In Australia, the organization, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Studies (AIATSIS), was established to “promote knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures, traditions, languages…” (AIATSIS, 2017). It has conducted several surveys on Aboriginal language and received funding for the spreading of Aboriginal language. In their survey, they figured out that it is important to involve the community members in Indigenous language preservation activities and have adequate accesses to language resources (Marmion et al., 2014). On the state level, none of the Acts on Aboriginal heritage protection put in to action protects the Aboriginal language directly either. Meanwhile,
Assess the impact of the Australian Aboriginal League in improving the rights and freedoms of Aboriginals in Australia
Both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal had valuable and reasonable arguments against the federal government’s decision. The technique the federal government should have used instead was to keep the rule that Aboriginal people have a right to fish when they wanted without a license and keep the fishing industry continuing their success. Since the fishing industry has been running for hundreds of years and Aboriginals come from a family of survival and fishing, then why not both work with each other in the same industry. This means that Aboriginals will still have a right to fish when they want and the fishing industry will still be running, therefore Aboriginals would find more employment.
Directions: After developing an outline to organize your reasons and evidence, construct your essay below. Don’t forget to explain how your evidence supports your reasoning, and not just explain what the quote means.
Being involved in the Reconciliation Action Plan working group has inspired and motivated my desire in developing mutual respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and values.
From a sociological lens, sociological theories can be applied to the drug usage of Aboriginal people. According to the structural functionalist theory, drug abuse is a response to weakening of societal norms. In relation to Aboriginal peoples, the absence of bond between some Aboriginal people and society, may be one reason why drug use is a common occurrence among people of Indigenous backgrounds. The anomie in some Aboriginal people who use drugs may exist at the individual level, which can be from biological or physiological reasons and/or psychological reasons. The norms created by society, the perception that doing drug is bad, may not be felt by some people, thus there is a weakening of a consensus of what is considered acceptable.
Introduction of new temptations into Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people’s lives such as alcohol, drugs, processed foods or un-natural to their culture, technology (more in the 20th century plus), clustered living environments, un-organization (within the community, family), money and greed
Demonstrate respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural knowledge, history, lived experience and connection to community and country through inviting an Aboriginal elder to the center to give a speech about the history, trauma, cultural safety issues of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community people and the impacts on them.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have faced disadvantages in various areas, particularly housing. The disadvantages these people face now are the result of policies introduced by the European settlers, then the government. The policies introduced were protection, assimilation, integration and self-determination. It is hard to understand the housing disadvantages faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people if their history is not known.
The section “Language and Culture” proposes an “Aboriginal Languages Act,” which would protect all aboriginal languages. It also proposes that funding for the revitalization
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are a distinct traditional cultural group of the Australian population. The historical wealth of the importance of contribution to country by the Indigenous people of this nation is truly significant. At the Indigenous Future-Venture Research Institution (IFVRI) we place at the forefront of our mission, the aim to develop and implement, through the in-depth research and analysis of data, new material for awareness platforms and information that will primarily lead to submission and contribution towards national Indigenous policy development and future venture directions. Future research initiatives include within the scope of research areas the sectors of education, health, economics, employment, cultural progress and most importantly the future of Indigenous affairs and growth in Australia. Through the generational waves of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, society in this contemporary setting is an optimal environment for the already established standards of child education as stable, safe and secure in regard to the facilities that provide the opportunities for cultural and student-centred learning.
The forceful removal of children from families, relocation of tribes from their native homelands, and the attempted assimilation by the Europeans resulted in the disruption of the hundreds of years of knowledge and heritage being passed down through generations. These issues have resulted in the destruction of most of their thousand year old languages and background. To the Indigenous people of Australia, language is the key to their cultural and spiritual identity, and their heritage. From over 250 languages being spoken all over Australia, there are now only 145. Only 20 of which are considered still going strong; this is a cause of great distress to the Indigenous people. “The loss of indigenous languages signifies not only the loss of traditional knowledge but also the loss of cultural diversity and spirituality as well as laws and customs” (Gugu Badhun Limited, 2012). Language is their identity, their connection to the community, it retains their cultural and spiritual identity throughout their daily lives now (Gugu Badhun Limited,
Many Aboriginal people cannot read or write and rely more on images, art and stories to communicate (Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, 30.3.5, 2016). The Aboriginal worker could have asked for two weeks of annual leave and did not understand that only one week of leave got approved in writing.
In Aboriginal culture the language isn’t only a form of communication, it is used to mark territory. It is possible that people from tribe only fifty kilometres away cannot understand the other tribes language at all.
The ‘Stolen Generations’ is a term used to describe the actions of which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, mostly children, were taken away from their families between the 1890’s and the 1970’s (Korff, 2014). Children were taken to institutions or adopted by non-Indigenous families and most never saw their families again. In the early 1900’s the Australian public was persuaded into believing Aboriginal children were deprived, mistreated and at risk in their own communities. People believed that Aboriginal children would receive a better education, a more loving and caring family and a more civilised upbringing if adopted by white families or government institutions. In reality Aboriginal children were being removed so that they
Ancient Greek stands in an important position in the art history. Ancient Greek art proper emerged during the eigth century BCE. Classical and Hellenistic period are the most impressive eras of Greece. There are many values of Greek 's culture become the fundamental tenets of today 's western civilization. Greeks created the concept of democracy and make a huge contributions in the fields of science, literature and art. Ancient Greece 's art and architecture also have a strong influential to western society. Moreover, the Greeks made their gods into humans and their humans into gods. The perfect individual became the Greek ideal and the portrayal of beautiful humans became the focus of many of the greatest Greek artists. Greek ideal is one of the most important cultures of Greece and it also has a great influence of Greek religion, philosophy and society. The art work of Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic Period have shown that Greek has achieved their lofty goals in many aspects of their civilization.