2/16at 11 AM at Caritas office this worker held a child and family team meeting with this worker supervisor for the waters case. This worker and this worker supervisor had no questions or concerns other than complementing how well Chad and Melissa were doing. This worker spoke with Melissa And Chad about the possibility of couples counseling due to now having silver life's and building a family on Sebright he. This worker talked with Melissa And Chad about budgeting being the biggest issue about the return home a little Chad. This worker question about if Melissa and Chad were still participating in an AA meetings Melissa stated that they were no longer attending on Wednesday evenings due to unsupervised visitation with little chat on Wednesday
CPSW did a home visit to meet with Ms. Berner and to discuss about her safety plan since the children are moving with her on10/29/16 from the foster provider. Ms. Berner was late for her appointment and CPSW waited a 40 minutes for Ms. Berner. Ms. Berner apologized for being late. CPSW explained Ms. About safety plan. Ms. Berner understood and she signed them. Ms. Berner stated that she will be doing a house arrest for two weeks and the recommendation of her criminal court is to obey law and continue taking her medication on time and seeing her therapist. Also, cooperating with her PO and CPSW. CPSW consulted with the supervisor and she has approved both children to move back with Ms. Berner. Goal 1-2
At 0824 this clinician met with the patient who reports her weekend was not unpleasant. She reports she is continuing to have problems locating housing. She reports her family members continue to refuse to allow her to live with them specifically her father and her uncle. She reports she has one friend who is considering allotting her the capability to reside with her under the condition that she speak with her Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworker first. She reports she does not want to reside in a homeless shelter with her son as she has done this before and the experience was not up to her standards.
12/21 this worker messaged Lamyia at 9:51am letting her know this worker never heard from her. 9:53am Laymyia messaged this worker that she had stopped to see her children and went home to cry herself to sleep. Lamyia was very stressed out about everything. 11:38am this worker messed Lamyia and told her that is why she needed to call this worker so we could talk and get things stared and going for Lamyia. This worker also wanted to speak with her about Christmas gifts going to the children in the foster home not to her because they are for the children while they are in care. 11:45AM This worker spoke with Lamyia on the phone. Lamyia told this worker that Mike O'Neil was going to get involved in her case and she may be charged criminally for the child abuse. Lamyia was worried about being arrested and sitting in jail rather than working on her services. Lamyia told
Sabastian was ordered to have weekly weight checks. It is believed that Gabriella and Shomari do not feed Sabastian properly. There were also concerns about the white area of Sabastian’s eye. The process had begun to refer Sabastian to a specialist. Sabastian was last seen 2/21/18; a visit was scheduled for the week of 2/26-3/2/18, but he had the flu. Gabriella and Shomari received new parent support, 1 on 1 parent support with basic infant care and being able to parent. Although Gabriella and Shomari received parenting support, they were unable to demonstrate what they’ve learned. Gabriella and Sabastian moved to MS to live with Rhonda (maternal grandmother) on 3/3/18. Shomari remains in North Carolina waiting to be discharged from the Navy. After being discharged Shomari will also move to MS. Rhonda is a social worker; she has guardianship of Gabriella’s oldest son (unknown). Jessica spoke with Gabriella the morning of 3/5/18; Gabriella confirmed that she and Sabastian had made it to MS. Jessica informed Gabriella that she needed to continue to follow up with Sabastian’s weekly weight
On this date, Matthew Mitchell APS supervisor conducted a meeting on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Beaird well-being. In the meeting, Mr. Mitchell presented Mr. Joey Beaird and Mrs. Julie Johnson with solutions that would allow Mr. Gail Beaird to return home. However, both Mr. Joey Beaird and Mrs. Johnson declined to take care of their parent independently. Each stated their home was not handicap assessable and they had jobs and could not dedicate that much time to their parents care. The other option discussed was hiring another service besides Visiting Angels since they are refusing to continue services if Mr. Beaird returns home. However, this is the only service offered in Jasper. When the discussion of Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Beaird hiring sitter independently they stated they had tried this before and it never worked out.
On Tuesday July 7, 2015, at approximately 3:01 PM, Kiana Beekman, (MFCU Investigator) (Beekman) received a call on the state office telephone from HILL, Lucy (Service Facilitator of Lucy Hill Services (LHS). During the conversation, Beekman asked HILL to clarify her role and responsibilities as a service facilitator, in addition to the role and responsibilities of HARRIS, LaFrance as the Employer of Records (EOR) for Medicaid Recipient DANIEL, Rose and MCGHEE, Inocencia as DANIEL’s aide. She was also asked to provide any documentation of training on timesheet submission and approvals that she provided HARRIS and MCGHEE under the Department of Medicaid Services (DMAS) Consumer-Directed care aide program.
MSTT met with Christine and Calysta for a session. MSTT ask Christine and Calysta to explain what has happened over the past week because MSTT was on vacation. Christine explained everything has been going good and Calysta have been helping out around the home more. Christine stated she believe there has been a change in Calysta's behavior because she has not had contact with her friend. Calysta did have her court hearing and was assigned a probation officer. She has not met with the probation officer has of yet but they have spoken with her and a home visit is scheduled for following week. MSTT will schedule to attend the meeting with the probation officer. MSTT will continue to work with Christine on setting age appropriate consequences for
Social Services Meeting: On 03/01/2017, Ms. Hawkins and her daughter Emoni met with her assigned Case Manager for the family ILP Document Review. Ms. Hawkins’ next ILP Document Review appointment is on 03/14/2017. Ms. Hawkins is in-compliance with the terms of her ILP. Ms. Hawkins was reminded that she is expected to attend all scheduled meetings with assigned Case Manager and failed to do it would considered non-compliance and warning will be issued. Ms. Hawkins stated that she is aware. Case Manager asked Ms. Hawkins if there are any issues or concerns that she will like to discuss, Ms. Hawkins stated no.
Walter and Mrs. Stefanie Cardwell, have discontinued their participation in the parental component of the program and expressed that Damanii will be unable to return to live in their home once released from the program. Early in the review period, Ms. Carroll, the Post D Clinician reach out to Mr. and Mrs. Cardwell in hopes resuming family sessions. However, Ms. Carroll reports that Damanii’s parents expressed that they do not desire to resume sessions and reiterated that Damanii will have to find another place to reside. Damanii reports that he has spoken to his mother twice this review period over the telephone, however, the issue of their participation in the program and his transition home has not been discussed. In addition, a review of CJDH visitation records show that Damanii did not received any parental visits this review period.
Case management services were provided in garden Grove. Present at the meeting were WYP (Wraparound Youth Partner) Andy Ngo. Service minutes are high due to WYP Ngo attempting to meet the youth. WYP Ngo reminded the youth of the meeting during the after noon through a phone call. The youth acknowledged the meeting and will be waiting for WYP Ngo. WYP Ngo arrived at the youth’s home. WYP Ngo contacted the youth through a phone call, but the youth hung up on WYP Ngo. WYP Ngo waited for the youth to show up. WYP Ngo contacted the youth again, but the youth did not pick up. WYP Ngo contacted WCC (Wraparound Care Coordinator), WPP (Wraparound Parent Partner) Lyneth Torres, and SUP (Wraparound Supervisor) Sheila Gaston-Cruz to inform them the youth
The reporting party (RP) received information from Alta Regional Center regarding foster parents. It was reported the foster father threatened a foster child say "if you don't stop this I'm going to punch you in the face." According to the RP an in home support services employee was present and overheard the threat and contacted Kang Thao (916) 978-6456 with Alta Regional Center. The RP stated the exact date is unknown, however it was recent. The foster parent met with 2 social workers in their home after the visit the parents became upset at the outcome of the visit and began to swear in the presence of the foster children. Also present were the foster parents' two adopted minor children.
Discussion: Ms. Roger reported that Corey's Medicaid hasn't been reinstated, as a result, his therapy and all medical appointment is on hold. She stated that Corey has enough medication and is not at risk of running out. Ms. Roger expressed concern with Corey's Maladaptive behavior (substance Abuse), truancy and medication refusal. She asserted that Corey's addiction to this substance is affecting him significantly. Corey denied it, purported that he's not addicted to it but uses it as a coping mechanism. Corey stated that he's been absent multiple times from school because he's lethargic in the AM. Ms. Rogers indicated that his Maladaptive behavior is contributing to it. Ms (Family growth) informed Corey about their Substance abuse program
We arrived at room 822 at 9:10 am. They were doing dependency cases all morning. At the professional table we had ChildNet, Drug dependency, Guardian Ad Litem, Guardian Ad Litem Lawyer and on the side we had Linda the foster parent. To me, this also went really fast with the new terminologies that they were using. They were going through the case plans and giving the Judge a summary on the parents’ progress. They used the term UA’s negative and positives which meant urine analysis. They used that to determine if they had been using any illegal substances. For this particular case I learned that social workers are very overwhelmed. The client was telling the Judge how her therapist from Susan B. Anthony quit without notice and she had to start her treatment again with another therapist. I also learned that both the mom and dad of the child are going to Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) as part of the treatment. The lawyers requested them to get unsupervised visitations 3 times a week for up to 4 hours. The Judge confirmed approval with the foster parent first, and she seemed willing. At that point I sympathized with the parents only being able to see their child 3 times a week. But at the same time they did it to themselves.
This worker recommends that Amber be given an opportunity to have unsupervised visitations with provider pop-in to ensure the healthy and safety of the children continues and is monitored. Based on this workers observation and professional opinion there doesn’t appear to be a current issue with the safety and well being of the children that requires Amber to be under strict
I felt relieved to know that the wife understood what had to be done. I learned form the social worker how to introduce a APS report to a client because the wording matters in order for them to understand.