
Case Study: Carolina Forest High School

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Carolina Forest High School is located in the Carolina Forest area of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina at 700 Gardner Lacy Highway. According to the US News and World Reports data on this High School, there are currently 2,066 students in attendance, with 102 full time teachers for a teacher to student ratio of 20:1. 72% of the student body at Carolina Forest High School is identified as White, 15% as Black, 2% Asian, 7% Hispanic, and 4% as multiracial. With a total of 24% of students belonging to an ethnic minority group, there is a multicultural presence felt in the school. Also provided by the US News and World Report is data on the economic situation of students who attend Carolina Forest High School. 37% of students who attend are currently …show more content…

This means that I need to be cognizant of what students may be able to get access to if they are assigned a project where they might use creative materials. The high education rate amongst residents probably means that more parents will be more willing to take an active role in their child’s education since they are not only more likely to be educated, but also less likely to feel intimidated by a meeting with a teacher or looking over their student’s work. Fortunately, it also means that if I contact parents, I am likely to receive a …show more content…

The student’s transcripts reveal that most are in this class for the first time except for six. Due to the wide range of reading levels and English proficiencies, partner or group work is likely to be the favored option in class instruction. The philosophy in this classroom is what is done for one will be done for all. Therefore, the need of the one ESOL student who doesn’t speak English to have extra visual cues and visually based projects needs to be incorporated for all of the students in the classroom as much as possible to include him in class. The option to send this student to the ESOL classroom is not welcomed at this time since if he is there, then he isn’t in class to get the information that he needs. A more visual approach to learning may also assist students who are reading at lower reading levels attain the information that they need about the various texts that we will read instead of leaving them feeling overwhelmed or left

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