
Case Based Reasoning

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Introduction This paper is an article review of the scholarly article titled, “Databases, Data Mining and Beyond” written by Shamsul Chowdhurry (2003). I will summarize the article. Then, a brief comparison to an another article titled “Data mining issues and opportunities for building nursing knowledge” written by Goodwin et al (2003). Article Review
“Databases, Data Mining and Beyond” is the title of the article by Shamsul Chowdhurry. Professor Chowdhurry is a professor of Information Systems at Roosevelt University. The article focuses on case based reasoning, data mining and databases and their uses and application in various industries. First, let us define case based reasoning. Case based reasoning is a procedure to solve current problems by adapting solutions from past problems and applying it to the current problem to be solved. Case base database can be designed on case base reasoning. The structure of the database would have four steps. The steps include: 1) retrieval of similar cases; 2) adaptation; 3) evaluation and 4) update the case base. Each of the steps is a process that assists in the solving …show more content…

What is data mining? Data mining is the deriving new information from massive amounts of data in databases (Sauter, 2014, p. 148). Chowdhurry argues that data mining is part of KDD. KDD is knowledge discovery in databases, it is a process that includes data mining. In addition to data mining, KDD includes data preparation, modeling and evaluation of KDD. KDD is at the heart of this research field. This research field is multidisciplinary and includes data visualization, machine learning, database technology, expert systems and statistics. Overall, the use of a case based reasoning and data mining tools within an information system would create a CBR system to solve new problems with adapted solutions and could be used in many industries such as education and healthcare (Chowdhurry,

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