Lucia should be attending an Afterschool program as well as a weekend program. I would like to suggest Lucia be placed in our schools, Windmill Elementary, afterschool program during the week. When the program is done we will schedule access-a-ride to bring her home. Lucia should also be placed in a day program. I would suggest Lucia attend YAI(2017) day habilitation services located in Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn where there is an emphasis on participation in the larger community. According to YAI(2017), participants have daily opportunities to develop skills, including safe travel using public transportation and community
MSTT met with Reynaldo to continue to examine he's issues and concerns regarding MSTT services. To also examine what areas he would like to work on and improve. Reynaldo is 17 years old turning 18 within a few months, and is really struggling in school. MSTT spoke with Reynaldo about his plans for the future, and where does he see himself in two years. Reynaldo express is willingness to attend college he just does not know what he wants to study once he's there. MSTT address with Reynaldo the importance of keeping his goal of attending college and use it as a motivitor to help him get through high school. Right now Reynaldo has to take 11th and 12th grade classes in order to graduate on time. MSTT will continue to monitor Reynaldo academic
Lucia Esperanza is a student with multiple disabilities who attends Windmill Elementary School. She lives in a second floor apartment with her parents, two brothers and grandmother. Lucia’s parents are not United States citizens, however, they both are legal residents. They speak a small amount of English as well. Lucia’s parents work full time as service workers, and their shifts entail long hours and work days. Lucia’s grandmother is her dominant caregiver because majority of the time her parents are working. The family relies not only on Lucia’s grandmother to provide afterschool and weekend childcare for Lucia, but her older brother, age twelve too. Lucia’s older brother is required to be available after school and
According to Lithonia Middle School, the district spending per student is increasing significantly each year, due to the amount of programs each student needs in order to succeed. The chart below shows the increase on the amount of funds being spent on a child per year:
If you’re looking for a way to demolish the school grading system you should call a student by the name of Anna K. Mope of Sacramento, C.A. I think she’s found it.
That being said, I feel that Lisa would benefit from individual therapy, where her core beliefs, her schemas, attachment style, thoughts and feelings, and traumatic loss/grief can be further explored. Her individual goals would be discussed with Lisa. She could also openly discuss her desires regarding her living situation when her grandfather was not participating.
Is there any advice she has for parents that can help improve their child’s overall health and development? “Have children involved in an activity where they can feel a sense of accomplishment,” she said. “Having something outside of school, an extracurricular, it doesn’t have to be a sport, it could be arts or dance, but some sort of activity where they are meeting peers, learning a skill and developing a sense of identity that’s outside of school, especially before they get into the pre-teen years where there are a lot of social stressors. I just think one of the biggest resiliency factors is having children in an activity. It teaches them confidence, structure, discipline and they’re meeting friends. It gives them a good foundation for their
WINDSOR - Yesterday, February 21, 2017, student’s from F.J. Brennan Catholic High School spoke out about their food choices in the school cafeteria. F. J. Brennan’s Student Council held a formal protest in the cafeteria at lunch yesterday demanding that the school offer healthier lunch options.
time with her family, friends, and participating in religious activities. J’s has 23 years of work
I interviewed Darlene and her caregiver Kristen. Darlene is around 60 years old and is developmental and intellectually delayed with a mental age of around 6 years old. She never really had an educational experiences because she was pulled out early on due to her disabilities. Her brother, Sister – in – law and a couple other family members still lives in Virginia. Darlene attends “school” during the day and she has a job there as a greeter in which she makes sure people signs in. She works and goes to school 3to 4 times a week depending on what activities are scheduled and the plans of the family. Darlene used to live with her brother and sister-in-law, but they were no longer able to take care of her, partially to do their age. Darlene
School is willing to support Sarah. Other community organizations may exist (e.g. Youth Center, etc.)
What area of health care and/or human services do you currently work in or would like to work in?
This past year, Mountain Home Junior High reinvented their after-school program. Throughout the year, several students in the program dropped out, and by the end of the school year, only ten students were being served. The ineffectiveness of the program, in my opinion, was due to a weak initiation phase before the program was implemented. A small committee was formed to write a grant from the program, set the program goals. There were no teachers, teacher leaders, or counselors on the committee and no input from community members or parents were considered. The curriculum for the program centered only on addressing benchmark scores of basic and below basic students and did not meet any other needs or the students. As a counselor, I heard complaints from parents throughout the year that their children would benefit more from having homework help and extended instruction. Teachers felt as if they were already using instruction time during the regular school day to prepare students for the last year’s PARCC and now the ACT Aspire exams.
Depending on where they live, maybe Donna would arrange to have a weekly family dinner or something – just something to increase connection. Lastly, potential goals for Donna regarding Alvin would be to, first of all, get him addressed by a doctor before implementing community and agency resources as necessary.
Inner-city elementary age kids face many challenges in and out of the classroom. These challenges range from education day in and day out, as well as, sometimes growing up in an impoverished family and community. Factors also include peers which these kids come into contact with at school, in the streets and at home. Kids today need more than ever an extra push of positive motivation from mentors. I believe that this constructive mentoring begins with after school programs. After school programs give kids the opportunity to work one on one with an adult to reinforce encouragement and teach more than just text education. Because I have participated as a volunteer at an after school program, I
It must be a shame to die from your own actions. Then again, it is what you get for falling for greed and not sticking to your gut. Shakespeare tells a story of a character named Macbeth in one of his most famous tragedies titled Macbeth. The story starts out as Macbeth being a hero. As the tragedy continues it reveals Macbeth's downward spiral and eventually becomes a villain whose actions go against him and end up to his death. Macbeth is to blame for his own death because of free will and ambition.