In the case of the 18-year-old female who refuses to have a C-section in order to save the life of the baby the first action that I would take is I would ask an ethics consult to talk to her about the situation. If after talking to the ethics consult she still refuses to have the C-section I would talk to members of the hospital to see if there is anything that we can do in order to save the life of the baby. I believe that the pregnant girl in this case should not be allowed to refuse the C- section because this can potentially harm her and the baby. After carefully evaluating all the options and talking to members of the hospital, we should evaluate the mental statues of the female because there might be something that has triggered her to
In some ethical and legal respects a pregnant woman and her fetus can be considered separate. Both the woman and the fetus are ordinarily affected by the well-being of one another for as long as each of them live. The ethical and legal issues are challenged deeply in cases where the well-being of the fetus and the mother appear to be in conflict. Our society struggles with identifying cases where the pregnant woman’s interests and/or behaviors might put her fetus at risk. Criminal and/or civil commitments should be used to bar pregnant women from exposing their fetuses to risk.
She may have been raped or there might be a health risk affecting the mother and/or baby. In other words, women need to have the choice to proceed with their pregnancy or not.
Summary: The central focus of Pollastek et al’s (2012) study was to determine why elderly drivers are more likely to be involved in vehicular accidents at intersections than younger experienced drivers. As a means of data collection Pollastek et al (2012) tested the scanning ability of elderly drivers at intersections through a series of different scenarios. Each scenario took place in a simulated environment, testing the scanning ability of elderly drivers where they were instructed to go through 1) a four-way intersection, 2) turn right at a T-intersection and 3) proceed through an intersection. Pollastek et al (2012) found that elderly drivers fail to properly scan for potential hazards while proceeding through intersections. Pollastek et al (2012) also found that by providing video feedback the participants in the training group performed similarly to younger experienced drivers.
If the doctor tells you the baby wont be born healthy (brain dead or deformed) then you can get an abortion (Utility and rational self interest, 50%, 70)
I believe expecting mothers need to seek guidance from their doctor on whether or not she should have a vaginal birth, or follow through with a "Elective" C-Section. I feel like women are so concerned about their rights, and though our female rights are important, I also feel that we need to seek guidance from those that are medically trained to see what they think is going to be best for the mother as well as the child. If the doctor feels that the mother and the child will be okay with proceeding with an "Elective" C-Section, I think it is so important (more important than the doctor's opinion) to seek our Heavenly Father's will. Our will might not always be His will, and it is important that we come before Him in all things in order for
However, the nursing dilemmas occurs when the desire of a patient to abort conflicts with the responsibility of nurses to protect and promote life. The position taken by nurses becomes problematic because
Doctors’ view is also very much negative about abortion. A study was conducted by the Journal of Medical Ethics on 733 medical students about abortion. The outcome of the survey revealed that almost 1/3 of students would not perform an abortion for a congenitally malformed fetus after 24 weeks, 1∕4 of them would not perform an abortion for failed contraception before 24 weeks and 1/5 of them would not perform an abortion on a minor who was the victim of rape. (Campbell,
Throughout the United States there has always been a big debate on whether or not abortion is ethically acceptable or not. Though many individuals see it as killing a child, many others can overlook that burden and see the consequences of having a child at that point in time. Individuals who are put in a pregnancy situation and have to look into all aspects of an abortion and the reasons for this procedure, while also realizing the biological development of the fetus, and the process of an abortion.
The only choice you should have is keeping your baby or putting it up for adoption. The mom of the child should never get the choice of killing her own human being inside her. Most of the time you could have prevented it from happening. Only people that have gotten raped should have the choice of aborting them, because they really couldn’t help it, and in the first place that should have never ever happened to a girl! However some women believe that it’s there body and it’s okay to do that.
An 18 year old girl gets pregnant and can’t decide whether to keep the baby or have an abortion. Her parents are very religious and do not believe in sex before marriage therefore would not take to kindly to their daughter being pregnant.
After hearing a noise from down the hallway, Annie’s parents realize that she has yet to return to dinner. Along with their affluent guests, they start searching for the missing child. While looking through the numerous rooms of the castle, both Father and Mother have a thought, though they hope it is not true, that Annie went into the forbidden room. As the search party approaches the room, the guests are warned not to set foot in it because of its ghostly past. As Annie’s father places his hand on the doorknob, which had been warmed by the touch of Annie’s hand, he enters the room, leaving her mother out in the hallway. As he walks through the room, he notices something different; something that had not been there before. Perched on the small
This author has chosen to discuss the ethical issues of abortion. This is a highly debated topic that will exist amongst women. It is happening at high rates. “In 2013, 664,435 legal induced abortions
A woman who has been refused education on her reproductive health, refused access to birth control, and now becomes pregnant, faces two decisions: birth a child or seek an abortion.
Constitutionally, a woman has the right to protect her body’s integrity and refuse medical intervention as she exercises her rights to self-determination and privacy (Deshpande & Oxford, 2012). A person’s autonomy is a right that should be held by all capable adults regardless of pregnancy status (Minkoff, Marshall, & Liaschenko, 2014). Most ethical evidence suggests that a women’s autonomy prevails against fetal beneficence, as fetuses are only patients by the autonomous choice of the mother (Rodrigues, van den Berg, & Duwell, 2013). A physician would risk paternalism, resulting in encroachment on autonomy by any attempt to coerce or act against the mother’s refusal in light of broad interpretation of fetal beneficence (Avci, 2015).
Gothic literature shares many of the same themes to show a sense of fear, horror, mental state, and paranoia through supernatural beings along with literal and psychological entrapment. This set of themes is shared by authors Richard Matheson, Washington Irving, and the fore father of gothic literature Edgar Allan Poe in their gothic short stories.