
Case Study: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Decent Essays

1. Description of the chosen disability. James has been diagnosed with an intellectual disability due to complications during pregnancy, doctors suggest James was born with partial fetal alcohol syndrome (PFAS) as not all symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) were present during diagnoses. Children born with this condition may exhibit a combination of physical, mental, behavioural and/or learning disabilities (Australian Drug Foundation, 2015). Better Health Channel confirm that there is no known cure for FAS and PFAS, that it is a lifelong disability and it is one of the leading causes of intellectual disability in the western world (2016) Intellectual disability, once referred to as mental retardation, is a disability that refers to a person’s limitation in intelligence (Foreman and Arthur-Kelly,2014). The most common causes of intellectual disabilities are genetic …show more content…

Prior to this James lived with his mother and two older sisters,15 and 13. At this stage James has not had contact with his mother since the move, nor with the sisters as they are no longer living with Mother. James’s sisters currently live with their father, due to James having a different father and no contact with his father, custody was given to Megan and Rick. Megan has expressed concerns with the stability of James’s home life prior to coming and living with their family and is apprehensive in regards to James’s welfare. Megan has communicated with teachers that James has been diagnosed with an intellectual disability that doctors believe may be due to Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (PFAS). Evidence of PFAS has not been provided to the teacher or the school. Megan and Rick are in the process of seeking formal assessments and information from doctors, including psychologists, paediatricians and therapists to assist with James transition to his new home and

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