
Case Study: Bon Secours Home Care

Satisfactory Essays

Member stating she was discharged home from Hanover Health and Rehab on 03/14/2017 with home health services in place. Member stating she had requested Encompass Home Health Agency but Bon Secours Home Health came out on 03/18/2017 and she stated she told Nurse she did not want that Agency. CM placed a call to Hanover Health and Rehab and spoke with Discharge Planner and she stated that Encompass could not take the case because of a shortage of staff. Member stated she would agree to have Bon Secours Home Health. Discharge Planner stated she would send the referral back to Bon Secours Home Health. Member stating she had post hospital follow up with PCP yesterday with no new changes. Member stating she reported the pain she is having to PCP

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