I don’t believe that anybody could have chose to take the path Bob Stern did. Bob had an aneurism on his aorta and had prostate cancer. Rather than going through, what the doctor stated was a simple in and out procedure, he decided to take his own life. He consulted his wife and son about it and left a video for his girls. His wife and son did not want him to leave them but supported his decision. They stated he was getting tired and he knew it was his time to go. Throughout the video he kept on saying that he felt like there were going to be complications because of his age and horrible health history. He did not want to end up like his son’s father in law who was dying in a hospital bed sue to a stroke. Bob did not want to make his family
Michelle Beets was a nurse manager of the emergency department at Sydney’s Royal North Shore hospital. She was found stabbed to death on the 27th of April 2010 by Walter Marsh, a former US marine. Beets and Marsh had a working relationship where Beet’s had authority over Marsh and she chose not to renew his 12-month contract. Without a job, Marsh would have been forced back to the US because he was on a work visa in Australia. Weeks before the night of the criminal act, Marsh had familiarised himself with the home and had practiced the attack moves he was going to use on his own wife and her brother. On 27th of April 2010, Beets was returning home, in Chatswood from work and Marsh was there waiting for her in the driveway. He ambushed her,
1. In 1825, Philadelphians began debating whether to build a multi-million dollar canal through the Allegheny Mountains to connect the city to the markets in the Ohio River Valley. Who was Matthew Carey, and why did he push so hard for the canal?
Scenario 2: Gary M. was arrested by the FBI when he showed up at a local mall to meet a "14 year old girl" for a date, which he arranged over the Internet. He didn't know that the "14 year old girl" was a 35-year old male FBI agent. Category of crime, crimes of public morality referring to cybercrime, charges Iowa code 705.1 solicitiation of a minor felony up to 5 years imprisonment and fines (Reuters, 2017).
Keith Foster a former deputy police chief was sentenced to four years in prison for being a corrupt police officer that was profiting off of selling drugs. I do believe that since he is an officer of all that they gave him some sort of leeway. For example, Foster had three days to show up at the Denver prison by himself. If I were to get arrested I would have to be processed with the rest of the felons and be transported on a bus with other inmates. The fact that he was able to take himself shows that he already has special treatment, just because the title he used to have. I think that the reason why he was able to go on his own to prison is because he is a former police officer and he mostly has a higher risk of getting hurt while in prison.
1. There are a few boundary issues that need to be addressed. The social worker developed a personal relationship with Bea. Bea was in need of additional income, she wanted to find a female to rent her spare room to. The social worker had a friend, “a woman who might be interested” renting the room (Hoffman, & St. Clair, 2003, p. 46). She asked for permission to let her friend know of the room, asking to releasing Bea’s information was appropriate. The boundary issue is that the social worker should have not even offered her friend as an option to rent the room. This situation becomes a conflict of interest and cross the boundaries of social worker and client (NASW, 2008, p. 7). In addition to this situation the social worker admitted to having
Scott Starson, a brilliant physicist has been in and out of mental institutions due to his bipolar disorder. He was lastly admitted again after he made death threats to his roommates and was found not criminally responsible for that offense. His physicians suggested different sorts of treatment for his illness. Scott Starson refused to give consent to the treatment for reason that he had a scientific research to finish and he didn’t want the medications to slow him down. His physicians not finding him competent enough to critically make that kind of decision, brought the case
This type of research is very valuable. This type of research is the most accurate and best way to fully understand the virus. It may be time consuming but it is the best way to study the virus.
Five of the portrayed people suffer from terminal illness. However, only four made the decision to end their lives. One of the men, Andrew, who suffered from terminal prostate cancer was the only one who clearly verbalized his desire to live, and to receive treatment. He however, was refused the necessary treatment that could potentially save his life by the insurance company who rejected his request for treatment, viewing is as futile, and instead offering him palliative care. In the end, the insurance company reversed its initial decision refusing treatment, but only after Andrew, brought his case to the media.
We came to this decision because we felt that if a few professional psychiatrist can render him mentally competent than he should be allowed to make his own decisions because it is moral. This is moral because people should be allowed to do what they want with their body, and as Cowart says it is, “the right to control your own body is a right you’re born with…” (Cowart 2). However, this is refuted when that person cannot make rational decisions because that person would be mentally incompetent. People that are mentally incompetent are incapable of making decisions that are in their best interest. We also discussed his mother and how all she cared about is for him to receive treatment which we thought was a bit selfish. This is a typical parental perspective considering that parents do not want to outlive their children. However, she should have sought out what was best for him and what he was going to be happy with and not her. As a group we also felt that he should have received better pain treatment especially since Cowart found out later that they could have done more for his treatment. If someone is in as much pain as he was and when a doctor is confronted with the request to die, that doctor should be doing everything he or she can to bring down the pain.
The bad thing about the situation was that medically there was nothing more that could be done for this patient. All the family could do was to sit by his bedside and wait for their loved one take his last breath, and to be at peace.
Humans have the obligation to provide and care for their loved ones, whether it is their child or parent. For this reason, having the ability to take away one’s own life because of health related issues should be carefully thought out by the family and affected person. As individuals grow older, the body naturally degenerates and its effects can be very painful for the person and their family members. There are many views regarding how a family and the affected person should go about the ultimate decision of taking one’s own life. John Hardwig believes that as we grow older there is a “duty to die” before one 's illnesses would cause death, in the absence of any terminal illness and sometimes when one would prefer to live. In his essay, “Is There a Duty to Die?” he explains why he thinks that there is a need to take away one’s life to benefit others. Felicia Ackerman disagrees completely in her essay, “For Now Have I My Death: The “Duty to Die” versus the Duty to Help the Ill Stay Alive.” She believes instead that there is a, “duty to aid” and the amount of aid ultimately depends on the family circumstance. Ackerman’s view is illustrated by Jerome Groopman, MD in The Anatomy of Hope where he talks about a man named George Griffin and his success in the fight of a very serious and rare stomach cancer through family support and hope. The decision to take away one’s own life may be very challenging and complex, but there is an absolute obligation for the family to be involved
On the morning of May 7th, 2000 the murder of Mary Ann Stephens occurred. She was a tourist to Jacksonville, Florida along with her husband. The two were staying at the Ramada Inn Hotel and had just came from breakfast when they were approached by a young black man who held them at gunpoint, took Mrs. Stephens' purse then proceeded to shoot her between the eyes. When the police first arrived, the elderly woman's body was several inches away from the path on which her and her husband were walking along to get back to their room. Her body was strewn across the grass, covered in blood with the bullet and it's wound being clearly visible to the naked eye. This case became controversial and it is believed that there was racial
S.R is a 69-year old man who presents to the clinic because his “wife complains that his snoring is difficult to live with.”
Making readers sad or necessarily agreeing with his decision is not the intention of his writing, rather, to examine their own life and situation and to contemplate death, as it is inevitable for everyone. The majority of people will more than likely have to face a similar choice as Clendinen. Maybe not in the same extreme measure, but most people will have to make a decision for a family member who is no longer capable of making medical decisions for themselves. Clendinen's purpose is being achieved and readers should walk away from this article recognizing exactly what Clendinen’s beliefs are on death, and it ought to make them curious about their own thoughts and beliefs. At the very least, talk with their loved one’s before they ever become ill and find out their loved one’s wishes are. Individuals, for the most part, are skilled on how to live their life, but how many are being taught to embrace the