Haverstraw Elementary School is located in Rockland County, New York. Rockland County is a middle class neighborhood in a well mixed residential and commercial area. The surrounding neighborhoods include West Haverstraw, Thiells, Garnerville, and Stony Point. Haverstraw New York has a wide range of demographics and according to statistics has a population of about 12,060 people with the median age being 32 years old. In Haverstraw 49.44% of the population is Caucasian,30.65% Hispanic, 17.96% African American, and 1.95% are Asian. Only 36% of the town speaks English and 58% speaks Spanish. The median cost for a home is 270,000 and the median income is 50,000. The population by education level is as follows: High School or less 35%, High School
Communication within the Westside School District No. 5 between the school district and the communities and families that it serves is a very dynamic process. I talked with district administrators, community members, researched pertinent information in the Arkansas State University library, and various governmental online sources and found very helpful information to include in this sociological inventory. Westside Consolidated School District No. 5 is a consolidation of primarily three school districts Bono, Cash and Egypt located in Craighead County, Arkansas in 1966 (Westside, 2017). The district also includes parts of Walnut Ridge and Alicia in Lawrence County and parts of Jonesboro in Craighead County. The district has three school buildings housing students from pre-Kindergarten through twelfth grade. The elementary school is the school for
Holly Meadows Elementary school is a public school located in the Barrie Ontario. Holly Meadows is a part of the Simcoe County District School Board which is an English speaking public school board that serves the Simcoe County. Holly Meadows is one of the 85 elementary schools that make up the Simcoe County District School Board. The Holly Meadows school library serves about 659 students who range in age and grade from junior kindergarten to grade 8. This particular school library must also serve about 62 different staff members.
The participants selected for this study will consist of both male and females 18 years or older. Specific ethic background is not a criterion in participant selection, therefore will not play a role in participant recruitment. Only individuals who have worked in or with the informal class reassignment program at Carmack Elementary will be selected to participate in this study. Carmack Elementary is a public elementary school, which is part of the San Bernardino City Unified School District. The San Bernardino City Unified School District is identified as a large public school district and is located within Southern California. Participants selected for this study will consist of special education teachers and special education school personnel.
Park Middle is located in Scotch Plains, New Jersey and is one of two middle schools within the town. On average there are 930 students enrolled at Park over the past three years (See Appendix A, Table A1). Additionally, Scotch Plains’ population consists of 77.4% White citizens, but is also composed of 11.1% of African Americans, 7.7% Asian, and 6.7% Hispanic citizens (see Appendix B, Table B1). The town’s population is largely representative of the school’s demographics (see Appendix C, Graph C1). When referencing the school’s performance on district benchmarks and state testing, Park Middle School has met most of their established targets. However, even with most established targets met, certain subgroups are in need of further attention
Last year, at Kingsland High School’s Graduation Ceremony, Josie Hinze not only receiveed her High School Diploma, but also her Associates of Arts Degree before even attending any college or university. Fast-forward to one year later, and seven Kingsland students will be graduating high school with both their High School Diploma and AA Degree thanks to the collaboration of Riverland Community College and Kingsland High School for allowing high school students to take college-level courses in high school and receive college credit for them. Not only that, but there are several others who will be graduating Kingsland High School with transferrable college credit so their first few semesters might
On Wednesday, April 12, 2017, I, Officer McDaniel #147, while at James Coble Middle School, located at 1200 Ballweg Rd, Arlington, TX, I was approached by Assistant Principal Myers, Laura, W/F, DOB 02/16/1968, in reference to a cell phone screen that was broke by another student.
Memo two contributes a profile of Boronda Meadows Elementary School. Furthermore, it provides a profile of the community of Salinas, California. The profile of the school and the community could assist me with economic, social, environmental, demographic, and educational data.
first. City High School opened in September 2004 with 80 students in grades 9 and 10. City High School now
To determinate if the personnel director at East High School is in trouble for these lawsuit is important to consider the two sides and see if the laws that protects minorities are valid for this case or the arguments from Tory Bolton are valid in the case.
Saginaw Public School District, located in Saginaw Michigan is the urban school district of Saginaw, Michigan. The district has approximately 7,500 students and operates 15 schools which include, 10 elementary schools, 1 middle school and 3 high schools. Over the past 10 years there has been a drastic decrease in student enrollment. The main cause of the decrease in enrollment include Michigan’s failing economy. The closing of automobile factories has resulted in a huge decrease in the city of Saginaw’s populations. During the past 10 years there has also been closing of many schools in the Saginaw Public School District. The district is also operating in a deficit and has been required by the state of Michigan to decide a plan to eliminate
I performed my field experience at Chiefland Elementary. Chiefland is a very small town with the population of six thousand. There are over eight hundred students enrolled at Chiefland Elementary. There are fifty-two instructional staff members and two administers. In those fifty-two staff members, there is one African American teacher and one male teacher; the rest are women. This is a white dominate school. In the school there is 73% Caucasian students, 17% African American students, and 4% Hispanic students. There is only 3% of students that are ESOL and 5% are Gifted and Talented. This semester we learned that in small areas and with low income schools, there are more Hispanics and African American people. In this case, Chiefland Elementary
Clarendon School District 1 would like to announce the up coming start of the Clarendon Promise School. The school district is committed to providing all students with a world-class education to help them achieve their fullest potential. The Clarendon Promise School is an innovated grant program dedicated to help manifest the commitment of the district. Some of the program’s objectives are to offset academic failure by providing students facing academic hurtles one-on-one instruction, apply interventions to intercept high school dropout, and minimize office referrals from student behavior
I am applying for $500 to begin various clubs for Landmark Elementary School. I would like to begin various clubs in my practicum school, such as a Lego Club, a Board Games Club, a craft club, and a crochet club. During the cold winter months, when the temperature gets very cold, often times children cannot go outside to play during recess and lunch hour. Many of the children have expressed interest in beginning clubs that each child could sign up for. During the cold days, when children cannot go outside, the children who have signed up for the clubs have an activity to do that allows them a time to get a break from their studies. The program gives children a chance to get involved in the school, and students a place where they feel they might belong and thrive. Help the students to learn valuable skills while allowing children a chance to explore various different interests. Participation in a supervised constructive activity limits the time that is available
Madison began the Commack Middle School in the 6th Grade. She continued to receive integrated co-teaching services daily. She also received a special skills class daily for 40 minutes, individual counseling services twice a month for 30 minutes, special seating arrangements, refocusing and redirection, check for understanding, copy of class notes, and extended time. Vision consultation services were provided in the classroom once a month for 45 minutes. In 2014, Madison’s parents considered moving her to a non-integrated class, however she continued to have this support in the 7th Grade. During 7th grade, Madison made improvements with her visual-spatial skills by using open space more effectively; however it was noted on her IEP that providing her lines to write on offered her the best support.
As a student of Dinwiddie County Public Schools I do not approve of an hour and a half increase in school hours. This would throw off the balance of how things work for the students and the teachers.The minds of students would be stretched and forced to think longer, Students will get even more exhausted with extended school hours, The teachers would have longer hours with no extra pay. if students have to go certain places after school. What if being at school after causes a difficulty in after school schedules.