
Case Study: Cheap Pharma

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I. The Problem (Immediate Issues or Problem)
A pharmaceutical company wants to earn big profit for their business. Meanwhile, this company doesn’t able to achieve its goal because of some issues. This aims to solve its problem but unintentionally the issue was covered by another issue during the time of resolution. Namely Cheap Pharma Inc. (CPI) a generic drug company is suffering from low sales and small profits and possibly little earnings from its business. As a solution for its problem, Mr. De Guzman and the two other board of directors of the Cheap Pharma initiated to buy shares to GreenMed (GM). GreenMed is known for its lagundi leaves, since their product is famous and being patronize, Mr. Deguzman …show more content…

Superficially, your own capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies will emerge more prominently in the presence of an enemy, and this serves as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Even deeper, you can learn from the very animosity and opposition which exists between you and your enemy. We can choose to reflect upon why we are enemies with the person in the first place—does it all boil down to a misunderstanding? Am I prejudiced? Not only can we benefit by having our beliefs and capabilities challenged by opposition, but as we develop our understanding of an enemy, we may experience a shift in our regard for them. We may begin to view an enemy with less antagonism, and perhaps in times even come to know them as a friend.

Republic Act 7394 (RA 7394) is the "Consumer Act of the Philippines" which was promulgated on July 15, 1992. It is the policy of the State to protect the interest of the consumer, promote his general welfare and to establish standards of conduct for business and industry.

What are the objectives of the RA 7394 or otherwise known as "Consumer Act of the Philippines?
• Protection of consumers against hazards to health and

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