
Case Study Chemplus

Satisfactory Essays

I fall fairly well into the averages presented in the 2016 student cohort. I earn above the weekly income of $244, this is likely due to the fact I work part time while the majority of 2016 employed students (103) worked casually while 145 didn’t work at all. I differ to the cohort in weekly expenditures. As seen in Graph 1. The largest to expense to the cohort is housing with a mean of $84, I live at home, rent free so this expense doesn’t apply to me. However the other 4 expenses do. Although I spend money on food, transport etc. I catch a bus, which is cheaper than driving, and eat dinner at home every night to save money. My main expense would be entertainment which I would spend more on than the mean of $39. My living status is that of the majority of the …show more content…

I chose to ask the price of their cheapest box of 100 tablet metformin-500mg. Their 2 cheapest boxes were APO-Metformin 500 mg which is Chemplus’ generic brand and they sold it to general patients which I qualify for at $18.30. However they also stocked 100 tablet Metformin Sandoz 500mg (another generic brand) for the same price. Task 4b: Personally I wouldn’t purchase Metformin 500 mg from Hahndorf Chemplus if I was in the same financial as the 2016 student cohort. The mean weekly expenditures already totals 251 which is 7 dollars more than the average weekly income. However as the medication is important I would likely sacrifice entertainment in order the purchase the medication. If I was to lower entertainment by 20 dollars e.g. not going to the movies, I could afford to purchase the medication. Alternatively I could go to a warehouse pharmacy instead of a community pharmacy which is likely to be significantly cheaper. Word count: 98 Task 4c: Non-compliance to prescribed antidiabetic drug treatment has health consequences on both an individual population as well on the general

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