
Case Study - Inova Health System

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Case Study - Inova Health System


1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………. Pg4

2. Case Study ……………………………………………………………………... Pg5

3. Answers to the questions

1. How would you begin to study this problem? ……………………….. Pg6

2. Do you think you would choose to centralize the recruitment function?

Why or Why not? ………………………..…………………………… Pg8

3. If you do recommend a centralized recruiting office,

what services would it provide? ……………………………………… Pg10

4. If you centralize recruiting, what benefits would you anticipate for

a. The company and …show more content…

5. What barriers might you encounter in implementing a centralized system?

3. Answers to the questions

1. How would you begin to study this problem?

As Inova is following decentralized recruitment each of their business units would be maintaining separate documents to record details concerning recruitment of the previous years.

➢ Collect and analyze the structures & financial reports of all 12 units for the past 5 years.

➢ Identify the expenditure quota spent by each individual unit on HR management.

➢ Retrieve the HR plans that have been used by each separate unit and compare and contrast them.

➢ Analyze the effectiveness of each of them.

➢ Group similar plans for ease of studying.

➢ Identify exceptions (positions that was unique to a single unit, if any) so that they can be studied separately to gauge the effectiveness of each of them n see if any advantage or disadvantage was caused through them compared to the other similar sets of plans.

➢ If one of them are really effective choose it , if not do brain storming and make a new one which will be effective throughout the units as it is important to find a strategy that should be suitable to all of the units.

➢ Therefore the most important aim of conducting this is to come up with a proper HR plan that suits all the units. As HR plans

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