
Carol Farbotko Analysis

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Annotated Bibliography One
Farbotko, Carol. 2010. “Wishful sinking: Disappearing islands, climate refugees and cosmopolitan experimentation”. Asia Pacific Viewpoint 51, (1): 47-60 The journal “Wishful sinking: Disappearing islands, climate refugees and cosmopolitan experimentation” is written by Dr. Carol Farbotko, an Australian environmental scientist. The journal marks the disappearing islands and the climate refugees as an urgent impact of climate changes and discusses some consequences of raising sea level. Author opines that the global climate changes are in crisis through an experiment that imitates the disappearing of low-lying Oceania islands. And also, author points out that the emergence of Tuvalu makes the world start to consider climate changes, but unfortunately, it also creates the possibility of Tuvalu islands and Tuvaluan bodies being eco-colonized. The last, author expresses a moral thought that only if an island actually disappears, people will actually start to deal with climate issues. …show more content…

Firstly, the source provides an estimated area of disappearing lands, which will reduce the area where can grow crops, consequently, the demand of food will increase and the price will raise. Thus, unaffordable food price will not benefit Canada. Secondly, the source illustrates that the climate refugees will enter many countries include Canada. Those low-paid labours will impact the Canadian labour market, which is a serious issue to Canadians. Thirdly, the moral thought in the article indicates that climate changes will cause lots of political issues, like eco-colonization. Canada will not stay in peace in a global political chaos. Those negative influences of climate changes in Canada can be evidences to support my

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