Carolina Forest High School is located in the Carolina Forest area of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina at 700 Gardner Lacy Highway. According to the US News and World Reports data on this High School, there are currently 2,066 students in attendance, with 102 full time teachers for a teacher to student ratio of 20:1. 72% of the student body at Carolina Forest High School is identified as White, 15% as Black, 2% Asian, 7% Hispanic, and 4% as multiracial. With a total of 24% of students belonging to an ethnic minority group, there is a multicultural presence felt in the school. Also provided by the US News and World Report is data on the economic situation of students who attend Carolina Forest High School. 37% of students who attend are currently …show more content…
This means that I need to be cognizant of what students may be able to get access to if they are assigned a project where they might use creative materials. The high education rate amongst residents probably means that more parents will be more willing to take an active role in their child’s education since they are not only more likely to be educated, but also less likely to feel intimidated by a meeting with a teacher or looking over their student’s work. Fortunately, it also means that if I contact parents, I am likely to receive a …show more content…
The student’s transcripts reveal that most are in this class for the first time except for six. Due to the wide range of reading levels and English proficiencies, partner or group work is likely to be the favored option in class instruction. The philosophy in this classroom is what is done for one will be done for all. Therefore, the need of the one ESOL student who doesn’t speak English to have extra visual cues and visually based projects needs to be incorporated for all of the students in the classroom as much as possible to include him in class. The option to send this student to the ESOL classroom is not welcomed at this time since if he is there, then he isn’t in class to get the information that he needs. A more visual approach to learning may also assist students who are reading at lower reading levels attain the information that they need about the various texts that we will read instead of leaving them feeling overwhelmed or left
Last year, at Kingsland High School’s Graduation Ceremony, Josie Hinze not only receiveed her High School Diploma, but also her Associates of Arts Degree before even attending any college or university. Fast-forward to one year later, and seven Kingsland students will be graduating high school with both their High School Diploma and AA Degree thanks to the collaboration of Riverland Community College and Kingsland High School for allowing high school students to take college-level courses in high school and receive college credit for them. Not only that, but there are several others who will be graduating Kingsland High School with transferrable college credit so their first few semesters might
Leaguetown Independent School District is currently facing a conflict of whether having later start times would perhaps help the improvement of academic performance of Leaguetown Middle School and high school students. Superintendent Judith Owens has proposed a new schedule that would set later start times. A group of Leaguetown Middle School parents has organized to oppose the proposal.
the essential purpose of higher education. Nonetheless, future students should still be hesitant in choosing whether to attend UCF or SSC. Consider the cost of tuition and housing rates before choosing between these schools. Taking in consideration the diverge path both take on economic convenience, will help students decide whether to pay a high price for a higher education or a rather modest price on higher education.
Gulf Shores Middle School- On October, 22, 2015, the eighth grade students were taken, as a field trip, to Playhouse in the Park, to go and watch plays of Edgar Allan Poe poems for the mystery and suspense unit. The students were taken to see The Tell-Tale Heart, Ligeia, The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether, The Cask of Amontillado performed by the kind people at Playhouse at the Park. They did this because they’re in the mystery and suspense unit, and they have been reading Edgar Allan Poe works, such as The Tell-Tell Heart. After the plays the students were expected to create think and answer questions about what differences were in the plays, and the original pieces of writing.
County Prep high school has always had my interest. With all it has to offer, I’ve decided to make it my high school of choice for several reasons. There are things like the extracurricular activities they offer, the amount of AP courses they have. They are also offering vocational programs and LEAP courses. County Prep gives me the resources I will need to
Personally speaking, not being greatly economically advantaged, it can be difficult for low-income student to succeed at this school. Based on VSOL, and VAEOC statistics, it is shown that minority and low-income students take fewer AP and honors level courses and receive lower scores on Virginia standardised tests. This type of pattern year to year can be catastrophic to the future generations in the central Virginia area and it can be very damaging to a school's reputation.
Fort Scott Community College offers all their associate degree online to their students. They are finding their ways to grow their online program to serve all their students.
Are you an occupied professional looking to boost your educational portfolio? Are you devoted housewife that wants to get back to school after years of putting it off? Is transportation an concern for you in following your dreams? The answer is… We, here at ‘Forest Trail Academy’, want to model you into the world of virtual school with a simple, easy to use tool that will aid in your hunt of a higher education.
Dingess Elementary School is a Pre-K through fourth grade school with one hundred seventy-five students currently enrolled. We currently house one preschool special needs classroom and one Head Start classroom, two kindergarten classrooms, one first grade classroom, one first second grade split classroom, one second grade classroom, two third grade classrooms and one fourth grade classrooms (ten classrooms total). We have one full time music teacher, one special education teacher, and because of Title I funding we have one Instructional Coach, Title I teacher, and Sonday Instructor. We have a library assistant, a Title I parent coordinator on staff as well. We have a speech language pathologist two days a week and several itinerant
Davis Elementary is a priority school, diverse and a Title 1 school located in Portland, Oregon at 19501 NE Davis Street. The schools surrounding cities consist of Fairview and Gresham. Matt Coleman is the principal and this year is his second year serving the students and staff and Davis. Matt Coleman has two secretaries that assist him in the daily running of Davis. Summer Harrison is the head secretary and Andrea Cruz is the registrar secretary. This school serves Kindergarten through 5th grade and has a population of 487 students. There are 259 boys and 228 girls.
CM Gilmore made an unannounced visit to Grovetown High School to discuss safety and well-being of the children listed in the reported. CM interviewed Samera Blockmon, who is listed as one of the VC’s in the report. Samera Blockmon reported the following:
Hillsborough high school is a public high school located in central New Jersey. The township of Hillsborough consists of about 38,000 residents. The town was once considered to be a farming community, but now is transitioning to become
Beth Walton and I were able to interview Jeff Waldron the Principal at Newton High School.
The case study of Ridgewood Middle School resonated with me in a positive manner. The elementary school where I teach, while not riddled with graffiti, shares many characteristics with the old Ridgewood. Our families struggle with extreme poverty and our community has the highest violent crime rate in the city. As I have mentioned previously our test scores are among not just the lowest in the city, but also the lowest in the state. We have an extremely high teacher turnover rate and I have worked with three different principals in three years. The teacher turnover rate would be even higher if new teachers were allowed to transfer. Consequently, we have students and some staff that simply do not want to be in our school. The successes of
Timberlane Middle School is located in the town of Pennington, New Jersey. It is one of six school in the Hopewell Valley Regional school district and is the only middle school. The school district is highly supportive of the arts and funds many extra curricular music programs such as marching band, winter colorguard, indoor percussion, and jazz band. The school directly located across from the Central High School, allowing for both schools to collaborate in multiple projects. For example, many 8th grade middle school students are allowed to join the extra curricular music programs offered at the high school. In addition, this allows me and my cooperating teacher to travel during the day from the high school, where my main student teaching