Meet the Les family. Ema, 33, and is one of the moms. Haley, 35, and is also one of the moms. Dipper, 5, is the son of Ema. Celeste, 15, is the daughter of Heley. Ema chose to be a Biomedical Engineer, because all of the signs added up. She is beyond enthusiastic about science, helping people, creativity, and one part of her always wanted to be in the medical field. Haley decided to be a Photographer because she has a love for art and enjoys the hobby. Ema earns $62,986.00 annually, and Haley earns $49,000.00. Together they produce $111,986.00. For their gross monthly income, they make $9,332.17. With the deductions of $1,136.81 for our federal income tax, $387.27 for their state income tax, $578.58 for our social security, $135.31 for their …show more content…
They live in an okay neighborhood at 18 Belmont CirTrenton, NJ 08618. It is a four bedroom two full bath, two story house. It also has an inground pool! It is 1,998 acres giving the kids lots of space for friends and parties. For their thirty year mortgage they pay about $649.00 and they pay $405.00 for their insurance and property tax. They are sure to love the house with the four bedrooms and tons of space. They chose this house because it has four bedrooms for all of us and an inground pool. (The children insisted.) It has a rich history and it will soon have a great family living in it. They will do some renovations around the house, like fixing the yard, adding gardens, painting, and flooring, but otherwise the house is perfect! The Les family's first car purchase! Ema bought a silver white 2016 Nissan Versa 1.6S. It is brann new with the price of $10,977.00 and $185.00 per month with the additional $405.00 for insurance. Later on as they live on with their lives they decide to put aside $200 of gas a month. Haley bought a red 2011 Ford Fiesta SE 4D Sedan with the price of $9,998. She loved driving from place to place in her lovely new car. We chose our cars for the size for our children to fit inside and because Ema’s car is fast and
I believe one of these two houses is good for you. After calculating your financial income after the taxes remove. We take your yearly gross incomes from Mr. Younger and Mrs. Younger. The yearly Gross income that you guys make is $45,301. Afterward, we will remove the 6. 27% of your incomes for taxes. At the end after the taxes removed, we will have $42,460. 63, however, we want the monthly income, so we divide that by 12 and get $3538. 38. So your monthly income is $3538. 38, and using the Reed Karaism study, we could only use 25% of your monthly gross income, and so 25% if your monthly income is $11,325. 25. Base on the results, I choose two houses that best fit want you to need and want.
On 02/26/2016 client Gregory Spencer came to the SSO for a House Meeting with HS De La Torre. The purpose of the meeting was to develp a Housing Plan and explore other possible housing opportunities.
Carman and Quan both work as FBI agents together. Carman earn $60,000 dollars a year Quan also earns $60,000 a year. Together, our gross annual income is $120,000.Our gross monthly income is $10,000. Each month Quan and Carman pay federal income tax $1,161.46, $530.83 for state income tax, $620.00 for social security, and $145.00 for medicare, and $500.00 for retirement.
Today it is a blossoming family community; a third of its families have children under the age of 18 according to Wikipedia estimates. Cost of living is slightly high with the average home price exceeding $300,000 and the average monthly rent at just over $1,300. Even so, this up and coming community is a peaceful and safe place to raise a family.
Carlas family has had a lot of deaths in the family, but they have not lost hope and they continue to live life even through all the struggles. Carla continued to keep her head up for her grandson when her husband, son, and daughter in law had passed away. Although Carla was not Roland biological mother, she raised him as her own son. She was a single parent after the death of her husband and is a great strength. Carla and her sister also seem to have a strong relationship because they have kept in contact weekly over the phone. Another strength of the family is that they showed resilience despite all the deaths and situations that have occurred within the family. They have moved forward to be there for eachother.
The FS family came to the agency's attention on 03/03/16 (prior to the PUR) for a report of Physical Abuse/Passive Physical Abuse and Unspecified Abuse against the mother. Although the allegations were not substantiated, the family was referred and opened in the voluntary Family Services program on 5/2/2016 due to a multidisciplinary staffing recommendation. Prior to this investigation, the family had multiple investigations and non-accepted reports. The family household consisted of the mother and her 2 children. The father of the youngest child resided with them at the beginning and end of the Family Services case with a separation in the middle of the case. The father of the oldest child (referred to during the review as the first child’s
The FS family came to the agency's attention on 03/03/16 (prior to the PUR) for a report of physical abuse/passive physical abuse against the mother and unspecified physical abuse by the mother’s paramour with the alleged child victim being the oldest child in the family. Although the allegations were not substantiated, the agency held a multidisciplinary staffing due to the family having multiple investigations and non-accepted reports. The multidisciplinary staffing recommendations were to refer the family for voluntary Family Services program and to contact service providers for information. The family was opened on 5/2/2016 in Family Services. The family household consisted of the mother and her 2 children. The 2nd child’s father resided
Monique and her family have experienced many incidents in her Liberian homeland that will have a lasting effect on them. The probable psychiatric effects of living through war, bombings, and destruction of your own village as you flee from it, are sure to play into the psyches of folks long after being removed from the immediate danger. Though the initial removal from this scene must surely be a relief, the overall toll it takes on folks would be very disturbing and burdensome. The worry of loved ones and friends left behind, and of losing your home and effects surely must be overwhelming. Even Monique’s family’s escape experience was harrowing with going through the checkpoints, being detained and the car being searched, and lastly, that final
Legal and ethical consideration for the Jacques family is informed consent and confidentiality. According to American Counseling Association Codes of ethical (ACA) (2014), state developmental and cultural sensitivity are discussed by the therapist to the Jacques to what expect during the session. The therapist use language that the Jacques family can understand and association to the Jacques cultural that is accommodating to their cultural (A.2.c.). The multicultural and diversity considerations allow the therapist to explain to the Jacques family when confidentiality would be shared. For example, the information on confidentiality can be shared if any member of the Jacques family wants to cause harm to themselves
Meet the Les’s from Trenton, New Jersey! Haley, 35, and Ema, 33, are the mothers. Celeste, 15, is the daughter, and Dipper, 5, is the son. Ema works as a Biomedical Engineer, and Haley works as a photographer. Both of the parents work at places because these jobs support their abilities, values, and interests. Ema chose her job because she is interested in science, she has arts as an ability, and she likes to be challenged. Haley chose her job because she is good in the arts, has a huge ability of being artistic, and she values her creativity. Celeste receives her education at Trenton Central High school while Dipper goes to Foundation Academy Charter School to learn.
Berry’s immediate family consists of her mom, dad, sister and brother. Her mom’s name is Cindy and she is 60 years old and the director of a nursing home. She says that her mom is soft spoken and her kindness can be taken as a weakness. Her mom is also a diabetic who takes her health seriously. Berry says that her mom usually doesn’t experience any problems with her diabetes. Berry’s dad is named John and is also 60 years old. He works as a real estate agent. Last year, John was diagnosed with cancer and has been receiving chemo treatment. He is currently doing well but there are days where he isn’t feeling 100%. She says that her parents love each other and love showing affection for each other. She reports that they have been together for
The Sanchez family is the typical Latino family that you find in most neighborhoods. The mother Celia Sanchez doesn’t speak English since she’s surrounded by people who speak Spanish. As a Latino mother she’s very religious attends church and participates in church events where she gets food as well. Since Celia’s English is limited this has been an impediment during school conferences and other situations that she has faced. Celia wants to apply for food stamps but her husband Hector doesn’t agree and is completely against it. I kind of understand where Hector is coming from being the man of the house he feels that he needs to provide for his family and thinks he’s responsible for everyone. Thus, he doesn’t leave room for additional help and wants to everything himself.
Bruce and Faith Johnston are 64 and 58 respectively and plan to retire within the next 2 years. They have a combined net worth of $456,990 and if they accomplish their goals of paying off their outstanding debt and their mortgage, their net worth will increase. Their current monthly income sums to $5,666 and their total monthly expenses totals to around $4,500 with $1,000 of it as expenses for subsidizing living expenses for their two children as a result of a “late parenthood”. With the idea of retiring within the next two years, their main source of income following retirement is the $235,000 in Bruce’s company profit sharing plan, and the potential inheritance of $150,000 from Faith’s father.
In case study nine, “The Family I Have,” we explore the relationship life of a Jewish girl named Myra during her adolescent years. Her story primarily focuses on her family relationship issues being that she neglected her family for her friends and other aspects of her life. This case study explores the relationship transition from family first to friends first as Myra went from childhood to adolescents. Like many adolescents, Myra’s shift is further driven by the newfound independence of adolescence, However, her desire for independence and means to gain it may have been more extreme than the stereotypical adolescent, causing turmoil in her and her family’s lives. Her story also analyzes the concept of family and the roles that each member plays within the unit. Eventually, Myra tries to strengthen her relationship with her family during her college years but wonders if it’s too late because the damage of their roles is already done.
Sentimental attachment. Most people are emotionally attached to their family home. However, sentimental value does not always equate to it being a smart financial decision