
Case Study : Learning Models With Behavioral And Life Experience Patterns That Disturb Them And Change With Time

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Maura’s Case: Learning Models
Various learning models that can be applied in medical psychology and therapy exist. In the recent past, the learning models have been researched and their use in human medicine improved. The most basic form is associative learning where new association with events in the environment is made. The majority of the learning models or theories that exist borrow from Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov in the early twentieth century. Pavlov used dogs in his research and came up with what he labeled "psychic reflexes." From this fundamental behavior of the dogs when a bell associated with food was ringed, sprang the modern model theories used in learning today.
This paper sets out to explain, compare and contrast two theories used in medical therapy to assist patients with behavioral and life experience patterns that disturb them and change with time. The models are Bandura 's social cognitive theory and Operant model.
Overview of Maura’s Case
The models are used to explain the case of Maura, a 28-year old female who suffers forgetting of behavior she has engaged in for the last ten years. She has involved romantically with partners who have stable careers but never willing to commit seriously. Whenever she tries to ask them to commit, hurt feelings result and a break up ensues. Strangely, she doesn 't remember what happens right after the breakup and soon finds herself in a new relationship. The pattern repeats itself and bad memories of

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