
Case Study Bobs Burgers

Decent Essays

The family that has been chosen to part take in this therapy session is the Belcher family whom are the stars of the hit cartoon series “Bobs Burgers”. The clients that will be involved in the therapy session are Bob Belcher, Linda Belcher, Louise Belcher, Tina Belcher and Gene Belcher. The issue that the Belcher family is facing arrises as an issue constructed by the individual that comes together as a whole family. This issue is that the family dose not see fit as normal in their community due to their strong individual personality and these personalities as a whole when brought together as a family. All though they have appreciation for who they are, they seem to think that ridicule such as being called weird, different and out of the normal …show more content…

The problem being presented is that the Belcher family feels out of the normal and not accepted by their community due to their strong personalities and out of normal behavior. The theory in use for this particular case is Constructivist Family Therapy. The Belchers need to stop using terms such as out of normal or weird to describe themselves. The first thing to realize is that their is no definitive term of what normal is. The Belchers can frame words such as weird or abnormal to terms such as unique, different or one of a kind. Changing the use of these terms can change the reality that they see and the reality created by the language used. By understanding that reality can be changed by our language utilized it can bring a further understanding that reality is subjective and caries many point of view. The techniques that are utilized for the Belcher case is Empathetic Conversation. This will technique will allow new meaning to emerge of what their issue is and even new meaning to the terms that they are having trouble dealing with. Another technique used can be moving the therapist from the expert position into one that is co constructive of a new reality and creating a pathway to disclosing the clients feelings. By co-constructing this new reality, it can show the Belchers even more reinforcement to the subjective state to reality. Their is no definitive truth that the therapist knows over the Belchers. Finally by using a collaborative systems approach, together we can bring new meanings to the problem. Even realizing that their problem is not even an issue in the first

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