
Case Study: Foods Service-Outback Steak Dinner, Food Service

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MRR - (Briefing w/ COL Stewart scheduled on 26 Mar 1300-1400 in CR1; IPR is scheduled w/ tenant organizations 19 Mar 1000-1100 in CR1)
RFI - Battalion Maintenance Chief (BMO), CW4 Brixius is prepared to brief the BC all company level information. BLUF, will that met the BC intent' since, CW4 Brixius has weekly meeting w/ Company Commander to have oversight of the equipment w/ his battalion.

PBO - Up-armor Wrecker, CW3 West has contacted w/ the ARCENT G4. ARCENT G4 has confirmed an ONS needs to be developed however, he's conducting research to vet if there's one w/in theater IOT fulfill this requirement.

Food Service - Outback Steak Dinner, Food Service understands this is a non-profit organization but Tamimi has the following RFIs:

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