Discussion: Uchenna reported that he's in good health and hasn't had asthma-related illness since the last FTF. He also reported that his behavior in class is stable, he continues to earn most of his points. Uchenna informed HWE that Ms.Hartigan (IIC) has transitioned suggested that he benefit from a social skill group. Uchenna expressed interest in after school program preferably "fun activity."
Plan: BHH-HWE will search for social skill group and after school program for him. The next meeting will be scheduled in conjunction with the
Focus: Ms. Smalls (MHP) administered the Casey Life skills assessment, the Circle of support and the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths assessment with the assistance of Ms. Givens (MHS) and Antazia.
Thanks very much for your timely feedback and advice. We will spend more time with her and work on her social and communication skills. Please connect me and my wife to the student’s services at Westmount, we would like to talk to them first then talk to Anh before connecting Anh to student services.
Jahafraka responded well to the intervention. Jahafraka continues to make progress towards his goals. Jahafraka completed the worksheet. Jahafraka stated, fighting, talking back, refusing to do something, not following the rules, using profanity and teasing. Jahafraka stated, no cell phone use, no fighting, no bulling, and no eating in the classroom, no running in the hall ways, no using profanity, no drug or weapons. Jahafraka state, suspension, expelled, parent being called, being written up and in school suspension. Jahafraka completed the worksheet. Jahafraka answered questions to update his PCP and NC Topps. Per grandma, Jahafraka’s behavior at home has improved a little since last reviewed. Per grandma, Jahafraka continues to get into
Discussion: Mr.Spooner reported that Jeffery is doing well at school, home and in the community. He reported that his neurologist discontinued Zolpidem and decrease Trileptal. Mr.Spooner informed the team that Jeffery's mother is back in his life and he deemed it helpful. Jeffrey will continue to attend Neshaminy High School in Pennsylvania and the ESY for summer. Mr.Spooner stated that the teachers have recommended that Jeffrey continues at Neshaminy High school in September as well. Mr. Spooner will make a decision by August if Jeffrey will reside in NJ or Pennsylvania.
For this research paper my client will be known as H.C. This particular client has suffered from multiple diagnoses during his time at Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC). My client has lived at SDC since 1947, at the age of 13 years old. H.C. willingly came to SDC when his family could no longer cope with his behaviors. He liked to be independent and was an active worker when he worked at his job sites. H.C. had a bundle of past achievements that he enjoyed mentioning to his aides by pointing at pictures. At a frail age H.C. could do his activities of daily living, but needs assistance from time to time. Physically H.C. was a short man with balding white hair and had poor eyesight so he wore glasses. His walking gait was failing and his feet would shift against the floor, so he had a walker that he could use. He was socially withdrawn and would only communicate when he felt that his needs were pressed. He had trouble finding words to communicate what he wanted to say and would like to do things on his own rather than relying on staff. He also lived by his set schedule, so anytime there was an appointment set for him he needed to be reminded before his day began.
A, B) MSTT met with the caregiver to examine how she plans to increase the supervision and monitoring of the youth while out in public. Caregiver expressed while the youth is at home she is going to speak with her mother and his aunt to help while she's at work. MSTT encouraged caregiver to reach out to the school and ask them if they would be able to supervise and monitor him. Caregiver contacted the school and is waiting to hear a response. MSTT will continue to work with the caregiver in increasing the supervision
The child reported no difficulties in her school environment. She enjoys learning and has developed good friendships with other children. She experiences the adults and teachers in the school
Meet client at the clinic and worked on community outing. Hilario did a great job following instructions given by DI. Hilario enjoyed coloring pictures of horses printed by DI. Hilario need it echoic prompt, directive prompt, indirect verbal and model promot during the session to ask for a break and practice strategies to used when he is upset or frustrated. No tantrums presented during session.
Brandon reflected on his family life which is chaotic, harsh discipline at times and lax discipline, insufficient parent monitoring, and parents who use A.T.O.D. Brandon listened as the QP shared he needs strong, loving parent-child bonds, functional well managed home, mild, consistent discipline, monitoring child's activities, and parents needs to set a good example using A.T.O.D. Brandon established he has poor social skills and often experience peer rejection as well as aggressive classroom behavior and low commitment to school. Brandon focused on developing his social skills and changing his view in school by participating in school activities, attending school daily, and have caring
I am not sure if they will be scheduling an ARD for him or not, but KK or Kaedynce has been a PPCD student since the age of 3. He qualified for the program due to Speech and Articulation. He has progressed above expections. I am aware of Kaedynce's focus or lack there of. At home, I usually redirect at least once after that we talk through consequences, this usually is the loss of time on his Ipad. He responds very well to that. Although, we would like to get a place where he stays aware at all times we simply are not there yet. Please in class if necessary let him know if he does not want to lose those priviledges at home he needs to stay on task.
I am reaching out to you because I have some major concerns with my son Braydon Thorman's education. Braydon is in Mrs. Kuithe's 3rd grade class. Braydon seems to be struggling A LOT. Braydon is a very bright kid and that is one reason I am so concerned. Braydon has ADHD and has been diagnosed sence kindergarden. He struggled mostly with being still in KG and first grade. second grade was great, we did have handwriting issues. This year however is such a set back. This is Braydons first year of getting grades and such a transition, a very very hard and stressful transition. When I first saw signs of this I requested a meeting with Mrs. Kuithe and Mrs. Montgomery. I felt good about that meeting. I felt like we really hashed out some of my concerns. He almost made honor roll, then
ability to interact socially, communicate clearly and effectively, and behave appropriately. Bekah demonstrates an impairment in daily social interactions and has challenges with communicating. Her parents, our middle school’s entire educational team: Speech-Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist, and myself created a list of social and academic goals for this academic year.
Sam does well when it comes to the art and English, but has trouble with social and emotional skills. He also has shown some behavior due to his disability and for help how he acts some of the time. My goal is that by the summer of 2017 Sam is a respectable young man who loves going to school and learning.
SC asked Alfred about socialization and if he is doing any activities. He said that he socializes the best way he can with peers and therapies. He does hand-over-hand activities with coloring. He said that he comes in clean and there are never any issues with him not looking cared for. His attendance is still great. PROGRESS MADE ON OUTCOME because Glenn is social with his peers.
My client, whom I will call “Jay,” is an eight-year-old, African-American boy, who was referred to our agency by his mother who wanted him to get “any services he could get for free.” He has some emotional and behavioral deficiencies, and does not handle stress well. He has frequent outbursts in class, and reacts without thinking. He needs to work on his interaction skills, and develop strategies that will help him use his words instead of physical reactions when he is frustrated. Because his trigger is frustration, he needs to learn to respond in a positive manner to his peers and teachers. Also, “Jay” needs to learn how to think and act independently.