Jeremy’s case is also distinguishable from the present case, because here, the Department is not dealing with a child who has exhibited any aggressive or destructive behavior that would cause the department to be concerned for the safety and wellbeing of the child. Id. Nor is the Department dealing with a child who is in need of psychiatric care Id. Instead, the Department is dealing with a child, who is physically and mentally healthy. Id. The Department’s only justification for Stephanie removal is based on the fact that Stephanie’s nursery is located on the grounds of MCI, Framingham. Id. There is no other rational justification beyond this fact that the Department can provide. Id. There is no doubt that DCF is required to make reasonable efforts to strengthen and encourage the integrity of the family before commencing an action designed to sever family …show more content…
See Dep't of Pub. Welfare to Dispense with Consent to Adoption, 421 N.E. 2d 28. (1981). This is not the case for Stephanie and her mother. Id. In the case at hand, DCF is seeking to sever baby Stephanie from her mother, by removing the child from the prison nursery and placing her with her paternal grandparents, before the Department attempts to make every reasonable effort to ensure that the child could continue to remain with her mother. 421 N.E. 2d 28. Here DCF is not seeking to strengthen and encourage the integrity of Stephanie’s family; instead, DCF’s mission is to weaken and discourage the integrity of a mother and daughter’s bond, consequently destroying their family. Id. The Department has not complied with its own regulations of making every reasonable effort to encourage and assist families to use all available resources to maintain the family and keep the family unit intact. Isaac, 419 Mass. 602; 110 CMR1.01: Principles and Responsibilities of
In Attorney General v. Sheriff of Suffolk County, 394 Mass. 624 (1985); Guardianship of Anthony, 402 Mass. 723 (1988), “The Court cannot exercise the function of the executive branch of the government by ordering the agency to fulfill certain obligations in a specific manner”. However, if an agency has failed to act in accordance with applicable statutory and regulatory imperatives, the court may find that said agency has abused its discretion, as measured by the arbitrary or capricious test. Care and Protection of Isaac, 419 Mass. 602, 614 (1985). The most important and apparent DCF’s abuses of discretion in this case is by removing the child away from her best comfort place, where she has been nursed by her natural mother. DCF possessed the legal custody of the child in this case, and decided to entrust the child to be housed at the prison facility, where the child’s mother is also housed. DCF considered that, according to its rules, regulation and professional practices, it was its best decision, best placement and best interest of the child.
EREPORT # 18573 statedthe following: The incident took place on today. DFCS worker accompanied Investigation Terry Smith to 317 West Main St, Sardis, MS due to reports coming to the Sheriffs Department alleging that Dakota, his girlfriend Kynli, and Dalton are staying in a home alone with no adults. The concerns individual also stated to Invest. Smith that the children were not in school. Kynli is pregnant and will be having her baby within the next month. After going to the home Invest. Smith and DFCS worker were able to assess that the allegations were true and the home was filthy and no adults were in the home and the children were not going to school. There are concerns for the minors at this time. The alleged perpetrators are allowing
A probable cause provided by the affidavit Warden willfully or by culpable negligence failed to provide the child with care and supervision
EREPORT # 18782 stated the following: The incident happened on 1/20/2016, evening. Joshua stated that his adoptive mother choked him when he accidentally closed the door on her foot in the doorway. When she heard her husband walking into the room, she turned on Joshua and said for him to stop - as if he had tried to harm her. I found out about the situation because the student confided. The child told the school personnel. This couple holds a current DHS Foster Home license. They have previously had children removed from the home due to similar incidents. (Leah & John Stanley, former foster children) Also, another foster child was removed this home last week because he had used a horse needle to stab another student while at school. (Christopher
In order to fully understand the outcomes of this case, it is necessary to briefly review the legal issues that prompted the appellants and respondent to pursue legal action. The initial factor was the apprehension of a six week old infant named Leticia Grace Woods, on October 20th, 1976, by C.A.S. of central Manitoba. Upon removing her from her mother’s custody, in an effort to protect her, she was placed in a foster home as stipulated in the Child Welfare Act, C.C.S.M., c. C80. After several months in foster care, Mrs. Woods’,
“Decisions regarding the placement of children shall continue to be made in the best interest of the child, including which person is best able to provide for the child’s physical, psychological, and emotional needs and development.”
Clearly, further action was required in this case. Following the report and investigation of Logan Marr’s complaint, Child Protective Services should have reviewed Logan’s placement
According to the DHS case record, a Child Protective Service (CPS) investigation was opened on October 08, 2015 regarding safety concerns of child, Alexis. A report was received with concern regarding domestic violence and threats by parents in the home including threats of using a gun for harm in an altercation over relationship issues that occurred on September 10, 2015. The assessment was closed in June of 2016 with a finding of Founded for Threat of Harm, Domestic Violence to the child by both parents as stated in the July 20, 2016 Founded Disposition Review Letter which you provided to us.
The court has made the decision that the Child Welfare program should be given temporary legal custody of your child. Based on state and federal laws the placement of children is only completed with considerable evidence that the child is unsafe due to abuse or neglect. The business practices and decisions made concerning Protective Services are not determined unilaterally but involve many individuals who evaluate the safety and welfare of children with the objective of keeping them safe from abuse and neglect. Making decisions in this fashion ensures that impartial, neutral individuals will facilitate the decision-making rather than one individual. Removing children from their families can be a traumatic, life changing event and is not done without considerable deliberation and
Yes, Tavion’s mother’s statement of concern about the suspicion of abuse should warrant a valid reason to lunch investigation in the child injury. Moreover, the emergency department staff had suspicion about the Tavion’s injury due to the fact injury is not consistence with an injury sustained in park playground. Hospitals are mandate by law to report any suspicion of child abuse; the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act enacted in 1974 was designed to encourage the reporting of child abuse cases, and prevention. In addition, most states have enacted laws to further protect abuse children, and most states protect the individual required to report cases of suspected child abuse; the following individual are eligible to report suspected cases of abuse include healthcare administrators, physicians, interns, registered nurse, chiropractors, social service workers, psychologists, dentists, osteopaths, optometrists, podiatrists, mental health professionals, and volunteer in healthcare facilities (Pozgar, 2014).
Gregory is a 9-year-old boy in the third grade who lives with his mother who is raising him as a single parent.
A state that undertakes custody of a child is declaring that it can do a better job providing protection. This system is a powerful agent of support, providing positive nurturing environments that enable a child to reach his or her potential. Nonetheless, when children suffer additional abuse in the system, this government intervention should be questioned.
A mother seeing her infant being taken away from her can cause psychological problems to the mother such as, depression, anxiety, and disciplinary issues. This can be the cause of increasing recidivism rate along with raising misconduct reports. Worst case scenario would be that the child would have to be put into foster care and if so, they might even be put into adoption. According to the Adoption and Safe Families Act, it states that when a child is put under the state’s responsibility for most of their 22 months, the mother must terminate her parental rights so that the child can be put into adoption (Stern, 2004). This act is another reason why nursery program should be put in other facilities because mothers are being forced to give up their parental rights to their child, which seems unjust because the program was not provided for them in their facilities. Hence, they are not able to take care of the child while they are in prison. If mothers were able to be release from the prison, they would have a hard time being able to regain custody of their child since their parental rights were terminated due to this act.
“Good management is working through others to accomplish task that help fulfill organizational objectives as efficiently as possible.” a) Would you agree to the above statement? Please explain your answer. No, I disagree with the above statement as efficiency was more towards achieving specific objective with minimum usage available resources and time consumption. In view of my current job in sales and marketing, if I just blindly drive my sales team to sale the products and services to fulfill the organizational sales target without considering the quality of delivery in terms of knowledge, skills, competency, and experience, time required for delivery, methods used for delivery and resources available for delivery. How long can I