Demonstrated Need Cartersville Middle School is the only middle school in the Cartersville City School System. The total system population is 5,623 (pre-K-12), and Cartersville Middle School has a student population of 993 students. It currently has 72 ELL students enrolled. Based on Bartow County Chamber of Commerce predictions, this number is projected to increase annually. Ninety-eight percent of our ELL enrollment is on Free/Reduced lunch, and the majority come to the school setting lacking the educational foundation needed to succeed in the middle school environment. Language deficiencies present seeming insurmountable obstacles for the ELL child. Little if any academic assistance is available to support the student outside the school …show more content…
• oral or written communication in English comparable to proficient English peers
5 – Bridging
• specialized or technical language of the content areas
• a variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic complexity in extended oral or written discourse, including stories, essays, or reports
• oral or written language approaching comparability to that of English proficient peers
4 – Expanding
• specific and some technical language of the content areas
• a variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic complexity in oral discourse or multiple, related sentences or paragraphs
• oral or written language with minimal phonological, syntactic, or semantic errors that do not impede the overall meaning of the communication when presented with oral or written connected discourse with sensory, graphic, or interactive support
3 – Developing
• general and some specific language of the content areas
• expanded sentences in oral interaction or written paragraphs
• oral or written language with phonological, syntactic, or semantic errors that may impede the communication, but retain much of its meaning, when presented with oral or written, narrative, or expository descriptions with sensory, graphic, or interactive support
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The overall GMAS scores for Cartersville Middle School were far above the State and RESA averages. Within the ACCESS Assessment (Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, 2015), the ELL student average in the areas of reading, writing, comprehension, and literacy were the weakest (Level 3- Developing). These scores were lower than anticipated and support the need for more practice in the areas of Speaking, Writing, Listening, and
t length of paragraph and also made them complex that helps reader in understanding the
For instance, Baldwin says, “ In my childhood - it had not been so long ago- I had thought her beautiful” ( Baldwin, 51). This is repetitive because he uses dashes “-” which makes him get the audience's attention by, skipping to the point. Another example that shows how Baldwin uses interrupted sentences is, “ I very shortly became notorious and children giggled behind me when I passed and their elders whispered or shouted-they really believed that I was mad” (Baldwin, 45). This predominantly, shows how Baldwin uses interrupted sentence to make the audience into the story. Staples’ states, “I was surprised, embarrassed, and dismayed all at once” (Staples, 363). This is significant because Staples structures a lot of compound complex, which gets the audience's attention by consuming time. Another example for compound complex that Staples states, “The office manager called security and, with an ad hoc posse, pursued me through the labyrinthine halls, nearly to my editor’s door” (Staples, 364). This signifies compound complex, the fact how he uses more than one independent clause makes the reader know that it isn’t a complete thought that Staples has. Therefore, the structure Baldwin uses for syntax is interrupted sentences, as for Staples’ syntax is compound
Ability to communicate orally sufficient to express spoken ideas or facts clearly and logically when answering questions, giving directions, and providing information.
The first of four qualities Postman describes is most easily explained as “polysemy.” To Neil Postman, the use of literary language in speech correlates to the general public’s understanding of this style of phrasing. He states, “…the use of language as a means of complex argument was an important,
Objective: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to classify sentences according to their type of sentence structure.
First, the style and syntax of the first two paragraphs shifts in the third. The first paragraph has a few short sentences, but shows overall sentence length, and the second paragraph has quite short sentences. The third paragraph however, is characterized by one long compound-complex sentence, much like how one would write out their thoughts. This shift from varying sentence length
structural wise, sentences with less comma splices. For example the author wrote: “I put myself back in
In the video, text complexity was broken up into three parts. The parts were as follows; qualitative, quantitative, and reader and task. Qualitative as define by Zombro (2012) is calculated by the teachers, such as think quality, think human connotation. Quantitative is determined the aspect of the text, such as word length and frequency. In addition, it is evaluated by computer software. Reader and task is based upon the teacher’s judgment. Zombro
The language of an essay adds to the effectiveness of the writing. The sentence structure can change the way the audience perceives the sentences. Booker T. Washington use declarative and exclamatory sentences in his speech. When using these type of sentences, each one has a different interpretation by the reader. A declarative sentence makes the statement sound like a fact. Exclamatory sentences are more forceful in the statements they make. These make the speech an effective argumentative essay.
In a study of linguistic realizations of rhetorical structure and authorial stance performed by Dzung Pho (2008), the results indicate that a combination of certain linguistic features such as grammatical subjects, verb tense and voice can help distinguish moves in the abstract.
Interpretation may at times seem general or perfunctory; writer may not have complete control of focus or organization. Some attempt has been made to embed quotations and to use transitional phrases.
Nevertheless, the most complex level of usage that McCrimmon discusses is the formal level of usage. One point of the formal structure is that the sentences are “relatively long and involved” (193). The sentences in scholarly articles typically follow rules, which makes them more difficult to read than other types of writing. Further, these writings also use “extensive vocabulary” (193). There are often words that most people would not know the meaning of unless they are professionals in that field. In addition, sentences in the formal level “make no attempt to establish
By and large, composed dialect has a tendency to be more formal than talked dialect. This conveys me to another characteristic of print publicizing dialect where "the dialect use in the commercials includes a blend of talked and composed examples of dialect" (Fries 1992: 468). Inside of notices, we can discover dialect that is plainly composed to be perused and not talked, similar to logos. In the meantime, we additionally discover examples that are commonplace of talked dialect and that are proposed to speak to talked dialect, similar to the utilization of constrictions or sentence sections. By "sentence part" I am alluding to any fragment of content which does not contain a free proviso. I have discovered different sorts of sentence pieces.
Let’s start with cohesion, Williams states that cohesion “allows sentences to flow easily from one to the other.” (65) In essence, cohesion fits all the pieces together like a child would put together the exact pieces for a set of Legos. Williams states that coherence tells us how sentences in a “passage cumulatively begin.” (65) In other words, coherence involves seeing how all of the pieces in a Lego set evolve into this marvelous creation. Lastly, we arrive at concision, which Williams describes as “the minimal words to say what you mean.”
The existing of ellipsis is everywhere linguistic activity is performed, in any medium, writing and speaking. However, it is more frequent in the spoken form than in the written one. This can be ascribed to the fact that speakers tend to be economical in their speech, and to avoid repetition so that their speech would not be tedious and boring. Ellipsis is an important phenomenon which is obligatory omitted in the grammar and normally in actual discourse, it is found in different types of discourse.