
Case Study Cathay Pacific

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The Project aims to study the Cathay Pacific Airways Limited (CX) in tourism and hospitality industry, and the report will critically analysis their strategy and development through the Cathay Pacific’s background information, the company culture, resources, capabilities and competitive advantage, and different strategies. Final, to sum up the company's strategy will give its competitive advantage over the next five years.
2 Background of Cathay Pacific
2.1 Description of Cathay Pacific
According to Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd, Annual Report (2016), Cathay Pacific Airways is a Hong Kong-registered and Hong Kong-based international carrier that provides regular passenger and cargo services to a total of 181 destinations in 43 countries and territories. …show more content…

The operating capacity of other airlines has increased significantly, with more direct flights between mainland China and international destinations. Coupled with the participation of low-cost airlines, the competition in the aviation industry is exacerbated. Overcapacity in the market is a particularly competitive issue for our freight business.
2.2 Global coverage and plan expansion
In order to be the best airline in the world, Cathay Pacific has flights to many countries in the world, including Africa, the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.
Moreover, the Group is pursuing a business transformation program to make Cathay Pacific a better airline and a more robust business, benefiting customers with better productivity.
The expansion plans include expanding the route network, increasing frequency of the most popular routes and adding more fuel-efficient aircraft to meet the challenges facing the aviation industry. Such as Cathay Pacific have introduced new services to Tel Aviv, Barcelona and Christchurch in 2017. In addition, Cathay Pacific has increased the frequency of service to London Gatwick, Manchester, Madrid, Paris, Boston, Toronto, San-Francisco, Los Angeles, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Adelaide, Brisbane and Cairns, which are the most famous city for customers. And also Cathay Pacific took delivery of 11 Airbus A350-900 aircraft and already possesses 17 aircraft of this type. This will enhance the quality of service and help Cathay Pacific to increase its productivity and reduce costs (Cathay Pacific Airways Limited,

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