Running head: CASE CONFERENCE PROTOCAL 1 CASE CONFERENCE PROTOCAL 2 CASE CONFERENCE PROTOCAL BY: Maritza Rivera Long Island University Dr. Wendi Williams CSP 712 Here I present my client Beth; I have very limited information regarding the necessary demographics that are very important while working with a client. I lack information regarding her age, race, cultural background, family history and where she is currently living. What I do know is Beth is currently married with four young children. She had a career as a general practitioner, until she had to give it up due to her illness. Beth while working as a doctor she found it very stressful having a job with a growing clientele and then …show more content…
It was then she was diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolar disorder. What I imagine it would be like to meet her in person, would be a lot like getting caught in the middle of a tornado, a whirlwind of different emotions that can bring across devastation and destruction. Beth feels trapped within her own body and having loss complete control of her life. In one day she can experience many different mood swings, she can wake up feeling low at 10:00 AM and then feeling high and excited around 3:00 PM. She can go from being isolated and contemplating harming herself or her members of her family to then feeling social and feeling connected to her family. She cherished the hours where her mood was stable and she was able to enjoy her husband and her children, because she knew it was a matter of hours or even days before it changed. I can also imagine that meeting her in person would be a lot like meeting someone who is highly disorganized with their thoughts and at times doesn?t know what they want to do. Beth goes through periods of wanting achieve many tasks at the same moment. Like wanting to read two novels, write poetry, listen to music all simultaneously. The thought of not completing the entire tasks frustrates her and the thoughts become disjointed and slither all over the place. When I was a teenager I had a firsthand experience with dating someone who has Bipolar
She is very interested in keeping up appearances and looking good in public. Public image is an idol for her. Beth goes so far as to discourage the idea of Conrad going to therapy in the name of returning to "normal."
“Sentara-backed company has been chosen to manage 200,000 Medicaid enrollees across 23 Alabama counties” (“About Sentara Healthcare”). The hope of this relationship will be to provide Medicaid recipients with services across numerous health systems in the north and west central Alabama counties. Alabama has approved a new delivery model for Medicaid within the state. This partnership with Sentara will help provide a leg up for the Medicaid system because Sentara has “experience in providing managed care services to Medicaid enrollees in Virginia as well as a similar mission of a long successful track record in serving Medicaid patients (“About Sentara Healthcare”).
Meanwhile, Grace keeps an online blog/diary of her rollercoaster experiences of searching for love online. After some excruciating dates, Grace begins to wonder whether Plato’s idea of ‘the one’ exists but on the upside, her relationship with Beth is more established and a happy one.
Throughout the movie, Beth neglects any mention of any past tribulations the family had gone through and completely masking any emotions regarding the topics. She practiced the inate flight instinct of avoiding the problem in hopes that it will go away. Although it may have been easier for her in the moment, it caused much more tension in the long run. If she had had a face to face conversation or sought out familial therapy, much
Long Range Goal for Problem #4: Help the client build interpersonal relationships with several people.
In working with a client like Nate McCall it would first be necessary to address our ethnic differences. I'm not sure that he would be willing to open up to me since I am white, but he definitely would not if the issue of race was not talked about. I think it would be necessary to talk about oppression as well. The pervasiveness, restricting, hierarchical, and internalized features of oppression would definitely need to be discussed. Institutional oppression would also need to be addressed. I would try to empathize with Nate and really understand his worldview. I think I would probably try to do some existential work with him and help him to discover meaning in his life. I think that learning to choose what
Beth was raised by the mob. She’s never gotten herself into a situation her family couldn’t drag her out. So when those closest to her wind up dead or missing, she’s left to her own devices. She quickly realizes how hard it is to survive on her own.
She isn’t sophomoric for her age with everything that’s going on in her life. Until she started imaging a sign that she kept drawing over and over again. It was even more confusing when she starts seeing people no one else can see. SHe could definitely now discern that she is different.
The client, Ms Iris, is a 38 years old female. She lives in the urban area of a non-specified capital city of Europe. She has been married for fifteen years and she used to work as a secretary. She quitted for unspecified reasons. Though her exact level of education is not given, she has succesfully finished high-school. She was attending a school, so to learn a secondary language. Both of her parents are alive, but she doesn't maintain a healthy realationship with them, especially with her father, although she tries.
One of the biggest cultural issues encountered with the client is her lack of understanding about the health care systems and medical treatments needed for her son. In the past she has
Beth was an interesting woman to say the least. She was very talkative and had an eccentric personality. She might have been a smidge under the influence on this very normal afternoon but she was still a nice and fun person to talk to. Ashley and Kevin and I got to know her and all about her family all too well sitting at the bar at TGI Friday’s.
She made me feel like I was right there with her. She used vivid words to describe her surrounding, especially the main one, the wallpaper. When she described the way the wallpaper, bed, and floors were, I began to understand that something wasn’t right with what was going on. Her words made you come to an understanding that she wasn’t on a vacation, yet she was somewhere locked up. I thought that her friends and family did a bad job at making it seem like a getaway. “At night in any kind of light, in twilight, candlelight, lamplight, and worst of all by moonlight, it becomes bars!” (Gilman) this is the exact placement where I realized she was definitely not in paradise, yet more like a cell. I didn’t believe she should have been placed in a cell like site, I thought she should have been somewhere like home. Maybe should would’ve had a better way of getting
Bipolar disorder can have major effects on relationships and the ability for a person to maintain a long term relationship. There are many reasons that relationships can fall apart because of bipolar disorder. It can cause problems due to things such as lack of communication and a lack of understanding. Other things that can cause a relationship to have problems are things such as trust issues which can be caused from paranoid thoughts which can be a part of living with bipolar disorder. It can also lead to loss of relationships due to insecure and unstable feelings and emotions. Confusion can come from the lack of communication and understanding and this confusion can lead to feelings of tension and frustration between the relationship. The
There are issues of confidentiality, understanding what’s in the client’s best interest, the rights of the client, and using the techniques to best assess the client. It is also important to maintain a professional relationship with clients.
Client has no present situation with her occupation. She seem to be doing great at work but her stress level is currently high. Client feels satisfied with her job/career. Client has no learning disabilities or limitations to her capabilities. Kris is extremely intelligent with handling finances and investments. Client has a healthy relationship with her peers and employees. They are all supportive and respectful of each other's work and differences.