Hennepin County offer health insurance benefits to its employee. Health insurance is offered to benefit earning employees and eligible dependents. It provides medical care and pharmacy benefits for illness. Costs for care and treatment depend on your plan and if health insurance incentive activities were completed. The Minnesota Statutes, § 256B.69, subd. 9d, the Office of the Legislative Auditor (OLA) will contract with an audit firm to conduct an independent third-party financial audit of the MCO’s information identified in Minnesota Statutes, §256B.69, subd. 9c, (b). The audit firm will have the same investigative power as the OLA as outlined in Minnesota Statutes §256B.69, subd. 9d (c), and will perform the audit every two years beginning
Wahoo Inc. is a C Corporation that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in April 2015. Before filing bankruptcy, Wahoo has net operating loss (NOL) carryforwards of $65,000,000 in 2009, $45,000,000 in 2010, and $30,000,000 in 2011. The company worked out a re-organization plan and one of the note holders (a venture capital firm that financed the company) with a $105,000,000 note payable will receive new common stock and the old stocks will be cancelled. The Bankruptcy Court and the creditors’ committee have accepted the plan. The fair market value of Wahoo before the ownership change was $85,000,000. Wahoo’s selected assets from the balance sheet are as follows:
MTC initially needed to obtain substantial investment capital due to two main factors: a research-heavy industry, and the need to create most of the markets for its products. Although the founders' goal was to become a major manufacturing company, they did estimate that the company would need $50 million in capital before it would become self-sufficient. Their initial financing model was to first recruit a superior technical team, use that to attract additional equity investment and development funding from interested corporations, and then develop manufacturing capabilities. Commercial sales began 2.5 years after inception, and MTC is nearing the break-even point in 1990.
1) Evaluate HTC’s performance as described in the case. What are its competitive assets and liabilities?
* unity of purpose and focus under a common corporate strategy (further supporting the firm’s strategy as it relates to acquisitions and divestitures);
The O.M Scott & Sons Company has had continued success in the grass seed and lawn care industry. The company started in 1868 as a local company in central Ohio, focused on selling grass seed only. The company saw great opportunity in the lawn care industry, so it decided tot take action. O.M Scott & Sons grew into a national company that distributed its products by mail, and eventually sold to retail stores nationwide in 1959. The company was able to grow expanding the company’s field sales force. This increase in sales force led to a continued increase in sales and profits, which allowed the company to invest in R&D more heavily. This increase in R&D led to better products, which further increased sales and profits. The objective was to service the various retailers across the U.S with adequate inventories, especially in the high seasonal peaks. This was difficult for most of the smaller sized dealers the company was selling to, so Scott had to fund the dealer inventory buildup by itself.
In this case study of Berkshire Industries PLC, we will be focusing on the evaluation of their new incentive system and address their potential options. This new system focuses on economic profits instead of accounting profits. To better understand the implications of the economic profit-focused system, we will perform a data analysis on the companies Snack Division. Furthermore, we will assess the negative effect this system had on their underperforming division, Spirits.
Coffman and Company is an HVAC contractor that is located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. They are serving the Greater Denver Metro area. Coffman and Company was established in 1991. Their services include electrical panel inspection, zoning systems, annual maintenance that pays, comfort products, air quality products, solving special problems, and more. Coffman and Company offers heat pump services and heat pump installation. They are NATE certified.
Companies strive to choose not only the best marketing channels, but also the best profitable channel. A profitable channel can promote and successfully sell out of a product that might not otherwise turn a profit for their producers (New Charter University 2015). “The calculations from the cost accountant for the retail segment accounts were 60 percent of sales, and for the foodservice segment accounts were 40 percent. The cost accountant believes that both channels are profitable. The accountant also believes that the company achieves an overall average gross margin of 60 percent on its sales (Bowersox, D. J., Closs, D. J., Cooper, M. B.,
The level of which Baker knows his team varies from ‘word on mouth’ and reputation, from prior conflicts and to prior effective working relationships. Given that the group members don’t know each others well, and/or are competing, Baker will have a tougher task to bring the team together
The Pacific Oil Company a well-established oil company with an assorted diversified product line including “Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM)”. (Lewicki, 2010, p. 583) As one of the pioneer producers of VCM, Pacific Oil cornered the market share for contracting, distributing and selling their niche product, VCM worldwide. One of Pacific’s longtime customers was Reliant Corporation. This partnership was more than a decade old and was strong. However, if Pacific Oil decided to further diversify its product line to include Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) a VCM derivative, “it would not want to be in the position of supplying a product competitor with the raw materials to manufacture the product line, unless the formula price was extremely
In 1988, a battle began for control of the corporate giant, RJR Nabisco. RJR Nabisco (RJR) was established in 1985 with the merger of Nabisco Brands, an American food manufacturer and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (Bozman, 1987). RJR Nabisco was acquired by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR), an American multinational private equity firm, which was the largest leveraged buyout to date at that time.
Next to first-hand experience, case studies are one of the best ways to learn project management skills. In The Crosby Manufacturing Corporation case study, Harold Kerzner reports on the executive-level exchange between the company president and other department heads regarding a new Management Cost and Control System (Kerzner, 2009). This paper will give a synopsis of the case, analyze the case study communications issues and risks, and evaluate Livingston’s selection of a project manager. It will also discuss the possible reactions from the employees, the impact on the cost and time on the
The Federal Employee Health benefit program is the largest employer health insurance program in the United States, insuring about 3 percent of all Americans. There are 133 plans, offering 188 coverage options that are participating in the FEHBP as of 2003. Preferred provider organization (PPO), fee-for-service plans, and Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) all offer options. The government’s contribution toward the cost of the beneficiary’s premium is “lesser of 72 percent of the average FEHBP plan premium, weighted by enrollment, or 75 percent of the premium for the plan chosen” (Karen Davis) .
The Product Family was the second level of complexity. Different product families followed different routings through a plant’s component manufacturing and assembly areas. The Product model was the third level. A product family could have one model or
The Case Study titled “ “discusses in detail about the problems that the Company – Luxor Writing Instruments Private Limited has been facing specifically with regard to the customers and retailers which in turn are hampering the sales of the Parker brand of the Company. This study is carried out depending on the various data which are obtained mainly from primary sources (direct interview with retailers) and the secondary sources (the website of the company, books, and print media). To complete my study, I had visited various retailers in the different markets which are located in the Central Delhi area for better understanding of their grievances and to identify the gaps in sales and marketing process.