Case Scenario T.R. is a 69 year old, Caucasian female with a history of schizophrenia who presented to University Hospital Medical Center Emergency Room under Baker Act for recent suicidal attempt. According to the Baker Act report, she ran out of her retirement facility, trying to be hit by vehicles. She suffered a slight injury to her right ankle, as the slightly slightly hit her in an effort to abruptly stop the vehicle. She verbalized to police officers she wanted to die. She reported that peers in her retirement community learned about her history and had been gossiping about her. She reported increased paranoia due to this. She was hospitalized in the same psychiatric unit two months ago, after she was diagnosed with depression. Patient states the reason she was diagnosed with depression is because her two sons are not willing to talk to her. She states that she is separated and living without her family in an Assisted Living Facility. As per patient and chart review, the patient was born and raised in New Jersey and moved to South Florida. The patient currently lives in a retirement home and had to move several times to the different Assisted Living Facility, due to her paranoia and delusional behavior. She is currently retired and reports that she used to work from home as a home health aide. She has two sons and tries to maintain a good relationship with them, but denies any contact with them. She reports the biggest stressor is basically a relationship with her
Presenting Problem: Pt is 16 y/o female who is currently at Tuckers Pavilion Acute facility. 8/7/16 Kelly refused to take her medication, and was generally noncompliant to staff directions. She communicated AWOL intent; she also broke a lightbulb to make a number of superficial cuts to her arm, but refused to turn in the glass an dstated that she had flushed it down the toilet. She refused first aid and refused to cooperate with staff directions. She also communicated that she was going to do worse things to herself, Intercept contacted crisis stabilization which transitioned the child to Tuckers Psychiatric at 6am. 8/12/16, Pt was upset to find out she was not getting discharged from Tuckers. Require hydroxyzine 50mg at 1530 medication
Morris told me that she hasn’t been diagnosed with any type of psychological disorders. Morris has never attempted to commit suicide in the past. Based on Morris’ statements made to me, I formed the opinion that she was a danger to herself. I placed Morris on a WIC 5585-Mental Health Hold. I informed Social Worker Lauren of the circumstances.
The person served was admitted to the Bridgeway Supportive Housing Team on 2/28/15 with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and opiate dependence. She is not currently prescribed any medications, as per her verbal report. The person served did not have insurance since moving back to this area from North Carolina. She has been working on getting this reinstated. Supportive Housing staff have linked her to social services in an effort to get insurance. This was done on 3/26/15 with follow up calls on 4/22 and 5/5/15. Due to this linkage, she was able to get linked to mental health and psychiatric services. However, she has meanwhile reported to staff on 6/19/15 that she has plans to see a psychiatrist (Dr. Moss) in Flemington, and that she is saving
Mrs. Passmore is a 31 year old female who presented to the ED via LEO attempting to harm herself. Per documentation Mrs. Passmore reports someone taking her Klonopin several days ago and has not been able to take it. Today she allegedly tried to cut her wrist. She denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis to nursing staff. At the time of the assessment Mrs. Passmore reports a mental health history of bipolar, anxiety, and depression. Mrs. Passmore noted she has only been hospitalized when she was 15 year old for behavior issues. She denies having a history of self harm or suicidal attempts. Mrs. Passmore reports recently she has been going through a lot. She reports her father died 3 weeks ago, financial issues,
She reported no exposure to mental health professional, she denies any family history of mental health or substance problems in biologically related family
Ronny is a 46-year-old white male who present to CRU from RRC-W on ACOT for PAD. He was amended by his OP clinic, Life Behavioral Wellness, for not complying with the terms of the order and treatment plan. Per collateral, Ronny has a hx of violent behavior including pulling knives on people and stabbing. According to his OP psychiatrist, Diana Havill, MD, Ronny pulled a knife on a pregnant woman. He also have a history of self-harm including attempted hanging. Patient is cooperative during admission, and answered all questions. He has a PMH of HTN, Asthma, TB, seizures, and Brain surgery (infant). His vital signs were WNLs. Patient will benefit from medication
D.D. is a 50-year-old, African American male presenting with a number of anxiety and depressive symptoms. The client reports that he came to counseling for “extra support and someone to talk to.” D.D. has been struggling with mental health issues since he was young. Since the age of 15 he has been hospitalized on and off for “hearing voices.” In the early 1980’s he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and prescribed Risperdal to treat the symptoms. Since then, D.D. has been in a variety of mental health settings, including hospitals, day programs, and outpatient treatment. The client has an extensive alcohol and drug use history that he believes impacted his Schizophrenia. In the early 1980’s the client would use alcohol every day “to avoid the voices,” drinking “anything he could get his hands on.” He was also heavily involved with drugs at that time and regularly used marijuana, PCP, cocaine, and heroine. In 2000, the client was sentenced to eight years in jail for four bank robberies. While in jail, D.D. received mental health treatment and alcohol and drug treatment, which was greatly beneficial. When the client was released from jail in 2008, he was drug and alcohol free and was taken off of Risperdal.
Patient is the second child of a separated family. She reports that growing up was very chaotic because his father was physically and emotionally abusive towards her and her family. Patient’s father admitted himself in a psychiatric unit about 20 years ago for unknown reasons. She believes he fits the criteria for Bi-Polar I Disorder. Patients’ younger brother (22 years old) carries a diagnosis of Asperger’s and takes Prozac 20mg to treat symptoms of depression. Patient stopped talking to her father in 2010 after a dispute related to her brother. She reports that her mother is a good support system and they talk regularly. Her mother was diagnosed with Lyme disease during this past
Discharge orders were given for the victim on 04/08/16 and his family will not assume the responsibility of coming to get him. The reporter has made arrangments for the victim to be taken to Singing River but need twelve months bank statements and a copy of his life insurance policy. Mr. Hamilton has been denied disability and no one ever reapplied. The victim's previous nursing home will not accept him back because of the lack of family support or compliance; Mr. Hamilton resided at a nursing home before admission. Mr. Hamilton's insurance has bee denied and the reporter doesnt feel his insurance will pay for the acute care because he's well enough to go home. The reporter stated at this time, Mr. Hamilton cannot stay at Merritt Health in
Background information: Sally Sue is a white female in her mid-nineties residing in an apt with her boyfriend. Pt has an ongoing struggles with hallucinations for many years. Pt was admitted to SBBH involuntarily. APS is involved because of the phone calls that she made to the police officers. Pt has received therapeutic treatments in the past. Pt does have legal matters. Recently, pt went to court to get her days extended for longer treatment. Her barrier to treatment is she can hardly hear. Her major source of income is her social security. Her strengths is verbal and motivated for treatment. Her weaknesses
My client name is Ivan Slovsky he Is a 74-year-old Russian Immigrant. He is a 6’3 male with tan looking skin, dark brown hair. He dropped out of high school when he was in the 11th grade. Ivan has suffered from lack of education in his younger years, which conflicted with him getting a good job in his early career. He doesn’t have any income being that he is not working and no longer receives his monthly disability check. Ivan never went back to complete his high school education. Ivan was a brilliant engineer, but had problems keeping a job because of his erratic behaviors. His wife was his primary caretaker who took care of him and made sure he got all his medication on a daily base and a set time. Upon recent record it had been discovered that Ivan also suffers from Schizophrenia from a history of Ever since Ivan wife passed away he has been found doing unusual things. He was recently found in local a pet store claiming
The claimant denied previous hospitalizations for psychiatric reasons. Her mother reported that claimant has received outpatient mental health treatments in Armenia. Claimant’s mother denied receiving current mental health services and denies past and current suicidal or homicidal ideation, attempt and plan.
This consumer is a 48 y/o African American male diagnosis with bipolar I. The consumer is sorry about having thought of killing himself. The consumer does have insight that he know that his behavior is because he has not been taking his medication. The consumer took a cab to the hospital because he was having suicidal thought and his plan was to jump off the porch. The consumer states that he had two frozen blue drink on Wednesday at Chene Park. The consumer report that he was not feeling well and starting having a break down and wanted to get away. The consumer states he has not been sleeping since he has not been taking his
SR is a 45 year old, single, African American male, who lives with his family in an urban area of Columbus, GA. SR is currently unemployed, but is on disability. SR is presenting to see if a higher level of care is needed for his presenting symptoms. A local outpatient community service board referred SR, after a routine appointment with his outpatient therapist because of reported aggressive behaviors, to include homicidal threats, with multiple plans, by his family. While at the appointment his outpatient therapist reports that the client was rambling, having racing thoughts, rapid and frequent mood swings and severe paranoia. SR reports that he is easily agitated and has anger outbursts that accompany his mood swings. He also reports severe bouts of depression that leads to decrease in sleep and appetite, as well as helpless, hopeless, and worthless feelings. Client reported feeling like people were talking about him, and laughing at him, while at home with his family, he also feels that his family are out to get him, and his money, onset, x2 weeks. SR also reported current active homicidal ideations on 10/31/16 with a plan to shoot his friend who stole money from him. Client reports onset for H/I was 10/29/16. SR has no previous homicidal attempts. Per family, SR is very impulsive and spends his money on gambling and drugs. SR also has a 15 year addiction to cocaine, which he feels he can’t kick. SR has tried to stop in the past, but he always
My patient?s name is John T, age 41 was admitted to Bournewood Hospital in Brookline, MA. on September 16, 2015. He was severely depressed about his past and he started having suicidal ideals. John grew up with a mother, father and sister in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. They didn't have much money and his father was the only one paying bills while his mother was a housewife. John explained that living with his family was very uncomfortable. His father was a very mean and angry man; no one got along with him and everyone feared him. Being Italian, the meal must be plated once the husband got home. With that said, one day his father got mad at his mother about not having dinner on the table on time; things turned for the