Candidate Platt received and briefed all five paragraphs of the operations order. Though her brief was given with confidence and clarity, her command presence lacked for the remainder of her evaluation. She stumbled around while attempting to control her weapon, and failed to move with a sense of urgency, as briefed in the order. Candidate Platt allowed her fire team to step off without going condition one. Though SNC tasked a member of her fire team to conduct the navigation, she never supervised or verified that the navigation was correct. Upon contact, SNC failed to respond for approximately 30 seconds at which time she did not give clear orders to her fire team on how to respond. During the attack her weapon experienced a jam, which
Candidate Allwood was able to provide all of the information required for the operation order brief. SNC included most of the information he was given; however, SNC briefed that the ammo needed to be delivered to the bridge and not to the designated LZ. SNC was able to control the movement of his squad as they began the execution; however, SNC lead his squad through dense brush causing the forward movement to be slow. SNC was able to make the required adjustments to put his squad back on track as they retrieved the ammunition. SNC made the decision to cross the bridge with the first fire team, putting him in the best position to control his squad. During the engagement, SNC was only able to provide minimal information for an ADDRAC. SNC
Candidate Davis delivered his 5 paragraph order covering most of the key points associated with the order. SNC’s orientation was confusing; SNC briefed that the current location was where the cache was located, then proceeded to state that the fire team needed to advance to the second set of grid points to complete the objective. This information is confusing and is proof that the fire team leader did not fully comprehend the order briefed to him. SNC stuttered consistently, displaying his uncertainty of the information that he was relaying. SNC improperly stated his TCM’s and informed his team they would utilize a column formation from the “assault to attack” and a column from the “attack to assault”. Upon reaching the objective, the fire
Candidate Jordan delivered an in depth five paragraph order. SNC posted security ensuring that the safety of the fire team was not put at risk. SNC had a good initial plan and proceeded to move the fire team towards the objective. SNC moved the fire team through the woods with minimal opposition; SNC maintained communication and good dispersion. Upon receiving enemy fire SNC suppressed the enemy by assaulting the enemy. SNC pushed through the objective to ensure that all enemy were killed. However, SNC forgot about the weapons cache and commenced to conduct a hasty 180, followed by a consolidated 360, and then an ACE report. SNC, in his haste to complete the problem, completely forgot that the mission was not only to subdue the enemy
Candidate Genter began his brief strong with an Orientation that included key terrain in the area. However, SNC's Execution paragraph not only lacked detail, but completely omitted Tasks and any executable plan to accomplish the mission. The extent of SNC's Scheme of Maneuver was to utilize the planks to move, causing many questions from his fire team members following his brief. SNC's lack of initial plan significantly hindered the sense of urgency with which his fire team moved, and in his absence of direction, another team member began to make decisions and direct the team leader and the rest of the fire team what to do. When SNC did communicate to his fire team, he did so in a composed and calm tone of voice. However, this did little
Candidate Lamb posted security prior to the beginning of his brief. Candidates Lamb's brief was delivered confidently, naturally, and not rehearsed. SNC was very comfortable delivery the 5 paragraph order. During his brief, SNC oriented his fire team and provided references to aid in the understanding of his order. Prior to execution, SNC developed an initial plan that included all the elements necessary to complete the mission. During execution, SNC was able to make decisions at points of friction. SNC was able to develop a sensible and comprehensive plan by gathering intelligence and taking suggestions. However, SNC did not rely solely on the suggestions of others to make informed decisions. At points of friction, SNC checked on the
Candidate Horton showed a firm grasp of the OSMEAC format and briefed a solid five paragraph order with confidence. The information he briefed was accurate based off the information provided to him by the evaluator. SNC focused on safety as well, instructing his fire team during coordinating instructions to not throw any of the equipment without being told by the evaluator. SNC's tasking statements contained purpose, showing he put some thought into how each member could be utilized to meet the objective and accomplish the mission. SNC addressed the tactical situation and ensured security was posted before briefing the order. SNC was clearly in charge of his fire team. SNC made good use of his fire team, ensuring security was posted at
Candidate Fowler successfully calculated the azimuth, however failed to calculate the distance and plot the location of the objective. SNC’s five paragraph order was delivered confidently, however lacking information. SNC failed to properly brief the enemy situation, regarding the location of the enemy. SNC stated that the enemy was seen in the area, however he failed to mention they were seen west of the area which is in the vicinity of the objective. SNC was provided with the accurate information regarding azimuth and distance; however when briefing his squad he still provided an inaccurate distance. Upon enemy engagement SNC properly assessed threat by engaging with buddy rushes. SNC did not ensure area was clear before bringing the casualties
Candidate Dowd began his evolution with a disjointed order. Though SNC briefed the Orientation and Situation paragraphs well, he bounced around the remainder of the order throughout the rest of his brief in the order of Mission paragraph, Coordinating Instructions, Command and Signal, Administration and Logistics, billet assignments, and Scheme of Maneuver. During the billet assignments, Candidate Dowd could not decide which fire team member would have which billet, changing his mind several times during assignments. SNC also said "uh" and other filler words during his brief, which did not instill confidence in his team. SNC did not brief succession of command, but he did brief a running password. During execution, Candidate Dowd maintained
Candidate Fowler displayed a low sense of urgency taking about two minutes following the evaluator’s brief to write his order then briefed his fireteam for over five minutes. SNC provided an adequate brief to be able to execute the mission. The Mission paragraph contained an accurate task and purpose but also contained additional information that was not necessary. Additionally, when he repeated the mission, it was not at all verbatim. SNC provided a scheme of maneuver that was above average however; SNC’s tasks were merely assigned billets with no true task and purpose. Throughout the brief SNC was a little choppy, showing a little lack of confidence and weak understanding of his plan. SNC did not post security during his brief, but did improve
Candidate Long’s performance was extremely impressive. He started his problem by conducting a detailed leader’s reconnaissance and developing a practical solution to the problem. SNC briefed his peers with confidence and clarity. His order was only missing the “when” part of the mission statement. He was one of the few who physically set in his security and established fields of fire. He lead by example by being the first candidate on the platform and used critical thinking to develop his plan by examining the weights of each member of his fire team. He acted with a sense of urgency but remained calm and collective. Once he established the bridge to complete the problem, he quickly realized he needed the ammo can and sent a candidate
Candidate Brown started by briefing all major portions of the order to include a well-organized mission statement, which included the “in order to” verbiage, showing understanding of the purpose. She posted security only after briefing the order but checked back on them periodically. Later in the execution phase, the team member assigned to security was standing up and not staying in a tactical mindset. SNC failed to address this lack of discipline. SNC's lack of leader’s reconnaissance caused her significant problems in the execution; she was solely dependent on the two fire team members she sent through before herself. SNC lead her fire team through the obstacle from the back, which did not embrace the leader-fighter concept. She often got
Candidate Tzitzon's Orientation was confusing, Leading tp the order being rushed and very inaccurate. SNC's confidence was lacking and he seamed ill prepared for the situation. SNC appeared not to understand the mission parameters as he posted security in the wrong place and walked out of bounds. These actions caused confusion amongst the remaining members of the fire team. The resulting confusion caused the fire team to question the order. The lack of understanding resulted in the inaffective use of personnel and casued multiple causalities throughout the task; resulting in mission failure. Candidate Tzitzon appeared nervous and very confused, leading the fire team to have a lack of urgency in completing the task. SNC needs to ensure that
Candidate Balough delivered a poor five paragraph order. SNC was able to establish an accurate azimuth and distance to objective. SNC was less than confident while briefing his order as, it lacked pertinent information. SNC’s orientation simply stated the grid points briefed to him by the evaluator. SNC was able to successfully cover the enemy situation and tasks of the fire teams. SNC did not cover any information that would be stated in the rest of the five paragraph order, as his brief was clocked at 1:32. SNC was able to establish security in the assembly area as well as while in route to the objective. Prior to as well as during engagement of the enemy SNC was met with conflict dealing with one of his fire team leaders. The team leader
During Candidate Goldsbrough's delivery of the order, he appeared to be nervous in front of his peers. SNC lacked command presence in the beginning and it showed to his team members. SNC developed an initial plan but it was very vague, this lead to the development of a poor plan. As they began the execution phase, Candidate Goldsbrough failed to communicate directions to his subordinates and confusion set in. This caused the entire team stand in confusion without instructions. SNC did not employ the fire team effectively and valuable minutes were wasted stopping forward progression of movement. As the mission proceeded, Candidate Goldsbrough gained more confidence and began to employ the fire in a manner that would accomplish the task. SNC
Candidate Olesh, hereby referred to as SNC, delivered a disorganized five paragraph order which adequately addressed all topics. SNC confidence built as SNC progressed through the brief, however SNC appeared to lose confidence and the quality and clarity of the order degraded. SNC developed a poor initial plan which SNC attempted to alter. SNC appeared to be in charge during the problem and SNC’s subordinates complied when given instruction. SNC was not deterred when SNC’s fire team incurred a casualty penalty, which demonstrated SNC may have the ability to overcome adversity and work through friction. After several failed attempts by SNC’s subordinates to overcome an obstacle, SNC attempted, failed, and made adjustments to SNC’s plan.