Carol’s fashion designs, handed down by many generations, it offers popular brands of clothing, this store is affiliated with many well known designers, it is also associated with national and local facilities, stores. This store is located with a stretch of other stores, our main store is located in Chicago, Illinois on the North Side. Our product plan, our store are not as expensive as most stores, we cater to the middle class and the poor, also upper class shopping, we have something for everyone. There are many have discount sales, everyday, our slogan is if it is not here you cannot find it anywhere. We have many employees working for us, there are tailors, Seamstress, cashiers, Security personnel that cater to the public, they …show more content…
It would also ensure that the products are user friendly and will satisfy the consumers’ needs. The company will ensure the products are available, at affordable prices, and maintenance costs are down. The company would use psychographic and demographic strategies to fulfill this. We have many values that start with certain objectives, it start with goals, there are many long termed and short plans for this store, this all depends of the aspiration of the store. There is a necessity to to achieve out goals, there are many routes the store is taking to achieve the goal of being world wide (Plunkett, Allen & Attner, 2013). There are many goal set for putting my families legacy all over the world” different types of goals which involve the establishment of a specific, time frame and measurable objectives. The theory in the goal setting must have an effective capability, or tools, which enables all participants to be aware of the objectives, and enables them to achieve the set goals, either financial, or career objectives Plunkett, W. R., Allen, G. S., & Attner, R.F (2013). The
Goals in the company are to find the right product for the customer’s particular needs and build a relationship with the customers
| * A need to have a certain product * Consumers will search until that product is found * Need products that stand out from others * Customers have problems making decision so the company will have to try to make that decision easier for them
In order to be productive all members of staff should be aware of the goals of the firm. Knowing the goals allows the manager to make effective decisions. The goals of the firm can be viewed as the motives of the entrepreneur’s who own and run the firm. There a number of goals that a firm can pursue in its day-to-day
conditions being met are crucial to control. A business intends for consumers to buy it’s product.
This section will focus on customers’ needs, identifying collaborators and their strategic goals and identifying the competition that provides similar products.
(b) diversified its product portfolio; extend target customers and meet the variable needs of customers.
In terms of “Setting objectives” the objective is growth however there are no specifics on how or when. The company is continually growing with no specific objective of when to expand or how to get there. However, they have been open store globally in a systematic nature. “Crafting a strategy” has been very effective in Costco, there business strategy is to have high
When customers seek for a specific product or service, they obviously want the company to be responsible and well organized. A customer wants to be able to trust the company in which the company delivers everything correctly and the way the costumer wants. When all the customer wants and needs are met, the customer will be to determine which company fits best.
I completely understand. I am beyond excited to be part of Kansas City Fashion week and I can’t wait to showcase my designs at you all’s Kickoff event! Although I specialize in printing designs on clothing, hopefully in the near future, Rich Apparels can meet your runway! Again, thank you and can’t wait to get all of this started! Thank you!
needs of the consumers in the market. Although they have a clear understanding of the
|How the company will promote services/good to the target market. |Where the company will be located or products and services sold. |
In the fast-paced, competitive business world we live in today, it is essential for organizations to have clearly defined goals that will assist them in gaining a competitive advantage. Organizational goals enable organizations to translate their organization’s mission, which represents what the organization is trying to become, into tangible terms that can be measured and evaluated (Fiedler, 2015). Examples of organizations goals include the company’s survival, profitability, and growth. Goals that focus on the organization’s survival allow it to remain competitive, goals that focus on profitability help is reach financial productivity, and goals that focus on the organizations growth allow it to remain innovative.
Their goal is to focus on environment protection and ensure that the right products are placed in challenging markets. Apart from that, they want to boost the profitability and at the same time enhance the flexibility and efficiency of production. Moreover, they aim to increase their customer base and also delivering better satisfaction to the current customers. (para. 3, 4)
Consumer behaviour is complex and a company has to fit their product more closely and satisfy their customer needs more fully than the
Maximize stakeholder value.This remains our highest objective by following policies that (1) continuously improve our competitive advantage and maintain the market leader through our offerings resulting from our operations effectiveness. (2) Minimize cost and waste while improving the quality of our products, (3) enhance the skills and satisfaction of our employees, and (4) contribute to the development of our community from which we draw our resources and sustenance.