
Case Issue 2: Legalization Of Marijuana

Satisfactory Essays

Issue 1: Government surveillance
I support the New Democratic Party because I completely agree with their choice to repeal the law. No one should have their privacy exposed, if there is something the government would like to look at they should need a warrant. The government has no reason to know everything someone does on the internet, it makes people uneasy. It’s also important to understand that it shouldn’t be a problem to have access to what you do, because you shouldn’t be doing anything you shouldn’t. If I was the Prime Minister I would never legalize the right to anyone’s privacy, there should always be a reason for something personal about someone, and all information should never be accessible without a warrant from the court.
Issue 2: Legalization of Marijuana …show more content…

I don’t agree with the parties that want to legalize it for everyone to access because I think many would take advantage of the ability to have it. The negative part of Trudeaus plan is keeping it from kids because no matter what kids will find a way to possess it whether family, friends or strangers who have access, kids will find a way. If I was the Prime Minister I don’t know what I would do because I thinks it a confusing situation because it you don’t legalize it, people will find a way to get it. If you legalize it, it’s an unsafe environment for everyone, and if you legalize it for adults, kids will still find a way to get it. I wouldn’t know what to do because I think every way of going about it

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