1.) Problem Identification and Setting In 1978, an attentive mother noticed that her son’s health had deteriorated after attending a new school in Niagara Falls, New York. The area within the town is named Love Canal and before this town existed, a chemical company used the land to dump all of its toxic waste. This chemical company then sold the property to the county school board for one dollar; furthermore, when the school board purchased the property a clause in the contract stated that the chemical company could not be held liable for any damages resulting from the toxic waste. The mother learned that the school and a number of homes were built directly on top of the toxic waste dump; eventually, the state sent experts to test for toxic substances, which they found, and immediately began to evacuate some of its citizens. By 1980, the entire town was evacuated under order from President Carter and that the town’s residents could sell their homes to the Federal Government for fair market value. 2.) Policy Formulation and Policy Adoption …show more content…
The bill made its way back to the house. Then, the bill was presented to President Carter, which he signed, and became law on December 11, 1980. The events in Love Canal made congress act on coming up with a way to deal with hazardous sites and culminated in the creation of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act 1980, also known as the Superfund. It was through the superfund that the government purchased all the homes from the town’s
In this assignment I am going to analyse how government policies are developed, covering all aspects of the policy making process.
Chapter seven of Policy Paradox by Deborah Stone is about symbols in politics. The main components of this chapter include a description of what symbols are, symbolic devices, and ambiguity. Chapter two of The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander is about how the War on Drugs and how the War on Drugs has no limit. The main components of the chapter include how the police have little constraints when it comes to the War on Drugs, being labeled, and how people cannot defend themselves from the War on Drugs. Both chapters include the main theme of symbolism in the justice system.
There currently is a problem in the US with the government and how they cut corners with the water problem in Flint, Michigan. About two years ago, Michigan’s government decided they would save money by switching the water supply in Flint, Michigan. Before, Flint was getting their water from Lake Huron. Now, they are getting their water from the Flint River, known by it’s filth through the people of Flint. When reporters interviewed long-time residents of Flint they were shocked at the decision. The decision was supposed to be temporary, it wasn’t planned for it to go on for almost two years. Soon after the switch, the people of Flint saw the water didn’t look, smell, or taste right. It was almost as if the water was brown and you could see the dirt in it. Most people thought it was sewage but it turn out to be iron. The Flint River is highly contaminated, 19 times more so than Lake Huron. The state Department of Environmental Quality wasn’t treating the river so, the water was building up iron which caused the water to turn brown. The water was worse than it seemed, half the service line to homes in Flint are made of lead because the water wasn’t treated like it was supposed to be. The lead got into the water and mixed with the iron. The fire stations are helping with providing free bottled water and water filters for the homes. The fire stations also gave out lead testing kits
The Love Canal Homeowners Association began attempting to accomplish their goals in their own backyards and around their kitchen tables. The next step, was for Mrs. Gibbs and other members of the organization to go from door to door, in the community in order to raise awareness on the issue at hand and gather more supporters. Before the first official Homeowner’s Association meeting, Gibbs, her husband, and her friend traveled to the New York state capital in Albany, to “[challenge] the state’s remediation plans for the area” (Hay, “Everyone's Backyard: The Love Canal Chemical Disaster”). They took a long list of names of those residents who were affected by the buried chemical waste and how their households were personally affected. The state
The prevalence of environmental issues in the public awareness reached a point where government was forced to take action in 1979. When Henry Love abandoned construction of a canal in New York in 1920, the site was bought by Hooker Chemical and used as a toxic chemical waste dumping site for the next 33 years (Schons 2011). Then in 1953 Hooker Chemical sold the Love Canal to the school board, and construction of a school began. In the mid to late 1970s, when children’s shoes began melting to the ground and children got sick the residents organized and protested. Media coverage increased and showed toxic black sludge oozing into people’s basements (Schons 2011). The lack of awareness of environmental and health consequences of chemical dumping
Patient access to affordable health care is an ongoing issue in the United States. The first portion of the policy process involves three different stages, the formulation stage, legislative stage, and the implementation stage. Three main stages exist in the process to transform a topic into a policy (Morone, J. A., Litman, T. J., & Robins, L.S., 2008). Coupled with the implementation stage is an evaluation of all the stages to determine effectiveness and gather information for use in future public health care policy making. In the formulation stage, the ideas, concepts, and information steam from this process of policy making. The
The construction apparently damaged the integrity of the clay covering. Water from rain and heavy snows then seeped through the covering and entered the chemical-filled, clay-lined basin. The basin eventually overflowed into the houses, and the unfortunate residents had to endure the noxious smell and unwholesome sight of chemicals seeping into their basements and surfacing to the ground. In 1978 evidence of toxic chemicals was found in the living area of several homes, which prompted the state health commissioner to order an investigation that brought a number of health hazards to light. Several adults showed incipient liver damage; young women in certain areas experienced three times the normal incidence of miscarriage; and the area had three and one-half times the normal incidence of birth defects.
An essential necessity for life is slowly killing residents in Michigan. The town of Flint, Michigan is slowly being poisoned by their water supply. Flint is 70 miles north of Detroit with a population of 98,310. According to the U.S. Census Bureau a little under half of residents live below the poverty line. More than fifty-five percent of the city’s population is African-American (CNN Library). The dangerous lead levels in the water went unnoticed for years, despite the residents’ complaints of discolored and foul-smelling water. The question at hand is how could this happen?
Stubborn to the misconceptions dealing with human trafficking acts does not demand any movement or smuggling the individual. While illegal immigrants are uncommonly liable for coercion for the fear of authority, trafficking shows the power to take advantage of other unprotected populations and grabs offensively documented individuals working in the United States and America citizens. Indeed, unprotected minors are given away for commercial sex which does not need coercion, fraud, or proof of force. The government has victoriously tried human trafficking acts in strip clubs, bars, escorts
Although much time passed the United States government eventually met the middle ground and bought mostly the homes of everyone that lived at Love Canal. The United States government also passed laws enabling Superfund sites also known as CERCLA (Environmental Protection Agency). Although Love Canal may seem like a “happy ending”, but the government has still not been able to eradicate the situation after all these years. Conflict created by Love Canal’s health issues and protesting lead to the United States government making a compromise to enact the development of Superfund sites, which would later be a failure and continue to be a line blunders within the whole incident and the
My interpretation of policy P5508.08 of the Federal Bureau of Prisons is that prison officials are not responsible for the safekeeping on inmate personal property. According to the policy, “Staff shall set aside space within each housing area for use by an inmate. The designated area shall include a locker or other securable area in which the inmate is to store authorized personal property. The inmate shall be allowed to purchase an approved locking device for personal property storage in regular living units (Inmate Personal Property)”. Furthermore, “by providing secured space, and adhering to guidelines on retention of property, the individual inmate has responsibility for securing personal property (Inmate Personal Property”. So the only
Love Canal has demonstrated that change can happen when people get involved. One of the main changes that came out of this, was that Congress passed the Comprehensive Environmental response Compensation, and Liability Act, also known as the Superfund act(SOURCE). Superfund was established to ensure that if another Love Canal happened, they would have the money to go in and do some testing and take this the right measures to fix it. Today north of Love canal was renamed Black Creek Village
a) Constituent policies – involves the structure that makes up the government. Constituent policies are concerned with the establishment of government structure, establishment of rules or procedures for the conduct of government, rules that distribute or divide power and jurisdiction within the present and future government policies might be made. A structural example of constituent policy is the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. In 2002, President George Bush did not see the need of a department to manage terrorism, however, he changed his mind and called on Congress to create a Department of Homeland Security. A procedural example of constituent policy is the Federal Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 with outlined the procedures to be used by agencies to ensure openness and fairness in agency decision-making. Constituent policies also include matters that involve personnel practices and budgetary actions.
In order to first start a policy process, the problem for which a policy is to be created must be identified and the policy holding a solution to the problem. Researchers and stakeholders will investigate the problem to identify if the policy will reach the policy making agenda. Policies must be to improve society’s health and wellbeing. In the United States (U.S.) public health related issues that require a formulation of a new policy and come from local, state, or federal legislations which ruling govern the provision of health care services and regulations. In this
causes of the reform whereas few scholars investigate the policy-processes. Second, from-actor specific perspective, the literature stresses the role of state actors and International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and mentions about presence but the inefficiency of private actors, labor unions in particular, in policy-making processes. This paper aims to fulfill these gaps comprehensively and systematically by adopting the network approach. In order to explain inefficiency of certain groups, this paper stresses the meta-governance of networks that generate hidden hierarchies within policy networks. I call the sub-structures depending on the hidden hierarchies as "extreme sub-structures". I argue that these structures which are incompatible