
Case Study Hw 3 : A Resource Technology Essay

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Case study HW 3
Question 1
As a whole Pinterest is a sustainable technology. It allows people to draw connections between information when people place pins, and resulting pins create a pool of information. People can post personal pictures and info allowing complete strangers to interact on the web over common ideas. The share ideas break down barriers that in the past would have blocked the connection. while the Pinterest is a powerful piece of technology it is not without its faults, the site has put its users in danger of litigation from copyright infringement where the users have posted photos from protected sites. Most information of value is posted with securities to ensure that sites retain the users and monetary value of access but, Pinterest has taken users with its user-friendly interface. In the end viewers don’t care where the info comes from and that mentality will cause rivalries between the sites to emerge and ultimately the users will suffer. With all its fault Pinterest is still a sustainable technology, and as time passes the users will demanded that they keep the access that they have become accustomed to. The initial barriers of copyrights will become less and less powerful as people gain more and more access because the courts will not have the time to decide the outcomes of these cases with thousands upon thousands being places every second.
Question 2
Pinterest by far is a Web 2.0 the level of interaction between users has surpassed the “readable”

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