Q.1. Malicious Actors that Threaten New Jersey’s Law Enforcement agencies Telecommunication technology and increased social networking sites have changed the way terror organizations and other criminal gangs communicate and execute their activities. These new developments had seen intelligence gathering a daunting task that engages the federal, state and local authorities. The new face of fighting crime need a dynamic and robust approach that reaches far beyond the federal and state intelligence agencies. The state of New Jersey’s law enforcement department like any other within the United States and beyond are faced with risks factors that maybe somehow general, but some remain specific to the locale. Some of the major hacktivists and malicious …show more content…
Communication plays a vital role in our lives and our professional scope, as such it is the easiest landing for malicious actors to obtain some information that they need to execute their acts. Some of the ways through which they get this information are as discussed. Internet Monitoring Through internet motoring, malicious actors can capture information as it travels across the Internet to the intended recipient. This act occurs at any point within the physical or electronic systems that the internet may contain. In some cases, they use physical tapping to conduct communication monitoring between law enforcement agencies. Mobile Phone monitoring This targets information transmitted between mobile networks. One of the common ways they acquire such data is through IMSI Catchers which are deployed in their target locations and enticing all phones in that locale to join the network. In some cases, these catchers can intercept calls and
Homeland Security is characterized by crime control being the primary police function. It is best achieved through a collective effort by all law enforcement agencies. One of the strategies being used is Intelligence Led Policing. This strategy is not new, it can be traced back to the British is the 1990’s (Bailey, 2011). Intelligence Led Policing is an approach to crime that deals with all crimes and threats including terrorism. This approach is unique because it is threat driven instead of incident driven. It also is a long term approach and focuses on causes and conditions that add to crime through a collection of data.
In the State of New York, fusion center is a perfect example of information technology optimizing their performance in reducing crime within their police departments. The New York/New Jersey High Intensity Drug Trafficking Center serves as an information hub for law enforcement. According to (Johnson, 2008), the mass of intelligence data in the central location has proved to be a key factor in identifying individuals and organizations that are facilitating or carrying out terrorist activity in New York City.
On 9/11 the U.S.A. was struck forcefully by terrorism. Since then, many laws, like the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act and the creation of the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS), have been put into place to help fight and prevent future terrorist events from taking place. Coupled with their previous skills and experiences, law enforcement officials have trained and gained new techniques to better equip America for the unexpected and to properly handle the expected as well. Fighting terrorism while also fighting non-terrorist crimes has become a common role for law enforcement officials.
new advances in the electronic technologies during the past decades have administered a new wealth of criminal activity. Software like Computer viruses, malware, software privacy, spam and etc. Technologically savvy artist replicate websites, so when a person's online activities occurs in a virtual world it can be compromised.Many times Cyber intrusions rely on human interaction and it often involves tricking people into breaking security procedures.
• Researched and analyzed data on cyber espionage, cyber terrorism, cyber-crime, hacking, child exploitation within the
In the United States, local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, including FBI, Department of Homeland Security, among others, have taken on roles to fight computer crimes and terrorism. The roles and responses of these law enforcement agencies concerning digital crime have created challenges that limit enforcement efforts against digital crime.
The devastating events of 9/11 provided a forewarning to our country concerning the dangers of terrorism. However, it has created a particularly greater impact on the duties and standards expected of law enforcement agencies on all levels (local, state, and national). Law enforcement has begun implementing new tactics in an effort to prevent future terrorist attacks from threatening our national security. One aspect of policing in which terrorism has brought about is the process of information sharing between all levels of law enforcement. Our nation has also witnessed a change from traditional policing to that of a militarized one. Furthermore, after the incidents of September 11th, the
With the growing threat of cyber-terror crimes it is no secret that the victims and potential victims of these crimes would be uneasy. The short terms affects could include loss of valuable information, money, damage to brand and company reputation
Thanks to the current increase of new technology that has helped to shape our societies in different ways. However, with the current increase of online crimes, emerging of radical groups and gang related groups have posed a major and critical balance between public safety and concerns of privacy. But with proper procedures and neutral grounds between the law enforcement and the public, can help to control the situation without any party feel being cheated.
Many of the current differences we see today between the federal, state and local law enforcement intelligence stemmed from prior to the September 11 attack. Prior to this attack many states lacked a robust intelligence capability, as it was the primary role of federal agencies to protect the United States from both foreign and domestic terrorist threats. In an attempt to mitigate future attacks of this nature state, local, and
With the widespread use of technology becoming more prominent, acts of cyber terrorism pose an increased threat to safety. Cyber terrorists exploit the internet and its users to commit acts that can be increasingly detrimental to their targets. Some of the terrorist activities include large scale corruption of computer networks by using tools like computer viruses. Certain individuals even have the ability of creating severe damage to government systems, national security systems and even hospital servers. Most of the technology made today only has intentions of making life easier for people. However, skilled users can manipulate the cyber world for negative intentions. Staying informed when it comes to cyber terrorism and cybercrime is important to do because of the increased reliance on technology in society. Steps to improve cyber security before an attack ensures the safety of sensitive information. The topic of cyber security and cyber warfare are interesting topics to keep up to date with. Understanding these topics can be beneficial to my dream of being in the FBI, ensuring the safety of others by working to prevent acts of cyberterrorism.
Historically, technological innovation has served as the substance for intense changes in the organization of police work and has presented both opportunities and challenges to police and other criminal justice practitioners, according to Janet Chan, a social scientist who has studied how information technology affects the way police do their jobs.1 Noting that .information is the stock-in- trade of policing,. Chan has identified three general imperatives driving law enforcement’s evening investment in information technology. Using information technology in policing has add that more efficiency to the police department. Comparing the old-fashioned way of patrolling the streets to combat crime to then use them of using technology to predict the crime area and patrolling in advance deters crimes from happening. There are many advantages associated with using information technology in policing. Comparative analysis shows that using information technology (IT) to combat crime has save lot of resources and time in the police department. There are a number of other advantages that can be associated with the use of information technology in the police department.
Prevalent to the current trend now is the dependency of the society on Information technology and communication systems. Every aspect of human life is one way or the other linked and controlled by information technology tools. The importance of information technology cannot be over emphasized as its unavailability could lead to a form of disaster or the other. Pivotal infrastructures like finance, healthcare, education and security are driven by information technology. However, information technology and its benefits are accompanied by vulnerabilities and risks that can be exploited by people with the necessary technical skills. Individuals like ‘Hackers’ and ‘Cyber Terrorist’ can cause disruption to information systems, commit financial fraud and also attack computers and networks. These attacks and disruptions could result to violence against people and properties. In some cases, death, serious injuries and severe economic loss could occur as a result of these attacks.
The internet is a medium that is becoming progressively important as it makes information available in a quick and easy manner. It has transformed communications and acts as a global network that allows people to communicate and interact without being limited by time, boarders and distance. However, the infrastructure is vulnerable to hackers who use the system to commit cyber crime. To accomplish this, they make use of innovative stealth techniques for their malicious purposes in the internet.
The model is well equipped to deal with serious and organised crime operating on a national or international scale. It is a collaborative enterprise which is very useful in full-scale intelligence operations (Bell, 2013). As criminals advance with the advancements in technology, so too does law enforcement. The means to collect data then access it and share it almost instantaneously allows police officers to keep track of criminals and therefore, potentially, prevent serious crime far more efficiently than they could in the