Currently I am still unsure of what career path I would like to take in life, but ever since I was young I have always wanted to serve in someway for my country/state/community. With that being said, if I were to choose criminal justice for a career path I would want to obtain a job at a local level. With working in a local police department the duties are arresting law violators, performing routine patrol, investigating crimes, providing crowd and traffic control, enforcing traffic laws, and issuing special licenses and permits.
One of the biggest reasons I would want to stay at a local level is so I wouldn’t have to move around as much as someone working at a federal level or even at state level. I would want to be able to have the time
While growing up, there are innumerable decisions to be made and paths to take. As I am approaching the ending point of my high school career, I have finally found the correct one for me. I have known from a surprisingly young age that I wish to pursue a job in the medical field, and have taken a number of steps to help achieve this dream. I show tremendous passion for both my educational and career goals, and how to reach them. My future is incredibly important to me because through doing my job, I will also be achieving my biggest goal: saving lives.
Also I enjoy the various jobs that Law Enforcement proposes; you get to learn something new every day. Becoming a Police Officer offers new challenges daily and there are few career fields more challenging than Law
Of course when figuring out what career you may want to pursue it is essential to inquire information from individuals who are working in that field of interest. In my case I decided to interview a longtime friend and active police officer in my hometown community. Officer Delancy from the Stuart Police Department located in Martin County, Florida. Officer Delancy has been a patrol officer for the last over twelve years and counting. As I talked with officer Delancy one question I asked him was why did he want to become an officer of the law. His reply was “I always knew I wanted to make my community a better place to live in and becoming an officer is one way I can help to do just that.” Officer Delancy felt the need to protect and serve our
The career I chose to undertake as my profession is that of a mechanical engineer. Why do I want to become a mechanical engineer? Well, for starters, I would be able to design, build and possibly repair many various machines and other technologies that are complex. These technologies can range from being already in use on a global scale to new, futuristic designs that are highly technical. Also, this career includes being a sort of jack-of-all-trades, where I would possess knowledge in mathematics, physics, etc. Finally, this career offers me the chance to expand outside my immediate area since mechanical engineers are well desired around the globe as well.
I believe a prosecutor has the ability to help so many, from victims to those wrongly convicted. Additionally, I chose this path due to a love for criminal justice and politics. At Indiana University, I was able to start as a sophomore due to prior high school credits. To help advance both my legal and political skills, I chose to double major in political science and criminal justice with a minor in communications and public advocacy. Studying these fields has advanced my knowledge in several ways, including research, comprehension, logical thinking, and even my overall historical knowledge.
Based on the ethical and professional practices of each of the branches, the law enforcement career path is most in line with my ethical beliefs and professional disposition. I feel I have a high code of ethics of what is right and wrong while it may
With such a large number of choices, the decision of a career major can appear overwhelming. Do you follow example of your parents? Do you take after the way your friends are taking? When you have a career major decision narrowed down, what do you think about that profession? Do you know what a designer, medical attendant, broker, welder, or agriculturist truly does? What salary will you be paid in this profession? The best approach to discover these responses is by asking individuals who know. Here are approaches to look into and increase encounter in diverse career fields.
Within society, there are many occupations to explore and chose. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) results showed that my personal career strengths fall under the area of teaching and counseling. Currently, as a school counselor for a high school in Duncanville, Texas, a suburb outside of Dallas, I find the results of the assessment to be very accurate. Making the decision to become a counselor is a rewarding and exciting career choice. In the world of counsling, there are many individuals who place emphasis on not just basic implications, but also on theoretical studies that usually are a part of
Imagine waking up every morning in a different country or state and go to the airport to fly back home and fly somewhere else the next day. Thats a dream of many people in the world that they could experience. Its a dream come true for people that actually get that experience. Everyone would love to leave there job to discover the world, but for pilots discovering the world is part of there job.
I have been working on my academic career for many years now. I am currently in my third year of community college, and have come across multiple teachers who have helped and inspired me in many ways. A teacher not only teaches the content of their course, but life skills as well. They are kind, caring, considerate, and understanding of their students. A teacher who goes above and beyond for their students is one that will make a difference. One teacher who I believe has made all the difference to me, was my accounting professor.
I’m not in it for the money though. I am doing because I love to organize and investigate cases. Some people do it for the money, but they don’t like the job. They probably don’t know half what they signed up for. Me, I do it because I love what I am doing , and it sounds interesting. On the job I would have to prepare reports, so we can interview witnesses and identify suspects. I would also have to verify evidence and analyze records. I would have to have records of criminals, so I can see if they have done something bad again.
This criminal justice field interests me for a number of reasons. The reason I picked this career is because it lines up with my overall life goals. My goal is to save someone's life for the better, and make a difference. I can start a career that I am passionate about, and to be a role model to someone. I plan to do this career at all costs because, deep down I know that I have the power to change something for the better. Whether it be someone’s life or their overall aspect of something. These have been my life goals for a the majority of my life and my passion has grown stronger. I plan on excelling in these goals and one day better my life or someone else. I feel this job is a suited
There are many reason why I want to partake into this career. In my undergraduate career, I have taken many criminology courses that I help shaped me into the student I am today. These courses was an eye opener and became an enjoyable interest to the criminal justice. From understanding restorative justice to mass incarceration, these topic gave me a special interest on criminology.
I chose this career because, I think the law enforcement is Important for everybody to know about what there job is and what they do. I’ve always wanted to be apart of the law enforcement since I was little. There are many different jobs in they law enforcement also. Writing people citations alday is not the only job to do. Protecting people and themselves is the main thing to do and make sure nobody is in danger. The law enforcement is a good job and should be an important to everybody for what they do. I don't know all the knowledge of the law enforcement but, I know some of the different of the many jobs in the law enforcement. Like policeman, drug squad, crime investigations, etc. Doing my project on law enforcement will help me gain knowledge
What is the importance of goals? Do goals help you plan out your future? Or possibly give you something to work for? To me goals provide a map of what I want to do, how I’m going to do it, and why I want to do it. Goals also provide a sense of accomplishment when you finally get to finish whatever you’ve been working towards. The need for goals in life is clear, because without goals, we wouldn’t get much done. Simply because of the fact that there wouldn’t be anything to work towards, and no structure to our future. One of my most important goals is to graduate college, to get a career in psychology. This goal is extremely important to me because of the fact that not many people in my family have even finished high school.