
Case Study: Flat Shoals Road

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On Friday, January 1, 2016, at approximately 1947 hours, while patrolling Highway 138, I observed white in color, Ford Escort, Ga Tag #PSI2390 with a tail light out. I followed the vehicle south on Flat Shoals Road and initiated a traffic stop by activating my emergency blue lights. The vehicle came to a stop at Sherwood Forest, 1047 Flat Shoals Road, and I made contact with the driver. The driver identified himself Lance Johnson. I explained to Johnson the reason for the stop and asked for his driver's license. I inquired Johnson’s license information on GCIC and he returned with a suspended license as of 12/04/2015. I placed Johnson under arrest and handcuff his hands to the rear of his person. I then searched his person and no items

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