Personal Information This is a case study involving a young lady named Janet. I will be counseling Janet on the issues that are plaguing her life. During my time with Janet, I will carefully attempt to get to the root of her issues. It is imperative for me to tread lightly, and deal with her with empathy and compassion. I will attempt to create an atmosphere that is conducive to openness, honesty, and to build a rapport. According to Blumer, Papaj, & Erolin (2013), “Creating a sense of safety is important for building rapport with any client, but is especially important in the case of treating women survivors of CSA because of their histories with trauma, betrayal, and mistrust” (p. 70). The hurt that Janet is dealing with is quite complex. …show more content…
It would be wise to ask her about family dynamics growing up in her home as a child. How the family was structured and asks her question about her family history. This information will give me an understanding about some of the root causes of her situation today. As already detailed, Janet’s parents were alcoholics and drug users. It is evident that when a child is predisposed to things like this, they become desensitized to the same dealings. They will begin to cope with negativity the same way that they saw their parents. Janet discussed that she has had treatment before, but she always resorts by to alcohol and drugs when things get hectic in her life. She mentioned that alcohol and drugs ease the pain. Janet does not keep in contact with her ex-husbands, and she is taking care of her kids by herself to the best of her ability. Her family has turned their backs on her, because of her addiction. By knowing this information gives me a glimpse of if she has a support system or not. I would be incorporating Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This will help with a strategic plan to attack the spirit, mind, and
Julie Gurnick is a broadcasting major at Point Park University from Jeannette, commuting an hour to campus each day. She was interested in Point Park University because it offered a good program in communications. Gurnick also holds an associates degree in business communications form Westmoreland County Community College. After graduating from Point Park University Gurnick aspires to become a sports caster. Gurnick is currently a free-lance employee for the Tribune Review as well as a dietary aid at St. Anne Home.
Timeline Past influences which impact Cindy’s development include the marriage and divorce of her parents, the move when she was a teenager, exposure to marijuana, the physical and emotional abuse as a young wife and mother, as well as the early marriage and rapid divorce with her daughters’ father. Current considerations including Cindy’s self-referral effort and willingness to receive support and services to address her problematic symptoms are positive. Concerned about her current state and the impacts on her family, Cindy presents a sign of preparedness towards change. This strength, along with her support system are in Cindy’s favor.
A couple of culture-specific protective factors that may have helped Andrea cope with the racism that she faced church attendance, community involvement, and family. Church attendance would have helped Andrea by helping her recognize that racism exist and helping her forgive. If Andrea isn’t religious, her community might also have helped her cope with the racism she faced. She could've created a support group with other individuals that have also faced racism. Her family could of helped her with social support such as caring, love and affection.
1. There are a few boundary issues that need to be addressed. The social worker developed a personal relationship with Bea. Bea was in need of additional income, she wanted to find a female to rent her spare room to. The social worker had a friend, “a woman who might be interested” renting the room (Hoffman, & St. Clair, 2003, p. 46). She asked for permission to let her friend know of the room, asking to releasing Bea’s information was appropriate. The boundary issue is that the social worker should have not even offered her friend as an option to rent the room. This situation becomes a conflict of interest and cross the boundaries of social worker and client (NASW, 2008, p. 7). In addition to this situation the social worker admitted to having
When she goes to see her family, she struggles to understand their
Firstly, Every hardship and obstacles she endured throughout her childhood helped Jeannette to become a successful adult.Jeannette’s parent were very unpredictable, her mother was self absorbed in her hobbies, and her father was an interminable alcoholic. Even though her parent neglected and gave less attention to Jeannette,
At 11 years old she saw her mother deceased in a casket. She gave birth to her first baby at the age of 16 and had five more children to relieve issues of feeling empty and alone. As the pressures of teen pregnancy, poverty and motherhood mount Diane turns to crack cocaine and neglect her then young children. Her eldest daughter reports her drug use to her teachers which results in the removal of all six of Diane’s children into foster care for a period of 10 years. During that time Diane turns to her community drug rehabilitation center, Child welfare services, her religion and her therapist for help in recovering from her addictions and for help in reuniting with her children.
Lauren’s mother succumbed to the troubles of the world and was addicted to drugs while she was pregnant. Her mother’s addiction caused the severity of Lauren’s
This paper examines the case study about Sarah Burke. A case study analysis form was completed and symptoms were identified. Identification of certain diagnostic criteria were interpreted and clarified for the exhibiting individual. Illumination of criteria for proposed diagnosis lead to the discussion which resolves the risk factors and clinical features associated with the diagnosis. Recognition of certain symptoms and criteria brought to light other possible comorbidities. Cumulative risk theory, as well as, the diathesis stress model were investigated for possible involvement in the Burke disorder development. Multidimensional factors related to the onset and maintenance of her symptoms are deliberated; as well as, how her culture played a role. In the end, a conclusion is given about suggested pre- and post- treatment, overall benefits of those treatments, and prognosis outlooks.
3,000 years ago one of the greatest murder mysteries of the ancient world was born. That mystery is the murder of King Tutankhamen, or was it natural causes? I will be telling you why his death was not of natural causes but of a murder.
Once this girl started with the drugs, she could not stop. As soon as she tried the first drug, it lead to all of the other drugs and things that she did. Her first time doing the drug was an accident, and she did not know, but she made the wrong choice in continuing to do them. She said it gave her a feeling of belonging and love that she had never felt before. If her parents or her close friends had paid more attention to her, then some of the events that happened would not have happened. Her heavy drug use lead to her runaway from home to the streets, involvement in crime, her prostitution, and her visit to the insane asylum. She found a "best friend" (Chris) - one that would give her drugs - and they decided to runaway and leave their family and friends to start their own shop in San Francisco. They thought they could not handle their parents telling them what is right and what is wrong, but that is what they needed to hear. They were naive in thinking they could live their lives alone without any rules or any authority.
Throughout my youth years, I have never set out a goal that I actually accomplished or took seriously. Today is the day I dedicate my time and personal efforts in achieving these three important goals that I am certain to achieve. My personal goal might sound silly and ordinary but I definitely want to start being healthier which includes physical activities as well as healthy food style. My academic goal is to graduate with a degree in Criminal Justice. Most importantly, my career goal is to become a Detective. These three SMART goals are most important to me and will surely be completed.
S.R is a 69-year old man who presents to the clinic because his “wife complains that his snoring is difficult to live with.”
When my sister hit her teenage years, she hit a slippery slope of partying and drugs. Our family went through some hardships with Jelly’s drug and alcohol addiction. Jail time, drug rehab, in and out patient; however, my mother and I stood by Jelly’s side through it all. We were working on mending our family wounds when it happened. An old love and drug buddy of my mothers, Jeff, had kept in contact with her over the years. Still a frequent drug user, Jeff somehow convinced my mother to let him move in with us. Jeff was not just a drug addict; he was a thief, a liar, and a woman beater, as we would soon find out.
VastuShastra is a 5000 years old Indian Vedic science which had laid down the guidelines for human beings so that they could live in peace in their own space. Even in great scriptures like Atharv Veda, Gita, MayamatamMansar, VishwakarmaPrakash, SamranganSutradhar, VastuRatnavali and Sthapatya Veda, VastuShastra is described broadly. The fundamental concepts of VastuShastra were laid odwn by Rishi-munis through their thorough research in this area.