
Case App1

Decent Essays

Answers for Case Application 1 1. How does Amy’s Ice Cream differ from a publicly held in corporation? The reason why Amy’s Ice Cream differs from a held in corporation is a privately held corporation formed in 1984 with 22 family members and friends as shareholders. _Company members which does not offer or trade its company stock (shares) to the general public on the stock market exchanges, but rather the company's stock is offered, owned and traded or exchanged privately. _The corporation generally has fewer or less comprehensive reporting requirements for transparency, via annual reports, etc. than do publicly traded companies. _ By not being required to disclose details about their operations and …show more content…

_I think Amy’s Ice Cream is working really well because Miller’s nine ice cream shops sell super premium flavors worth more than $3.9 million each year. My suggestions are: _ Miller should do both direct advertising as well as indirect advertising - charities. _ She should also expand the investment in capital by lend from the bank

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