
Case Study: Is Success Achievable Through Funding Of The GLC?

Decent Essays

Is Success Achievable Through Funding of the GLC? Imagine living in a lavish home, made to your liking, with a maid to serve your every need, and a beautiful family to show off. For most, the American dream is built on the foundation of wealth, success, and family. Many programs have been crafted to ensure the American dream for everyone, but the Georgia state government system does not provide efficient programs to provide continuous programs that assist students in their educational careers. The renown Georgia Lottery Corporation (GLC) is an example of this.
Although the Georgia state government provides a program, it does not guarantee to support its receivers through the GLC. The GLC has raised more than 15.5 billion dollars to support more than 3 million pre-kindergarten children, and college-bound students through the HOPE scholarship program. The Georgia Lottery’s mission is “to enhance educational funding,” (Impact on Georgia Economy). The program planned to exhort $1.25 billion dollars in funding for pre-k, HOPE, and technology, but in …show more content…

“They noticed a majority of its students were earning HOPE straight out of high school. But a large number were losing the scholarship at the end of their freshman years,” (Jamie Gottlieb). This is a startling dilemma that has left many HOPE students fighting to evade their plummeting GPAs. In 2009, less that 40% of students kept HOPE until they graduated. In many schools, some claim that “there is no specific backstop or program to help students struggling to regain HOPE.” This is concerning, considering the financial burden that is placed on students even before losing their HOPE scholarships. Dispirited, Griffin Dangler expressed his constant concerns of “stressing more over finances than his own academics.”

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