Brenda Tate is a life-long resident of the Hill District and a 40-year veteran of Pittsburgh law enforcement where she served in various capacities. These include, from foot patrol to the protection of three visiting Presidents and in 1998 she was the first African-American female assigned to a new unit – The Witness Protection Program. BT Community Consulting, LLC is her business, wherein she works with organizations to assist them build positive community relations, respond to safety needs and create effective partnerships with law enforcement. One of her early clients, Three Rivers Youth, under the leadership of President and CEO Peggy Harris, was in need of assistance in brokering relationships between the police, the community …show more content…
Keith B. Key resolved that he wanted to discontinue outside contracting of security at their properties. As a result, Tate was hired to build a security team and manage the security force, Rhino Security, for all of their properties. She says, “I’m proud to be able to assist, along with Tanya Ford, establish this security force because Keith is more than a developer. Not only does he build homes, but his approach to creating communities is holistic—including to put a new face on the word ‘Security’ ridding the stereotypical appearance of persons in the industry—I’m pleased to be a part of his team.” Brenda says that both Three Rivers Youth and assisting the establishment of Rhino Securities will be long-term commitments as she continues to build her business. She shares, “I am hope when my contract is up with Three Rivers Youth they will be on solid footing with the community and be able to handle any issues that arise. Also, the relationships we’ve helped build will mitigate problems and allow the youth homes to function better in the community without involving law-enforcement as
Social Services: On 02/17/2017, Ms. Hair and her son Aaron met with the family assigned Case Manager for the family ILP Document Review. Ms. Hair is expected to meet with her assigned Case Manager bi-weekly. Ms. Hair’s next ILP appointment is on 02/02/2017. Case Manager asked Ms. Hair if she is aware that she is not in-compliance with the terms of her ILP, Ms. Hair stated yes. Case Manager asked Ms. Hair if is aware that failed to attend her ILP meetings since 01/23/2017, Ms. Hair stated that she was aware. Ms. Hair last ILP was conducted on 01/23/2017. Ms. Hair stated that the reason that she has not attended her ILP meetings is due to her work scheduled. Case Manager explained to Ms. Hair that it’s understandable that she is working and she
Bell California is a small blue collar community which is one of the poorest cities in Los Angeles County, where the politicians had an easy time of taking advantage of the community. There are just two main streets with one having small shops and another a few blocks away with a few commercial stores. Many of the residents that live in Bell work for the city or receive public aid so not many people would speak out against any corruption that might be occurring within the city. Much of the residents are Hispanic or Latino and many do not have a high school education. Because of this fact it made it easy for the local politicians to raise taxes for public services, give city contracts worth tens of millions of dollars to associates and give
I am a Member of the Toronto Police Black Community Constitutive Committee (BCCC), where my main role is educating the police on strategies to engage with the youths, adding an anti-oppressive lens. Am also the Vice Chair of the Social Work Students’ Union; and a mentor, and lead mentor in the Tri-Mentoring program. I have made a personal vow to help create a legacy of change and a sense of community where everyone is welcomed, loved and accepted. I am motivated and driven to help the Social Work program and the Faculty of community, achieve our vision, which is to challenge the status quo and create meaningful change.
I presented Esteban’s case during case consultation because I noticed that I had countertransference when doing his intake. My expectation when presenting this case was to receive feedback that would help me to provide effective treatment to Esteban without my countertransference affecting his treatment. This section of the paper will talk about the feedback I received about my countertransference and how to support Esteban.
In 1984 the African American population was given more power in the city of Baltimore Maryland. Mayor Donald Schaefer named Bishop L. Robinson as the Baltimore Police Department’s first African American police commissioner. After becoming police commissioner, he became secretary of public safety and correctional services. Mr. Robinson joined the city’ s police department in 1952 as a foot patrolman and later worked for its Criminal Investigation Division (The Washington Post, 2014) . Mr. Robinson assigned Operations Bureau in 1981, which oversaw day today work in the police department. In the 1915 BPD Rules and Regulations a Police was given and described. Policewomen are known as the peace law enforcement. The first woman officer was hired, named Mary S.
The course is designed to provide the knowledge needed to be able to use CBT, either on
Primary clients and stakeholders involved in the program are: teens, parents, volunteers, schools the teen court coordinator Tamisha Fletcher, judges, Teen Court Advisory Board, City of Arlington officials, and the community service agencies who provide work for teens to complete community service hours. The program’s success depends on
The International Association of Chiefs of Police Research Center Board of executives, Smaller Law Enforcement Agencies Technical Assistance Program developed a New Police Chief Mentoring Project (IACP, 2013). Supported by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice, the focus is to make available official support to newer law enforcement leaders in the first three years of appointment, who are serving in smaller populations less than 50,000 citizens. As cities expand geographically and demographically, police departments face additional challenges determining efficient and effective ways to make use of officers and resources (Roberts, 2000).
What pertinent aspects of U.S. law should the company be aware of in its goal to do business internationally?
On June 8, 2017 Quentin Smith came to the staff office appearing to be disorientated and groomed. Mr. Smith express that he wanted to go to respite in the meantime while he wait for transportation to St. Joseph’s. Wellness Coach Ms. Cain sent a referral to Parachute respite and a representative called informing that Mr. Smith has been there three times thus far. In stating that Wellness Coach Ms. Cain stated that Mr. Smith feels as if he is need of a changed environment.
The agreement to improve police-community relations has been identified as one of the most comprehensive and creative plans, calling upon both community members and police to participate in both a structural and cultural manner to the issues discovered (Background, 8). There were objectives that strove to improve the relationships between the two groups by fostering trust and respect as they worked to a common goal of a better community at large. They were also changes in the police system itself to address hiring, monitoring and accountability within the system (Background, 9). These changes were conservative in nature aiming to increase accountability between the groups and also the amount of accountability the officers had to their rules and proceedings. The considered success of these implementations could be attributed to the diversity of those leading the commission. The leaders of the response to the crisis include the Mayor, a prominent African American business and civic leader, and other business, philanthropic and civic leaders (Background, 6). This diversity included a wide range of members that allowed it to reach past the historical tendency of segregation and exclusion of community
Chiefs are powerful leaders of police agencies and without their support formalizing any partnership can be very difficult (Jannetta, J., & Lachman, P., 2011). Leaders of organizations such as Police Chiefs often have the credibility and connections to reach out to other agencies such as probation departments to establish formal partnerships. Chiefs can implement partnerships at an organizational level and provide officers with the opportunity, resources, training, and incentives to participate in collaborations (Jannetta, J., & Lachman, P.,
Peter Nicholson wishes to convert the factory in the north east to production of the electric taxi. Using data in Appendix C, Table 1, calculate payback period and the average rate of return.
Community policing consist of following three key components: Community Partnerships, Organizational Transformation, and Problem Solving. Community Partnership is the collaborative partnerships between the law enforcement agency and the individuals and organizations they serve to develop solutions to problems and enhance trust in police. Organizational Transformation is the alignment of organizational management, structure, personnel, and information systems to support community partnerships and proactive problem solving. Problem Solving is the process of engaging in the proactive and systematic examination of identified problems to develop and rigorously evaluate effective responses.
Our mission: is to eliminate youth homelessness in the Riverside area and to provide them with the education and resources to reach their full potential as caring, responsible, citizens.