I would approach the counseling session from a cognitive-behavior approach. It appears that Isabella is suffering from anxiety and the cognitive behavior approach to therapy would be a good match for the student. There are a number of aspects of the therapy that coincide with my belief system. I would expect to maintain a professional relationship with Isabella. While I cannot relate the situation that is currently affecting her, I would exert maximum effort in order to see her situation improve.
I would start the counseling session by letting her know reason that she has been called into my office. I would let her know that her mother had come to see me and I had also visited with her teachers to get their input into the
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These notes would highlight areas where our strategy worked and areas where we may need to come up with different alternatives for the ones that did not work. The goal being to maximize the positives and minimize the negatives.
There are a number of cultural issues to consider when counseling a student who is Hispanic. A traditional Hispanic family is a close-knit group. The father is the head of the household and the mother is responsible for the home. He also may act as the final disciplinarian of the children. In Isabella’s case, her father has been deported. Given the uncertainty associated with deportation, the family unit is going through a very stressful time. If the father was the sole provider of the family, the family may enter into discussions about returning to Mexico. This may be one of the main reasons for Isabella’s anxiety. A second cultural consideration may be the language factor. It is important that the counselor respect the language differences. Given the language barrier with her mother, it is important that the counselor bring in an outside expert to bridge these differences. An ideal candidate would be a Spanish teacher or the English as a Second Language teacher. Considerations will have to be made in order to schedule the counseling sessions around the schedules of the teacher and the parent. There are a number of different counseling techniques that
Cognitive-behavioural therapy is widely short-term and concentrates on enabling clients to deal with very particular problems. Often six weeks to six months sessions of course depending upon the problem it is pacifically goal directed and places great weight upon self-help as a long term coping tool that the client can take away with them and successfully use. Cognitive-behavioural therapy believes that clients can learn the wrong ways of developing and making sense of information during their cognitive development. This can often lead to distortions in the way they identify reality, it’s the job of the therapist to enable them to work this out.
This paper identifies the three major counseling theories that have been the most influential in the development of my ideas on counseling. The major points of Person-Centered Therapy, Adlerian Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy are looked at in brief. Each theory is then shown how a school counselor can apply them into their work with students. While one theory does not work for every situation in the school setting, each theory brings something beneficial to the school counselor.
How does Person-centred counselling, influence the understanding of the development of concept of self? (245 words)
School counselors collaborate with other school personnel such as teachers who will help implement guidance lessons in the classroom. As a school counselor it is important to keep the teachers motivated to help implement these programs. Resource teachers typically work the special education students, collaborating with resource teachers ensures that all students are included in the comprehensive program. The resource teacher can help provide alternative to working with students in an inclusive manner. The principles and assistance principles of the school typically serve on the advisory committee, they provide resources to the program, and help communicate the important of the counseling program. School psychologist are there to assist with mental health services, doing assessments, and working with the school counselor during crisis situations. School nurses provide health services to the students. They monitor student medications and note changes in students behavior or effectiveness of the medication. Secretaries are equally important in the collaborative model. Secretaries are typically the first person a parent will come in contact with when entering the school. They are the ones that create that first impression (Erford, 2015). Community agencies can provide additional support to students outside of
The American Counseling Association (ACA) developed the code of ethics with six principles in mind that they thought were the foundation for ethical behavior and decision making: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity and veracity (American Counseling Association, 2014). This lead to the six different purposes for the code of ethics. First, it sets ethical obligations and ethical guidance for professional counselors (American Counseling Association, 2014). Second, it recognizes ethical dilemmas that are relevant (American Counseling Association, 2014). Third, it clarifies what is ethically expected and accepted of its members (American Counseling Association, 2014). Fourth, it is an ethical guide for members deciding the best course of action and expectations for conduct, when it comes to those using their counseling services (American Counseling Association, 2014). Fifth, it supports the mission of the American Counseling Association (American Counseling Association, 2014). Finally, it has standards that serve as a baseline for questions and complaints for ACA members (American Counseling Association, 2014). To fulfill the purposes of the code of ethics, the ACA categorizes the ethics into nine different areas (American Counseling Association, 2014).
Values, Morals, and Beliefs are components that play a role in an individual’s self-identity. The establishment of these components shape human nature, behavior, and the development of an individual’s purpose. The basis of these fundamentals has contributed to my desire to become a counselor. This paper will discuss my views of human nature, factors of behavior changes, goals of therapy, the roles of a therapist, and the counseling approaches that I chose to incorporate in a practice.
As a counseling student, it is very important to formulate a counseling theory tailored to ones’ own personality and beliefs. A counselor may choose a single theory to model when practicing therapy or pick and choose components and techniques from various theories, otherwise known as eclecticism. No theory is considered right or wrong. Understanding the different therapeutic approaches are important to effective counseling, however, counselors must also understand their own personal value, view of human nature, human behavior, counseling techniques and the purpose and goals of counseling. Understanding these components along with the different theoretical approaches will provide the counselor with a 9 knowledge of their own counseling, orientation and is essential to not only the productivity of counseling but the growth of the counselor as well.
The feeling that Beverlee is communicating is direct exploration of feelings. Suggestions that I would make to Beverlee I would let her know that it’s okay and she has made the right choice by meeting with a counselor. Beverly needs to needs to know that she is strong person who has a good heart and that she is beauty inside and out. I would use open end questions for her like “What are you feeling as I explain this” (Murphy p.247). Questions that are a little more detailed are helpful also like Who are you most comfortable sharing those feelings with” (Murphy p.247). I would acknowledge and understand Beverlee feelings and encourage her to continue express herself this is an important goal. In order to communicate successfully as a Clinician, you must accept the thoughts and feelings that Beverlee is expressing.
The session begin with the client discussing how she was concern about the student. She stated was having a problem with other student. The client noticed this student standing alone during recess, lunch and circle time she said this was a practice that happen every day. The client confer to the student and his answer
Mental health counselors work with individuals, families, and groups to address and treat mental and emotional disorders and to promote mental health. They are trained to address a wide range of issues, including depression, addiction and substance abuse, suicidal impulses, stress management, problems with self-esteem, issues associated with aging, job and career concerns, educational decisions, issues related to mental and emotional health, and family, parenting, and marital or other relationship problems. Mental health counselors often work closely with other mental health specialists, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, psychiatric nurses, and school counselors. (US Department of Labor)
A successful leaders use praise effectively. Identifying shortcomings and then telling soldiers what must be improved are a leader’s responsibility. Praising soldiers for their improvement and proper performance is even more important. To have a soldier to continue on the right step you need and will have to give them a positive counsel more often than what you probably want to. A sincere and honest praise lets soldiers know that their leader appreciates their efforts. Praising subordinates is a simple act that takes little time but will provide many benefits. With a few positive, encouraging words and a pat on the back, the leader can recognize and reinforce desired behavior and performance. A soldier who feels that their best efforts are
The three concepts I have chosen to identify for this book report assignment are, basic empathy, motivation, and reframing. I feel that those concepts are important for counsellors to have as skils.
Ethical issues in a counseling practice lay the foundation of a therapist in practice. Ethics are at the center of how the counseling process functions and operates in a successful manner for the clients who seek help in such a setting. In order for the counseling profession to be ethical and hold professional recognition, there are many facets that need to be examined and outlined to make sure all counselors and practitioners are functioning at the highest level and withholding their duties required by the counseling profession. The first introduction so to speak of the area of ethics also happens to be one of the first steps in counseling, which is the informed consent. The informed consent provides the basis of what happens or will be
From birth through adolescence, a significant amount of developmental changes occur. Children grow and develop physically, cognitively and emotionally. Each individual aspect of development has an effect on the child as a whole. If a child struggles developmentally in any of the areas (physically, emotionally or cognitively), it can affect one of the other areas of development as well. For example, if a child is underdeveloped physically, they may experience emotional development issues because they may be made fun of and teased by other children.
The student that I will discuss in this case conceptualization will be referred to as Sarah. Sarah was born on April 19, 2003, in Canton Ohio. People born around this time are often referred to as Generation Z and are most well known for their technology use. Sarah is a 13-year-old female and an eight-grade student at a public middle school. Sarah is currently living with her Father who is unemployed due to job loss. Sarah’s father Greg is 39 years old. Sarah does not have any contact with her mother and has not since she was a young girl. She has stated before that her mother abandoned her, but I am not certain on the details and circumstances regarding having no contact with her mother. Sarah has an older brother that was moved out of the house for a while but has recently moved back in due to struggling with employment and a desire to help at home to pay the bills due to Greg being unemployed. This means that currently living in the household is Greg who is Sarah’s father, her older brother, and Sarah. Through the conversation that I have had with Sarah I have not noticed any indication of religious affiliation. Due to not being aware of any religious affiliation thus far there has been no attempt made to integrate spirituality into the counseling by myself or the student.