
Carol Gilligan And Feminist Lens

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Carol Gilligan and Feminist Lens Carol Gilligan is a well-known psychologist, feminist and American ethicist that is predominately known for her work on ethical relationships and ethical community. Even though she is known throughout the ethical community to work hand in hand with Lawrence Kohlberg in reference to his “stages of moral development” (Schneider), she is also remembered as one who highly criticized those same stages. Even though you might say that Carol Gilligan was “mentored” by Lawrence Kohlberg, she would argue that his stages were very “male-oriented” (Schneider), which overgeneralized women and greatly limited the ability to reach its full potential. Gilligan eventually proposed her own theoretical stages that were focused more on the development of her direct idea of the feminine voice. …show more content…

What is interesting with Gilligan’s theory is that the masculine voice carried a very “individualistic and logical significance” with an emphasis on protecting others and ensuring that justice prevails. The feminine voice is quite the opposite, according to Gilligan, it focuses more on interpersonal relationships and making sure others are taken care of. “Carol Gilligan identifies a number of obstacles that make it difficult for women to express their “voice” and to have their voices heard in society today…” (Schneider). When you think of Carol Gilligan the title In a Different Voice should be the first work to buzz through your mind and in this work it helped Gilligan transform the destiny of the American woman. “Gilligan describes, “visibility does not mean being listened to, that the listener “gets it,” or that the listener, or society at large, has really “taken it in”’

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