
Case Study: BT Community Consulting

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Brenda Tate is a life-long resident of the Hill District and a 40-year veteran of Pittsburgh law enforcement where she served in various capacities. These include, from foot patrol to the protection of three visiting Presidents and in 1998 she was the first African-American female assigned to a new unit – The Witness Protection Program. BT Community Consulting, LLC is her business, wherein she works with organizations to assist them build positive community relations, respond to safety needs and create effective partnerships with law enforcement. One of her early clients, Three Rivers Youth, under the leadership of President and CEO Peggy Harris, was in need of assistance in brokering relationships between the police, the community …show more content…

Keith B. Key resolved that he wanted to discontinue outside contracting of security at their properties. As a result, Tate was hired to build a security team and manage the security force, Rhino Security, for all of their properties. She says, “I’m proud to be able to assist, along with Tanya Ford, establish this security force because Keith is more than a developer. Not only does he build homes, but his approach to creating communities is holistic—including to put a new face on the word ‘Security’ ridding the stereotypical appearance of persons in the industry—I’m pleased to be a part of his team.” Brenda says that both Three Rivers Youth and assisting the establishment of Rhino Securities will be long-term commitments as she continues to build her business. She shares, “I am hope when my contract is up with Three Rivers Youth they will be on solid footing with the community and be able to handle any issues that arise. Also, the relationships we’ve helped build will mitigate problems and allow the youth homes to function better in the community without involving law-enforcement as

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