A career path that I show interest in is with Criminology, something that deals with criminals and the things they do. Another Career Path that I show interesting is homicide detective, again I like stuff like that so I would really like to study that and practice it. Other than criminology I don’t think there is another career field or study that interests me. I did have an interest in the medical field, but again my attention always goes back to criminology.
The career field that I chose is Law-Criminology, within this field I have narrowed it down to two careers. Criminal Defense Attorney and Homicide Detective; These two careers falls under the career field that interests me the most. The first career is the Criminal Defense Attorney,
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When you choose to be a homicide detective you're choosing to interview possible suspects and witnesses go to the crime to scene to get forensic evidence to sople the crime. For your first step of becoming a homicide detective you must first become a police office for at least 3 years, which becoming a police officer requires a high school diploma. During those three years you need to be doing outstanding work and making sure your commanding officer can vouch for you when the time comes for a promotion in that department opens up. When the position o;pens up in the homicide detective part of the agency you’ll then first take a competitive exam. Once passing that you’ll get the choice to either become a commanding officer who controls other officers or become a homicide detective. Now that you have achieved the position you want you can start working up the ladder for you to become a higher rank as time goes on, but now that you're in the homicide part of the police agency getting higher ranks requires you to either get an associates degree or a bachelor's degree depending on what position you're looking at wanting to get. After going to school to get the [proper degree that is fit for the job you're applying for or are up to getting you will tha get the degre, get the job and then
Humans tend to perceive courage as an end result; a title to win, a crown to wear, a pompous stand for justice in the fear of opposition, to be commemorated through history. Legacy, so often overshadowed, is seen as a repercussion; an impossible standard set upon impossible odds, achievable only by those given the chance. Against all likelihood, former Los Angeles City Councilman Tom Bradley became the first African-American mayor to be elected in a major U.S. city "with an overwhelmingly white population" (Hendra 2014). Bradley's tenure as mayor of Los Angeles for twenty years completely modified the seemingly concrete racial standards of contemporary politics, however, it was in his ascent
The Accountable Care Collaborative is Health First Colorado’s program that is the primary resource to provide enhanced coordinated care. The three primary goals of the ACC program are to better health, improve the experience of both the providers and the ACC members, and to contain costs. The ACC connects primary care medical providers (PCMPs), the statewide data and analytics contractor (SDAC) and the Regional Care Collaborative Organizations
On my Nebraska Career Cluster Assignment, It shows me that my number one interest would be Diagnostic Services, and Therapeutic Services. Although, Forensic Science Technician was not on my top ten interest. The reason why I chose Forensic is because I want to help the victims families and help bring closure to the families.
I would like to be a Forensic Science Technician, simply because I find this kind of stuff interesting. A Forensic Science Technician does many things. Four things they do are run ballistics tests on guns to find the one used in a bank robbery; collect evidence from a crime scene to help understand the chain of events; match DNA samples to reunite a long lost child to his/her family; and solve a crime by matching fingerprints at the crime scene to a suspect. One of the top reasons I would join this career is because I want to be able to solve a crime if someone needs help. The second top reason I would join this career is because I watched CSI all the time before I got too busy with school, but I still watch
As we started to explore different careers in Criminal Justice, what questions came to mind either about the area you are interested in or different areas?
My chosen career field is in public service. Precisely a career in firefighting. I believe firefighting is a great career choice as I enjoy the work that it involves, and there is a demand that will never stop for firefighters, as fire will always be around forever. The fire department offers a large variety of services to the public. Some of the major tasks that are performed in the fire service range from providing medical care as an Emergency Medical Technician, Entering a burning structure to search for any trapped occupants, suppressing the fire from the exterior or interior, removing a victim that is trapped inside a vehicle involved in an accident, cutting up a tree that fell over the roadway, to helping the elderly up into bed
The career that I have chosen to do my research on is a criminal investigator. A criminal investigators task can vary on the location or the crime that has been committed. However, the most common things that a CI has to do is look for clues so the police can catch the criminal who has committed the crime. Some of the responsibilities that a CI has to do are to investigate criminal acts such as robberies, sexual assaults, homicides, or to interview suspects. The reason why I want to become a criminal investigator is because it seems like a job where you can be outside instead of being stuck in a room doing the same thing for many hours.
Another component of the Criminal Justice system is corrections. One of the jobs that the correction has is a parole agent. The goal for a parole agent is to protect the public. The responsibility for a parole agent is to assist ex- offenders so that they can adjust to life in a save and free community. They are also responsible to prevent future criminal acts. They help the people become a better person so that they can have a productive and normal live. Parole agents supervise the offenders who had been released from prison. (Careers in criminal, 2006)
I am currently a senior this year and will be graduating at the end of May with the Class of 2016. I will be attending Dixie State University this Fall 2016. My intended major is Criminal Justice with emphasis in Corrections. I have always been interested in the Criminal Justice system, the way they use evidence to solve hard cases and how much Criminal Justice can make a difference to society. I also want to take that knowledge and bring it back to my community to help improve the Criminal Justice system on the Navajo Reservation including other neighboring different tribes. We have all seen the imperfect police officers and how they treat other ethnic groups or people who are in need, I want to show people that not all police officers are
Criminal justice has appealed to me since I can remember, especially the forensics field. I was always interested in science, detail-oriented, compassionate, and a superb problem solver. Also, I always understood that death was something that naturally occurred and it never bothered me much.
Criminal justice provides such a wide variety of subjects that finding a job in the industry is relatively easy it also affords criminal justice students a wide leeway when they are searching for jobs. Criminal justice degree jobs can range from law enforcement to the judicial arena, allowing students to pick and choose how much education they wish to fulfill over the course of their lives. Many choose to go the law route and spend a few more years in law school to become defense attorneys while others realize they can use their criminal justice degree in the courthouse without a J.D. by simply becoming a court reporter, court coordinator, clerk, or bailiff. While these jobs all require experience, it’s not as demanding as becoming a defense
It is a long process when becoming a detective. In college, classes such as: English, American history, business law, government, psychology, sociology, chemistry, and physics are suggested. Before becoming a detective, one must attend a law enforcement academy, providing the officer with a foundation of education with sixteen to twenty-four college units in criminal justice or administration of criminal justice. (Morkes 677) After graduation from the law enforcement academy the officer undergoes job training with a field training officer for a period specified by the law enforcement agency and continues to work while on a probationary period, ranging from one to two years.
I’m interested in the law enforcement career path, and there are a lot of different paths you could take in this career choice. This career got my attention mainly because, I find solving mysteries and crimes very intriguing. The origin of this occupation came in during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, coming into America from England. “Generally speaking, the constable became responsible for law enforcement in the towns, while the sheriff took responsibility for the counties” (Stinchcomb 3). The educational requirements for this occupation at a minimum are as high school diploma or GED. Our high school provides us with a forensics class you can take your senior year, and we have an athletics department that you could join anytime
1. As an individual I have always been appreciative of front line responders and their willingness to step in and assist individuals in a time of need. Witnessing this has inspired me to pursue a career in law enforcement and criminal justice. My ultimate goal after completing the Correctional Services Program is to apply to police agencies, and correctional institutions.
My dream career is to be a criminologist. My interest sparked when I became interested in the mind and human behavior ever since grade school. Criminology is the study of crimes, effects, and social impact on society. Criminologist job is to observe the behavior of criminals and seek out why the crime was committed, this is in order to reduce the rate of future criminal behavior. Their job duties also include writing research paper and articles. This is a job that I feel that I will pursue because of my love for writing and also my desire to better our society. There are many different jobs you can have as a criminologist. There are specific ones such as a profiling. Profiling is when you spend most of your job as a criminologist looking into old cases, which will help you with your current criminal. As a profiler when you gather your new information you then identify the crime trend and motive behind specific crimes.Profiling is the job that I would like to do as a criminologist. Another job that criminologist can have research and academia. Many criminologists dedicate their time to being strictly researchers.