
Case Study : Bella Italia 's Service Quality

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1 Introduction
Service is important in the food and beverage industries, that customer always have a high expectation and needs while dining in the restaurant. To find out how well the service provided, quality is a main element to every service. According to Haksever et al (2000), “Quality is ‘the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy given needs’”. Therefore, service quality is one of the main point in every restaurants to allow them improve and upgrade their level of image and reputation. In this report, Bella Italia was chosen to have an overview of its service quality. It will be find out how well the service practice was made and which part of service can be improve within the restaurant by using the service quality analysis, service recovery, customer feedback mechanism and benchmarking.

2 Overview of Bella Italia
Bella Italia is an Italian restaurant which located in the city centre of Plymouth. It is a fine dining restaurant which is stylish and has beautiful décor to give an elegant atmosphere to customers. The outside appearance is attractive with clean windows and door, also because of menus and posters placed in front of the main entrance. Staffs were well-trained with great knowledge of every dish, and they are all friendly and nice to serve every customer. The overall service is good but there have some improvement about the service quality.

3 Service Quality Analysis
“Service quality can be

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