On Friday, January 1, 2016, at approximately 1947 hours, while patrolling Highway 138, I observed white in color, Ford Escort, Ga Tag #PSI2390 with a tail light out. I followed the vehicle south on Flat Shoals Road and initiated a traffic stop by activating my emergency blue lights. The vehicle came to a stop at Sherwood Forest, 1047 Flat Shoals Road, and I made contact with the driver. The driver identified himself Lance Johnson. I explained to Johnson the reason for the stop and asked for his driver's license. I inquired Johnson’s license information on GCIC and he returned with a suspended license as of 12/04/2015. I placed Johnson under arrest and handcuff his hands to the rear of his person. I then searched his person and no items
As I was explaining the test, he was swaying in a clockwise motion. Shawn then fell out of the starting position as I was demonstrating the test. After regaining his balance and getting back into the starting position, Shawn began the test. Shawn raised his left leg approximately “1” (inch) for three (3) seconds and dropped his leg. Shawn then lifted his leg again and immediately dropped it. Shawn then complained of pain and couldn’t complete test. I then terminated the test. Shawn was then advised he was under arrest for Driving while Intoxicated and placed into cuffs. The cuffs were double locked and checked for appropriate tightness. A search of his person was conducted and no contraband was found. The accused was then escorted over to vehicle #526, where I checked the rear seat for contraband, just as I had done at the beginning of my shift. Finding none, I secured the accused in the rear seat. The seatbelt was applied, the rear door was locked and I began my transport to police headquarters. Patrol vehicle #526 is not equipped with an in-car camera
On 03/04/17, Deputy Cody Martin, attempted to make a traffic stop for a defective license plate light on Highway 161 @ Wooten Road. When Deputy Martin initiated his emergency lights, the vehicle turned east onto Wooten Road; failing to yield to Deputy Martin. Deputy Martin continued following the vehicle, and in the area of Boyd Road he initiated his siren and advised he was in pursuit.
In summary, on 01/04/17 at 1745 hours, Ofc. Kelley #262 and I were patrolling the area of 5600 W 16th St., at which time I observed a vehicle with tinted windows and no rear registration light (05' grey Acura IL Q336438). A traffic stop was conducted on the vehicle.
On 05/30/2015, at approximately 1816 hours, your affiant observed a silver Chevrolet Classic occupied by two males. The vehicle circled the block in a counterclockwise manner, repeating a portion of their route. During this time I located the owner of the vehicle utilizing a search through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The registration indicated the plate belonged to another vehicle and registered to Brittney Fisher, who was not an occupant in the vehicle. I activated my emergency lights initiating a vehicle stop in the 100 block of West Washington Street and while stopping the vehicle I observed the passenger making furtive movements towards the center console.
Jalen was placed in the rear of my marked Police vehicle. Prior to entering my vehicle, I completed as search of Jalen’s clothing. He had a cell phone charger in his left pocket and a cell phone in his right pocket. I removed the cell phone and kept it in my possession. FTO Noble and Officer R. Collins would later take the phone for evidence. Marlon was placed in the rear of Officer Baker’s marked Police vehicle. Both were transported to 1337 Copperstone Circle, where the vehicle was located. I gathered Jalen’s parent information at this time.
while conducting the sting, a white in color 4-door sedan , acura tsx (bearing florida tag ctym60), pulled alongside officer delalto. the driver and sole occupant, of the vehicle who was later identified through florida driver’s license as
Tpr. Peak observed a vehicle at a high rate of speed on I-65 at the 150 mile marker North bound in Lowndes County. Tpr. Peak activated his radar and clocked the suspect at 110 MPH. The suspect exited I-65 and traveled North on AL-97 North bound at a high rate of speed. The suspect then turned right on Chicken Pitt Rd. The suspect traveled approximately 1 1/2 miles and parked at a residence and fled on foot into a tree line. Tpr. Peak did not pursue the suspect into the tree line. The suspects car was towed to Randy's Towing located in Fort Deposit, AL. Tpr. Peak made contact with the suspects wife at his residence and received his cell phone number. Tpr. Peak called the suspect and convinced him to return to his house and turn himself
On Friday, February 27th, 2016 at approximately 2345 hrs while driving a Midland Police vehicle and wearing a standard issued MPD uniform FTO Vining and PPO Jimenez were facing a stop sing located in the 200 blk of West Florida when PPO Jimenez observed a white Ford F-150(TXLP-ICASH) made an improper right turn in the approximately 300 blk of West Florida. PPO Jimenez made contact with the driver who was identified as Manuel Galindo Garduno. Upon contacting the driver PPO Jimenez identified that Garduno had bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. PPO Jimenez was also able to observe a case of beer in the front passenger seat that it seemed to be opened.
While at the red traffic light at the intersection of Ridge Road and Leo Kidd Avenue, I conducted a registration check on a green, Ford van bearing Florida tag (ERFY82). The tag was showing the registered owner as, Jacob Daniel Schaefer. According to FCIC/ NCIC, Schaefer had a suspended Florida driver's license. Furthermore, the vehicle was showing a seize tag order from the Florida DMV.
On Thursday, July 14, 2016, at approximately 0847 hours, Patrolman David Stamets had a vehicle stopped on the 100 block of East Oak Street. Immediately after Stamets stopped the vehicle Your Affiant positioned his vehicle on the 100 block of South White Street near the Oak Street intersection facing southbound. When exiting my vehicle your Affiant observed a gold Pontiac sedan accelerating northbound on South White Street at an unsafe speed towards Stamets and your Affiant's location.
On 25 March 2017, at 0220 hours in the City of Goddard, Officer Tabor was traveling Westbound at the 20000 block of West Kellogg in his patrol vehicle. As he approached 20300 West Kellogg, he decided that he would check the business lot. While slowing his vehicle and maneuvering it into the right hand turn lane, he visually saw a small sized SUV type vehicle facing South at the stop sign of Main Street and West Kellogg. While executing his right hand turn, Officer Tabor's headlights shined onto the driver's side and front interior of the vehicle stopped at the stop sign. This facilitated Officer Tabor to visually see that the driver was not wearing their safety belt and was instead leaned over the center console, presumebly looking at the cellular phone being held by the front seat passenger.
Randall Martin related he was at 9732 Hulsey Road, (residence of Kyle Jones), visiting Kyle when a guy he knows as Bobby, drove up on a motorcycle. Martin said they talked for a short while and then Kyle jumped on the motorcycle and drove south on Hulsey Road. Martin said he left Kyles house and started walking south on the sidewalk, on the west side of Hulsey Road. Martin said he north of the intersection of Heather Field Drive and saw Kyle turn around near the Sunoco gas station just north of Waters Avenue and drive back northbound. Martin said Kyle did a short “catwalk”, (wheelie) and then put the front tire back on the ground and looked like he was going about 40-45 mph. Martin said about 4 seconds or so later, he saw the bicyclist
Belton does not authorize a vehicle search incident to a recent occupant’s arrest after the arrestee has been secured and cannot access the interior of the vehicle. Circumstances unique to the automobile context justify a search incident to arrest when it is reasonable to believe that evidence of the offense of
On 07/15/2015, at approximately 2305 hours, your Affiant was on routine patrol on Main Street (SR924) when I observed a silver Chrysler sedan parked in the One Hundred Block of South Main Street (westside of the street) near the intersection of Oak Street. The vehicle displayed a Pennsylvania registration of JRJ-5342. The registration was checked utilizing the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation vehicle record abstract which revealed that the license plate was assigned by the department to KYLE ROBERT & SARAH LYNN FOGARTY for a 1998 Chevrolet. I then verified the status of KYLE and SARAH FOGARTY'S driving licenses both of which were suspended by the Department of Transportation.
Watson, upon the pat down of Mr. Watsons’ person, officer Johnson found a “hand carved pipe with a golf ball size bowl and a five inch long pipe’ which officer Johnson believed was being used for smoking marijuana. Officer Johnson then handcuffed and placed Watson into the back seat of his patrol car and went to remove the keys from the Watson vehicle to check the trunk for the kidnapped three year old child, upon opening the trunk of the Fiat sports coupe car, Johnson found a cellophane wrapped package that looks to contain marijuana. Officer Johnson returned to his patrol car and informed Watson that he was under arrest for the Possession of Marijuana with the intent to distribute a controlled drug substance.