an A on my research paper and make sure I enjoy the whole process of doing this project.
I never thought anything like this would happen. How could it happen?Why did it have to be my best friend. I just didn’t understand or get why it was happening because there had never been any signs of it. Why cancer?
A position in my career of interest would make me consider accepting a job offer. The occupation must offer the ability to use the skills and knowledge I have learned through schooling and practice. A position where I would not be able to use my skills and knowledge would be a waste and not be helpful in the long run. Getting experience in my career of interest can improve my knowledge and skills, which could potentially make me a better candidate for better position or job. Furthermore, experience is what other jobs look for, which could be helpful in the future, when I am looking for advancement.
There are several ways to start looking at colleges, one is by a way of research. Deciding what college career to do after high school can be difficult because of schedules and working, which is very time consuming. While doing all this, there is still the problem of determining the future of our careers. During the high school journey, trying to figure out your life before that wonderful graduation day, and, trying to be an adult can cause more stress in life. This research has been very helpful for this year and for the future.
“I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile” (Walter Chrysler). Deciding on what one wants to be in life can prove to be a demanding task. There are so many, yet limited, different opportunities in the world to have an excellent career and make a decent living while doing something one loves. It is limited because there are only a few specific career paths that someone could take to make good money. It is very difficult to make a fulfilling living being a garbage man. There are many different opportunities because, within these specific careers, there are usually various paths to take. Someone who has dreams to be a
I have been working on my academic career for many years now. I am currently in my third year of community college, and have come across multiple teachers who have helped and inspired me in many ways. A teacher not only teaches the content of their course, but life skills as well. They are kind, caring, considerate, and understanding of their students. A teacher who goes above and beyond for their students is one that will make a difference. One teacher who I believe has made all the difference to me, was my accounting professor.
Introduction- For my research paper I hope to see some amazing opportunities for me that way I can start looking at the perfect college for me to go to and maybe start saving up for it. I hope to accomplish these goals in life so that way I could be successful in life and hopefully be a big influence on some people.
Throughout my life, I always wondered what my profession would be when I grew up. My first choice was to be a nurse because I love to help people and make sure that they are well taken care of. When I reached high school, my thoughts about nursing tapered off because other careers interested me even more, such as becoming a lawyer. As I began researching more and more about lawyers, I talked to my work based learning teacher at school, and she recommended a part time job at a law firm. I began calling around, and entering my senior year of high school, I received my first job at a law firm. The first days of working at the law firm, I was extremely excited because I thought that I would be one step closer to reaching my goals as an attorney. I had the privilege of seeing what the attorneys did throughout the day, however as my experience in the firm progressed, my interest in becoming an attorney dwindled. I then realized I was back to square one and was extremely discouraged, because I did not know what I wanted to do with my life.
I want to be a nurse practitioner when I grow up. A nurse practitioner ,or commonly known as NP, can treat and diagnose illnesses and can also conduct lab tests.(“Welcome to Top Master’s In Healthcare Administration”)